


lumi - any pronouns

Im like kind of curious soooo what got you into toontown corporate clash?


HEHEHE story time.

So I actually played the original Toontown Online back in the early 2010's up until its closure in 2013. I remember visiting the other playgrounds but never getting a subscription so I think it was Literally up until its closure. I was afraid of the cogs and never got really far, so I just had fun dressing up toons, getting doodles, stylizing my estate, etc. i promptly forgot about it soon after because my virtual world attention was pulled elsewhere.

I had heard about Toontown Rewritten at some points but never had time to go check it out. In Early 2023 I had seen some fanart for Clash (i think it was stuff by colliholy) but didnt think too much about it.

Later that year one of my friends was showing me some of the manager designs. I think it got brought up because of an inside joke involving me and capitalism. The designs really stuck with me, and thats when Clash entered my mind.

Late July when Artfight was winding down I was entering that slump in between interests. I decided to say "hey fuck it lets go try out that game" and.... well the rest is history.

I did not expect this interest to last this long im gonna be honest.

Anonymous asked:

Drop the Marley facts


- has heterochromnia, her hidden eye is more blue.

- the bag that she has is shaped like a star with google eyes. its name is just Bag.

- totally a miku fan but her actual favorite vocaloid is probably someone really obscure. or IA. that works too.

- if she had the courage she would have a figurine collection... she only owns a few.

- annnd i think her favorite pokemon would be swablu, bc it reminds her of her favorite aesthetic. or something like that.

Anonymous asked:

What are your opinions of the fan characters of your characters

I assume you mean OC's of my universes.

I don't care, there's some lore to them but I haven't gotten around to documenting them yet (maybe I can make a post about it someday? chat what do we think.)

although please don't call regular gijinkas "Lunium OCs" :((. I didn't invent the concept of Pokemon Gijinkas. They must be IN LUNIUM to be considered a Lunium OC.

Anonymous asked:

Why is everyone here an anon? I can't judge because I am anon. But why anon?

i dont know but if people start being weird i wont hesitate to remove

Anonymous asked:

This is a more serious compared to all the other asks on this account, but I wanted to mention that thinking about Sam actually saved me from choking.

See, it was a few days ago at lunch, and was eating some peanuts, then I started choking on one. As you can imagine, it hurt like hell, and I thought I was going to die, especially since at my school, I'm an outcast, and nobody really cares about me. Mid-way throug choking, I started to imagine what would Sam do in this situation, then I started to hit my throat, and the peanut came out!

I'm really happy that I thought of that at the right moment, and I also thank you for creating Sam, since I probably wouldn't be alive right now if you didn't. -🎨 Enanon

well anon, i hope youre okay. and if its any consolation sam would absolutely do that too.

Anonymous asked:

Has what was under Snom's mask that was revealed in Danganmon been retconned or changed? Tryna keep it vague to avoid spoilers ^^


Anonymous asked:

Will we ever get to know what would have happened if we had picked for Cyrus to stay with Cyrillo? Or is it lost in time? I know somewhere there’s a despair Cyrus sprite with his hair down but I think it’s gone. But it got me curious .. sorry if this has been asked before btw !! ^_^

all of that are in the now deleted DM servers. I dont know if i still have the sprite on hand.

anyways the general gist is that cyrus and Sylvia wouldve died but in turn juno would live. he wouldve taken a similar role as cyrus.

minus the panic attacks at the sight of cyrillo of course.

Anonymous asked:

Ur characters look like pikmin captain I luv them/pos

thank you!

this post made me realize i forgot backenforth's colored nose. maybe ill update it later....

Anonymous asked:

I love Sam🥺


If you could bring any(I also mean anyanyany) of your characters to life who would it be?

good question! i feel like a lot of them have better/more fun lives inside their world than ours (at least eventually)

i would like to bring all 7 trainmasters in because i think they could fix some things here. on the other hand i dont really think introducing NWT characters who could introduce interdimensional travel to our world would be a good idea.....

Anonymous asked:

is there anything that can be said about split-face in lunium since they got brought up?

not much. just know they are conceptually and visually extremely different, but they're still the same manipulative bastard we've come to love (hate)

Anonymous asked:

oooo you wanna tell us about your cog dog lukah so bad oooooo/nf

LUKAH INFO BLAST!!!!!!!!!! shes the newest in my gang... but she has very silly lore. kind of an excuse to ramble abt how i think the toontown world works.

- survives on confiscated throw gags! cog food is very dangerous to lukah, especially in daily doses... so she has humbly requested that all throw gags be sent to her for "special disposal." her favorite food is actually pumpkins, but she never eats those anymore :((

- I'd like to think her and the ottoman get along. At the very least on a friendly level, he probably keeps the chairman away from her. The two bond over taking care of plant life. Although, Thomas doesn't share the same passion for ending the war like Lukah does... if not due to the fact he believes he can't do much about it, something Lukah strongly disagrees with.

- Other cogs she'd get along with... Deep diver for sure. You know, environmentalist buddies. That's probably it for the boardbot department. I don't think many like her very much. Maybe she's tried to mediate the toon council and L.A.A situation to little success.

- As much as she loves the holiday season, she struggles with enjoying it as much as everyone else. I think she's a Toonseltown native which makes her naturally very festive... but cog holidays are much more money oriented so its not as fun. Also she's red-green colorblind so everything looks pretty dull anyways.

- Has the dumbest sense of humor ever. She's heard every "whats updog" joke in the book and every time she laughs until her stomach hurts. To keep her sanity I imagine Lukah reads joke books in her free time and erupts into laughter at the silliest of things.

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