• i had a dream that was a HNK gem. i had to check my blood sugar (im diabetic) which consists of pricking your finger to draw a small amount of blood.

    i went and pricked my finger, only for a small part of crystal to chip off and my only thought was “this is fucking stupid”

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    everything i know about homestuck has been derived secondhand

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    updated HNK tier list in case anyone wants a reason to fight me today 💛

    order within the tier DOES matter I ordered them specifically like that . Also it took me way too long to figure out who topaz and heliodor were

    below the cut is my tierlist from 2022

    Keep reading

  • i had a dream that was a HNK gem. i had to check my blood sugar (im diabetic) which consists of pricking your finger to draw a small amount of blood.

    i went and pricked my finger, only for a small part of crystal to chip off and my only thought was “this is fucking stupid”

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    prompted by @pyenkov’s adorable gem Talc to post my own super-low-hardness gem, Sulfur!

    Sulfur is an extremely friendly gem that tries to help in any way he can- which unfortunately, isn’t much sometimes. He spends most of his time around the school working with soft materials (i.e. paper making, clothes repair, fabric spinning) and collecting plant material.

    I’m finishing up my finals now (ough . College senior) and once I’m free I wanna draw them together 🥺

  • sent by icinnie19

    okay i wanna draw cairn really bad again. should i do their earth raid outfit or their timeskip one

  • answered by admiramethyst

    timeskip!!! she’s so pretty in that one with the hair slicked back 🥰

    plus I just love lab coat cairn sm

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