
i went to a tiny counterserve diner once and accidentally poured sugar instead of salt all over my hashbrowns and was eating them sadly anyways. the waitress took them away and started making me another one and I tried to protest, but she just snorted and said “we’re not catholic here”. now every time i’m doing something painful out of obligation i think about how that is not repenting, this body is not a catholic establishment, there is no nobility in suffering.

(via friendghoul)




Are You Opting Out of Tumblr Allowing Third Party AI Model’s to Train on Your Data?



I hadn’t heard of this before, but now I’ll opt out

Show me the results!

I’m planning on abandoning tumblr and deleting my blogs

Other (please explain in the tags)

See Results

From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr’s new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.

Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!

And again, please reblog this post!

So far: 34 votes, only 5 reblogs.

(via naniiebim)


Dungeons and Dragons: A new generation.

(via naniiebim)



Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 

AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.

Here are the important details:

  • We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
  • We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
  • To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
  • For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
  • Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.

If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.

by the way also, since staff’s instructions aren’t especially clear it’s here in your blog settings (on browser select your blog and then blog settings on the right)

The screen looks like this:


then scroll aaaall the way to the bottom:


This does not apply universally across your account, you need to do this for each of your Tumblr Blogs individually.

(via naniiebim)


The idea of a Soulslike Touhou fangame is very amusing to me because on the one hand, you could argue that the highly dynamic, wide-ranging, long-distance types of combat that characterize spellcard duels would be entirely incompatible with the pace of even the fastest Soulslikes. On the other,

a) laboriously trudging through various haunted locations where everyone is attacking you for obscure reasons

b) pausing repeatedly to chug warm drinks and look around for hidden items to alleviate your perennially precarious finances

c) desperately seeking out rests and naps to restore your faltering humanity and trying not to think about how all the annoying people you faced shall be back when your eyes next open

d) trying halfheartedly to decipher and discern the riddles that everyone seems to speak in to get the slightest clue about whatever the hell it is you have to do to save the world, complete with the risk of making things much worse because you were too hasty or unreceptive to environmental cues

e) forming attachments to certain patterns, fits and gear and sticking stubbornly to them because they give you the right kind of stimulation and routine in a horrifically unfamiliar world prone to hit you with sensory overload

f) occasionally breaking from these patterns to try out something new and cool that you’ve been saving up for ages to get, only for your new plans to fail completely because you underestimated some crucial aspect of balance, class and adaptability in your excitement

g) enduring all this so you can finally engage in gruelling combat with an eldritch mommy who is a shadow of what she used to be in her superstar phase, but does not let the loss in status or power render her the slightest bit less condescending or vicious; and

h) encountering so many nasty surprises and abrupt reversals that you start to look upon the whole affair with a sort of deranged, carefree humour that nonetheless does not insulate you from occasionally dropping everything and screaming in sheer angst

- are all things that basically make up Reimu Hakurei’s daily routine. Johnny Darksouls, c'est elle.




does anyone have that picture of that fucked up looking white kitten that looks like this


Her name is Nimbus and she grew up to look like this


@doofnoof dont leave this shit in the tags! It’s true and you should say it!

(via jutsei)














I feel lied to. This is where the bugs bunny NO meme cokes from


Ah lads they fucking rotated him


Me, reading this whole post:


NOW it’s you


Oh yea? Well guess what bro


Best post I’ve seen all day


(via lousidity)


Hello friends, there’s a dogwhistle I’ve seen used a couple times on tumblr that I want to discuss.

Fellow neurodivergents especially, please listen– towards the end of this post I describe how some in our community have been using it without knowing what it means.

A fairly common antisemitic dogwhistle used amongst alt-right circles on the internet is being a “noticer,” “noticing patterns,” “pattern noticer,” etc. I’ve seen this from a couple Tumblr blogs I follow reblogging memes and such that use this term but don’t provide any context about what sorts of “things” they may be noticing.

Here’s the meme that I saw a blog I’m following reblog last night.


Seems pretty harmless, right? It’s a meme with a cute cat.

In alt-right circles, what they are referring to “noticing” is the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world/“noticing” evidence of an imagined globalist (read: Jewish) world order/etc. If you see a meme that uses terms like “noticing patterns” that doesn’t elaborate what those supposed patterns are– just leaves you to fill in the blank yourself– take a look at the types of things OP might be posting. The alt-right has an idea that it’s forbidden to talk about who might be behind the “conspiracies” they talk about (again, the target is frequently Jewish people) so lack of context is often a red flag.

I sent the blog who reblogged this an ask informing them that the meme was a dogwhistle. If you see someone reblog something like this, check what they’ve been posting. If this seems like an isolated incident, the person probably reblogged it not knowing what the term actually meant. That’s why dogwhistles are so effective– to the average person they look harmless if you don’t know what to watch out for!

Let’s take a look at how alt-righters use this term.

Here’s an alt-right definition of it from Urban Dictionary.


