text post from 2 years ago

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Dale Gaberson / Gabe

✦Mixed Taiwanese(Hakka)| 19 | He/Him✦

I’m an aspiring comic artist, I mainly post about my stories and characters. On occasion I sprinkle in some fanart here and there.

I also dabble in poetry and music.

Feel free to shoot me questions or asks. I’m more than happy to share art tips, brushes, and resources, etc. 💚💚💚

DNI: Dsmp/Hp/Terfs/proship

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text post from 23 hours ago

I have been so depressed lately I haven’t been able to post any sturgeons but I saw this on the Great Lakes aquarium Instagram his name is CRACKERS he is a BELUGA STURGEON they are TARGET TRAINING HIM so that he can eventually enter a sling comfortably to get his checkups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


text post from 1 day ago


this idea's been rattling around in my brain for FAR too long and i can't make it pay rent so im finally evicting it onto the page

I'll add the links to the rest of the pages under the readmore as I complete them!

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text post from 1 day ago


Brother Gregor never spoke and often spooked the neophytes with his appearance, but he was a gentle soul and a phenomenal cook and knew more ways to prepare a fish than the abbot knew hymns

text post from 1 day ago

The latest numbers coming from Gaza state that there are about 77,575 injured Palestinians as of April 28, 2024.

I honestly see this number as a very humble one, but regardless, I said this in 2014 and it bears repeating: considering the types of weapons Israel is using in Gaza, the overwhelming majority of these injuries are severe and critical. So when we say that well over 77,000 people are injured in Gaza, we're talking about tens of thousands of people who have ended up with a lifelong disability. Thousands of amputees with no proper care. Thousands who will not be able to walk or see again. Many won't be able to go back to school or work again. Burn victims without the means to reduce or take the pain away. Many on life support and many more who will not even make it.

So many open wounds, both literally and figuratively, that we need to keep present in our conversation about Gaza.

text post from 1 day ago

hi all, my name is yona and i am a mixed (tsalagi/roma/yt) two-spirit ndn. it's indigenous people's day, and my family is struggling very hard to put food on the table right now. we've applied for food stamps, but we haven't heard back yet and we're scrambling to come up with the cash for groceries. i hate asking but we really need to money so we don't go hungry. rbs r appreciated

c-shapp: $spiritbearwiki


hi 🖤 i know the day is over, but we're still in need of help. i've gotten $75 so far which i SUPER appreciate, but i would like to reach $200-$250 so that i can fully stock our deep freezer and shelves with food for the few weeks hopefully, that way we can focus on other bills.