
matt engarde for aa7


he/they | jojo/noct | all I do is project

Being 20+ is basically a constant question of “am I doing enough” and the answer always being a solid ‘no’



even if you only reblog, that’s enough

i was debating on whether or not i should post this on tumblr but seeing as there haven’t been posts about this yet, here it is. i’m exposing my real location and nationality but it doesn’t matter.

if you have been active on twitter, you may already know #savemyanmar is trending. long story short, there has been a military coup. several nations have released statements but i want to share insight on what’s happening in the country.

memes about a coup have been circulating around for a couple days and when i slept at 2 am last night, we were still under the rule of the National League for Democracy (NLD). while they are not technically democratic, they are the closest we’ve got. when my mother woke up at 6 this morning, she was notified that the country was now under the rule of the military.

banks services are no longer available. wifi was cut at around 7-8. some people got wifi again earlier but many got it barely thirty minutes ago. this is bad for businesses especially ones that require international communications. additionally, international students like myself are experiencing anxiety; how do we pay for and attend classes if we’re not sure wifi is a given?

myanmar has a long, complicated history with military governments. the last time the military went into rule was in 1962 and only stopped in 2011, following the 2010 elections. there was a huge protest in 1988 lead by students that resulted in lots of death. during the military junta, resources like rice, water, oil, were scarce. the gist is military rule is bad for us.

all of my followers are not myanmar citizens, i’m sure but as part of the international community, please help us. here is a petition that you can sign (although i’m not sure if that can do much). there may be protests in front of myanmar embassies so look out for those. most of all, please help spread awareness. 

the people here are coping with dark humor, primarily in the form of memes but we don’t know how long this rule will last, even though the official statement said only a year. here’s something that pretty much sums up our coping mechanism:

again, even a reblog helps


This is today, February 1, 2021. And it is critical.


My mom finally opened an Etsy!

She’s very shy and modest about her crafts, but with the pandemic going on she’s finally taken the leap and decided to open an Etsy! She makes a lot of handmade cottagecore type of stuff, and also has lots of genuine vintage goods from family to sell!  It would mean EVERYTHING to me if yall could take a peek at her Etsy and Follow it, or even just Reblog this post please!! Thank you!! ;;_;; Link to her shop! –> https://www.etsy.com/shop/GardenGirlGifts?ref=search_shop_redirect


me, learning things about myself: oh this is bad


trans men should be allowed to talk about how misogyny hurts them without being labeled as women

trans women should be allowed to talk about how toxic masculinity hurts them without being labeled as men

trans men should be allowed to talk about how toxic masculinity hurts them without being told its their fault for being men

trans women should be allowed to talk about how misogyny hurts them without being pushed out of the discussion

terfs, transmeds and exclus if you even look at this post i will stomp you to death with my hooves


When people asks questions like “Do trans men hold privilege over cis women” all i can think of is that post where op says “this is how you all think privilege works” and its a pokemon damage type effectiveness chart


Stop this “work hard” bullshit. You deserve free time, you deserve sleep and you deserve mental health. You deserve to procrastinate and you deserve to have your hobbies. You deserve it. You need it. No one should work & study all the time.


“Cancer/mental illness/disability affects rich and poor alike.”

Uh, no, it doesn’t. Rich people can afford the treatments and accommodations for those things. Poor people cannot. Get the fuck outta here with that classist shit.


listen i understand not liking pregnancy in general for trigger reasons but if you are legit only disgusted by male pregnancy, period, you're..... transphobic lmao


No: “Dysphoria isn’t what makes you trans, gender EUPHORIA is what makes you trans!”

Yes: “The only requirement to be trans is that you do not 100% identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. Arbitrary standards of transness only serve to hurt trans people and give cis people more ammunition against us. Stop hyping up these arbitrary standards and milestones.”

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