Oh boy, this one gets a bigotry bingo for all the dogwhistles used here. If I miss any, feel free to comment. Here are the ones I found:

-Noseticing: Noticing plus nose, based on the stereotype for Jewish people to have large noses.

-“those who cannot be named”/skirting around saying Jew: again the idea that it’s forbidden to talk about who they think is behind their conspiracy theories.

-“world events and agendas”: idea that Jewish people have a Globalist agenda etc etc

-Degeneracy: Nazi term to describe the behaviors/people they find undesirable.

-Early life: refers to the section in a person’s Wikipedia page. If a person was brought up Jewish, it’ll usually say so there.

-Oy vey: a Jewish exclamation of exasperation that Nazis have unfortunately co-opted when talking about Jewish people.

Here’s probably the most obviously antisemitic meme I found.


The title and first bullet point include the “noticer” term. This meme also talks about a “group” who controls wealth. Who might the poster be referring to here?

Here’s a Twitter account with many similar alt-right terms. Explicitly identifies as a Nazi and ethno-nationalist, etc etc.


A couple other pages. I clicked on them to see if I could find any more examples but the first seemed pretty blank and the second… Well, I don’t have a twitter so I couldn’t view.


Let’s unpack these a little. The first one has “13 outta 52,” a statistic used among white supremacists to depict Black people (especially African-Americans) as “savage”: 13 referring to the percentage of America that is Black and 52 referring to the alleged percentage of murders in the U.S. that are committed by Black people. “109 countries” refers to the idea that Jewish people have been expelled from 109 countries during history. (Which isn’t entirely true. Some “countries” in this count are actually cities, regions, etc.) Some white supremacists may use the number 110 instead to suggest that it should happen again.

The second one has a blurb alleging a global sterilization effort and concerns of fertility. This is likely in connection to pro-natalism for white people. If Nazis want a so-called “Aryan nation,” they’re going to want white people to populate it, and so they encourage white people to have babies for their cause. Nazi Germany employed this tactic as well, even awarding “Aryan” German women who had four or more children for their contributions to the Nazi cause.

The reason why I’m emphasizing that context matters is that some neurodivergent people have seen this and co-opted it into neurodivergent circles. As a person who is Jewish and autistic, this is pretty alarming to me. I’ll show a couple examples from Tumblr:




I’ve left out the URLs of the OPs because I want to give the benefit of the doubt– they both explicitly refer to being a “pattern noticer” in terms of neurodivergence. And it’s easy to see why introducing this term to ND folks would be an easy way to get a dogwhistle passed off as harmless! Since autistic people often have analytical minds, we often make connections that others might not be able to see. But unfortunately, using terms like this only makes it much easier for antisemites to fly under the radar.

Stay safe and let’s keep Tumblr free of this shit.

(via jutsei)









This potato works. Every. Fucking. Time.

Reblogging because it’s a damn potato and I want to encourage people to assume potatoes are magical.

w-what if potato is actually lucky

we goin’ for it 💪

(via jutsei)

Kirby holding a cooler Master Sword

I guess you could call this a pseudo.. “Draw this again”? (Since I drew something similar to this 18 years ago?)

Been kinda.. working on this the past few days in lieu of…  actually doing Art Fight or art that makes fucking sense… >_>;

I haven’t felt like art in awhile, so this is kind of something I needed to do.

Posted using PostyBirb

Jazz suffers from a weird mushroomJazz was off collecting mushrooms for the Oracle and all that jazz, but.. something was off about this mushroom. It was faintly familiar, and.. Jazz felt weird just getting close.
…But hey, the Oracle wants...

Jazz suffers from a weird mushroom

Jazz was off collecting mushrooms for the Oracle and all that jazz, but.. something was off about this mushroom. It was faintly familiar, and.. Jazz felt weird just getting close.

…But hey, the Oracle wants mushrooms, they getting mushrooms.. Strange though, it just elicited old memories.. not too pleasant ones.

Posted using PostyBirb

Trio of HeadshotsA trio of Headshots I still owed @Numiauri.. From about a year ago.
Daisy, on the left, is a Leechmonster owned by Auri, and that art was done.. seven months ago.
The middle is Semesta, a CCCat.. owned by @PromptoBeans!?.. Art was...

Trio of Headshots

A trio of Headshots I still owed @Numiauri.. From about a year ago.

Daisy, on the left, is a Leechmonster owned by Auri, and that art was done.. seven months ago.

The middle is Semesta, a CCCat.. owned by @PromptoBeans!?.. Art was done.. yesterday.

And finally, on the right, Skylar, a Mhoat.. also owned by @PromptoBeans… That I finished JUST NOW…

Auri needs to really stop giving characters other people own for art they’re owed. XD

..and I need to speed up. =_=;

Posted using PostyBirb

..oh yeah, Tumblr exists. I keep forgetting to check..




i love the phrase “you’re not wrong” because nowhere does it imply that you’re right either


(via promptobeans)