Hello, my name is Nero… I found this device in one of the small villages, and figured it would be good for me to document my travels. I’m not… entirely sure how it all works, but…

Well, thank you for visiting me here. If you have any questions, I will attempt to answer them in a timely manner.


Main Blog

Blogs that exist in the same universe:
auroraespurr & amewsnest



Little Gummygoo version 🐊💚💛

[An image of the sky. There are more stars than one can imagine, and the moon is full and centered. The frame is rounded, as if taken through a messy cylinder.]

I decided to stay in the small hollow I found earlier. The night sky was very clear tonight, I don’t often get to see something like this..

Food is too sparce here, I must move on before I cause more damage.

[An image of a forest of tall, ominous trees. A thick haze makes it near impossible to see details in the distance.]

Forests nowadays are very hard to navigate.. not only is everything much larger than I, but it’s difficult to see potential threats in the fog. I find it’s always best to travel through them in daylight, as the darkness that comes after sun fall makes it nigh but impossible to travel through.

[Another image, this time looking into an empty, rotting log. There seems to be a nest, long since abandoned.]

This would be a good resting place if I need it…

[A third image, this time, of a small sapling. The green leaves are slightly withered, but is undoubtedly alive.]

…Sometimes it can be hard to hold onto hope, but little things like this make it a bit easier. Maybe life will return to this world yet.



[the echoing voice from the village takes Nero off guard. He decides to pick up the item of interest and promptly leaves.]