by keebs

My work is not allowed to be used as pfps, or reposted if you are not the commissioner

I have AUDHD and memory issues, bear with me lol..

+ Favorite ocs +

My favorite ocs that I'm currently fixated on the most!
Helpful if anyone plans to draw them, and doesn't know which! + I want to show them off

You can view their pages by clicking on the image

I have a ton of ocs and love them all dearly, just because one isn't in here doesn't mean it's abandoned.

+ Character Design +

+ Rendered Art +

+ Blacklist +
Users on this Blacklist aren't allowed to receive designs or art by me, or interact with my open species
(after the date of blacklist)

- beetlestyx/mossimori Tracing
- melodromacy Creating design ripoffs

If someone is found to be purposefully giving a blacklisted user my art/designs they will also be blacklisted

+ Are your commissions open? +
Check the commissions button on the main page!
+ Are your art trades open? +
I will announce openings on discord and twitter, if I don't have a recent post then no!
+ Would you ping me when your comms/trades/adopts are open? +
I don't do personal pings cause I have memory issues BUT I ping roles on discord for them when they are open!
+ What program do you use? +
Clip studio paint
+ What tablet do you use? +
Huion H610 Pro-v2
+ What pen do you use? +
I swap between like 20 different pens.. due to not being able to keep track of which I used 90% of the time, I will no longer be giving them out
+ How long have you been drawing? +
Since 2014
+ Can I DM you? +
On twitter sure, but I cannot promise I will answer
+ NOTE +
I am very uncomfortable with people heavily referencing my art or designs, please avoid doing such.

3D model - Livdays

3D model - Mayocube



The game is currently in its very early stages of development, If you'd like to learn more or if you have any questions, check out the discord below!Once we reveal more information, it will be put here!

+ Gallery +



Join the game's discord for recent updates, volunteer applications, and chances to get your character put into the game!


shh.. we aren't ready yet

+ FAQ +

Q: What's the game's name?
- A: The name has yet to be determined!
Q: What's the game about?
- A: All we can reveal at the moment, is that you will be playing as Bug, and making plenty of friends along your journey!
Q: When will the game come out?
- A: There is no set release date, and likely won't be a date for quite a while. We will make an announcement if there is one revealed!
Q: How can I volunteer?
- A: We will open applications for volunteers when we are ready, we will make an announcement on the discord when we do!
Q: Can I make fan-art of the game's characters?
- A: Absolutely! You can post it in #🎨fan-art on the discord or use our fan-art tag on twitter. (coming soon)
Q: How can I play-test?
- A: We will open applications for play-testers when we are ready, we will make an announcement on the discord when we do!
Q: Will the game be free?
- A: We have yet to determine the price of the game, but it will likely be either free or dirt cheap. (like $5-$15)
Q: What site will the game be released on?
- A: Likely!
Q: What devices will this game be playable on?
- A: PC only! We may do a mobile release some-day but for now our only plans are PC.
Q: Can I donate to support the game?
- A: We will open a ko-fi specifically for the game when we have more to show.
Will add more, as questions are asked.