
MLP mane 6 human names headcanons!!

Had a funny idea and just had to, so here we go

Twilight Sparkle - Eduarda Ramos

First name obv being a reference to Twilight the book series lol, and last name just being a common last name cuz I couldn’t think of anything else and I think it sounds good

Rarity - Clarity Argent

The parallel of Rarity to Clarity just writes itself lmao and her last name means silver which I think is neat

Rainbow Dash - Daria Raine

Her name was kinda hard to figure out, so I just chose what sounds best. Basically just her pony name rearranged lol

Fluttershy- Teresa Monarque

I always thought Teresa is such a fitting name for her :] No real reason I just like the image of it. Last name is monarch in French which is obv for monarch butterfly !

Pinkie Pie - Pela Stone

Her name is so iconic I had to choose one that sounds the closest to her pony name and has that Silly energy to it. And Stone obv being a fitting last name for someone from a family of rock miners

Applejack - Jackie Smith

Naming Applejack anything but Jackie is a crime and should be punished by law. Anyway she gets her grandma’s last name as it just Makes Sence


I like to think this has happened…

Damian, tweeting: I will consider homicide if someone DM’s me one more time asking for Richard or Jason’s number. I do not care if you think they are “dreamy,”you don’t want either of these two imbeciles in your life.

Tim, replying: why can’t I ever be the hot older brother? 😢

Damian, replying to Tim: Timothy, you are 5’6” standing stick straight

Bernard, replying to Damian and Tim: oh, baby, you walked yourself right into that one lol

Babs, replying to Tim: it’s okay Tim, you’ve got more brain in that head of yours than either of those two have combined

Steph, replying to Babs: true, they share one brain cell. Here’s evidence: *video of Dick and Jason trying to figure out how the automatic blood pressure cuff at Walmart works*



I will finish this at some point, I promise!

Batman being all >:( whilst his bf is all smiles and sunlike. cat x dog relationship frfr

I love them so…. I should really make a finished peice of them rather than all these sketches


I will finish this at some point, I promise!

Batman being all >:( whilst his bf is all smiles and sunlike. cat x dog relationship frfr

I love them so…. I should really make a finished peice of them rather than all these sketches


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