“ The Star
Guess who finally started playing Dragon Age.

The Star

Guess who finally started playing Dragon Age.

Shared Dec 28 with 40 notes + reblog
# dragon age: inquisition# inquisitor tarot card# farts# i missed richard so i shoved him in game first# he always looks like a sad dog in every screenshot i take and it makes me so happy# richard williams# idk how to emulate the same style but itriedstar.jpg

Some really tiny minis of RP ships and my adopted sons with terrible names u qu

Shared Dec 29 with 29 notes + reblog
# mage rp# vios terra# milizia# drato# gavic# dicktitty# thunter# kendrix baston# gavin rios# richard williams# hunter connor# django circuit# tony sparxx# ink tango# farts# jfc look at all these tags

The me who thought warming up in a different style would be fun. Sorry for butchering your girlies, friends ; q;

Shared Dec 06 with 205 notes + reblog
# milizia# hunter connor# richard williams# do i tag this with dicktitty and thunter idek# farts

Obvious parody of this in which I joked that Hunter and Chastity would have a strange moment in the infirm and just busted out singing together. And y'know busting out into song is Richard’s thing so he joins in and everything is way too awkward afterward so they all just go back to work and never speak of it again.

Shared Nov 13 with 29 notes + reblog
# milizia# hunter connor# richard williams# farts



Shared Nov 13 with 26 notes + reblog
# milizia# richard williams# THEY BE JUST FRIENDS WITH UH BENEFITS OR SOMETHING# LIKE LATER ON THO# and they're just dicking around in the gym cos chastits be getting all cocky# and richard's like excuse there's only room for one dick in this academy and that's me# dicktitty# whoops don't look at my anatomy# farts

“ “ “I won’t even ask you to love me, just spoil me a little” ”
ok so also throwing this here and then going to bed for real bye


“I won’t even ask you to love me, just spoil me a little”

ok so also throwing this here and then going to bed for real bye


Shared Nov 13 with 112 notes » via - source + reblog
# milizia# friggin' chastity# richard williams# dicktitty# actual ship name# friggin gay


Cosplay Appreciation!! [Cuz Halloween was over a week ago… (¬u¬);;;]

I love Milizia so much, and I loved this comic just as much as all the others

Art by ultrajacket on Tumblr and dA Go Support her!:
dA: http://jackettt.deviantart.com/
Tumblr: http://ultrajacket.tumblr.com/

Myra: Subaru-Camui (if you don’t know myra she was in a few dubs before X3 go watch them to listen to this cutie XD):

(Thank you so much for helping! XD )

Judah: AnathJacksonIII (Best Frenemy Evar)

Richard: Philsterman01/10

We own our voices and nothing more!

OMG GJOIFDGFHGJFG oh man Phil I never know what to say when you dub my stuff it’s always such a treat and just very jgoifdghogfjh It’s really flattering you’d do such a thing even when they’re all just original characters too! Like aw man you really bring these guys to life and I’m just HNNRGH EVERY TIME

Shared Nov 09 with 15 notes » via - source + reblog
# milizia# richard williams# FRIGGIN' PHIL MAN# always dokis over myra's voice tho like it's so cute and spot on# everyone's just spot on and precious# PRECIOUS!!

And I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life.
And I would have stayed up with you all night 
had I known how to save a life.
Shared Nov 06 with 6 notes + reblog
# milizia# richard williams# farts

I did it. After two years of having this on my bucket list I finally drew it. Judah and Richard in a two man horse costume with princess Myra. I guess happy early Halloween laughs.

Shared Oct 24 with 28 notes + reblog
# milizia# richard williams# farts

SO I REALLY WANTED TO DO THAT PICK A DRAWING YOUR FRIEND DID AND REDRAW IT IN YOUR STYLE MEME so I went ahead and squeezed this thing out and redrew something old Emi drew me /hnnrgh It’s still like my most favorite thing anyone’s ever drew me AND...

SO I REALLY WANTED TO DO THAT PICK A DRAWING YOUR FRIEND DID AND REDRAW IT IN YOUR STYLE MEME so I went ahead and squeezed this thing out and redrew something old Emi drew me /hnnrgh It’s still like my most favorite thing anyone’s ever drew me AND STILL MY DESKTOP BACKGROUND AFTER ALL THIS TIME so I wanted to make it look nice and to do it justice but ended up cutting corners cos I should be doing other thingsgjfdoigfg BUT YEAH OKAY this was real fun to draw cos wow man how long has it been since I’ve drawn MR. OLIVER ROY?? yeah okay WUBWUBWUB gomens emis _(|,3/ L)_

Shared Oct 21 with 24 notes + reblog
# milizia# richard williams# WUBWUBWUBWUB# if you don't look long enough# the anatomy mistakes are less blaring# farts