~*~a tranquil place~*~

~1984, Icelandic, vegetarian, norse pagan (ásatrú), in love~
~lover of nature and animals - literature - music - travelling - drawing - anthro and fantasy art - etc~ (this is a wip!)~

VegetarianPagan/ HeathenPiscesBookwormIcelandStraight Edge PrideTeaAspieADD/ADHD AwarenessInvisible Illness Awareness

“ Snowy gif for LadyFenrir, I hope you feel better soon!


Snowy gif for LadyFenrir, I hope you feel better soon! <3 ( and that you can actually enjoy the real snow you have over there xD)


“ Three colored sketch commissions for @drakonika as a gift for @thorsvision! Featuring our dragonfolk characters!
In the first, Eiryn, Ellian and Kyda are giving Thryma a necklace made of horsehair, freshwater shells and feathers from...


Three colored sketch commissions for @drakonika as a gift for @thorsvision! Featuring our dragonfolk characters!

In the first, Eiryn, Ellian and Kyda are giving Thryma a necklace made of horsehair, freshwater shells and feathers from Eiryn’s birds.

In the second, Sia, Eiryn and Thryma’s adopted little daughter, is giving her mom a flower crown she made, after seeing the other gift she received.

In the third, the girlfriends Eiryn and Thryma and the twins Indrys and Vygo. Nothing better than a group hug with your best friends in the end of the day!

Ellian and Kyda are Drakonika’s. Thryma is @thorsvision‘s.  The twins, Eiryn, Sia are mine.


*ugly sobbing*….. <3


“ Another concept portrait of my viking character. Her name will probably be Hrafnhildur (Icelandic for raven and a woman of strength)
Thank you @thorsvision for helping me :)


Another concept portrait of my viking character. Her name will probably be Hrafnhildur (Icelandic for raven and a woman of strength) 

Thank you @thorsvision for helping me :)


“ Finished two felt handmade ornaments of mating leopard slugs. This is the only time of the year I allow myself to use glitter and I must say, it fits their mating organs perfectly!
I’m planning on selling ornaments, but I don’t think...


Finished two felt handmade ornaments of mating leopard slugs. This is the only time of the year I allow myself to use glitter and I must say, it fits their mating organs perfectly! 

I’m planning on selling ornaments, but I don’t think I’ll have the time to finish them before Christmas, so I’ll probably list them next year (my ornaments will stay throughout the whole year obviously…)

If you haven’t seen leopard slugs mating, I highly recommend watching this amazing video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG9qpZ89qzc


“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy; I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

— Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)