fuck it. new gender just dropped. introducing KILLGENDER aka the gender that represents a want to kill the concept of gender itself. killgender is not masculine or feminine, it rejects the norm and strives to go beyond it. killgender individuals harbor hatred for gender, similarly to genderpunk. killgender individuals can feel like the concept of gender is too much to comprehend or too binary and merely want to destroy gender altogether for how restrictive/confusing it is. this is a gender heavily linked to neurodivergency, punk subcultures and horror movies, especially those in the slasher genre.

i made this bc i never found a gender i could properly id w it and it made me sooo mad LOL =_=“ so i just made my own!!! feel free to use the flag in edits etc but pls acknowledge that i’m the one that coined the term ok?? cool B)

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