


Honestly, hello? Do people still read these things? Name’s Vee | He/They | 22 | Honestly, Just here to vibe atp

Folks, friends, y’all…. esk*mo is a slur. I understand a lot of people don’t know that, I don’t want to be a dick about it, but I’ve been seeing it in fics. Wanna write “esk*mo kisses”? Just say “nuzzled noses” or something.

I’m not here to call anybody out, it’s been in multiple fics, I’m not vague posting. This is just a psa. 👍🏻

If you could help me spread awareness about this by reblogging, I’d really appreciate it.


I’ve had this post on insta saved for sometime ❤️

[Text Description: “Hey! Reminder: Eskimo is a slur. It means ‘snow eaters’ in Cree and is a slur against Inuit . Also don’t use ‘Eskimo kisses’. It’s called Kunik. It is a greeting mostly used for family… Kunik was how I’d greet my mom and grandmother as a small child.” /TD]


Rebloging for the awareness and especially for the alternative words

And so people who are just learning this now know the proper usage: “Inuit” is plural. The singular is “Inuk”, as in “he is an Inuk”


Hey, just so everyone knows, Inuk isn’t always accurate either! Yupik and Aleut are commonly labelled eskimo too and they’re not Inuk!


Senpai says you’re welcome

Reblogging again because I just realized that if I had this advice in high school I would’ve never made a tumblr account.

Also works for most of those news sites like WSJ or NYT that only let you read a little bit, or block adblockers. Also some disable the scroll bar but if you go to the right side of the console after hitting F12 and look for the CSS element “overflow” and change it from “hidden” to “visible” then you can continue scrolling for free. Might have to click around on different parts of the page to find it, but it should work.


I like it when your Pokémon get the zoomies then just conks out.


pardon me but can someone tell me what the hells going on with the playlists Spotify is putting together automatically for me. what the flying fuck is a ‘dog water mix’

I decided to scroll down the list of playlists spotify put together for me and each one has me more perplexed than the last. what the fuck is battle clown music. eggpunk? am i having a fucking stroke

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