Situation Normal

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

An Adoring Father

I chose my character Orso as the subject to delve into the themes on a type of romance that exists between war fairing parties and their ideation of war and their insistence on its place in the natural order. Orso has never loved something purely or without obsession/destruction, so it seemed fitting the only thing he’d smile about is something that fosters he’s greed and ideals.

This is work to tie into my dissertation work along my studies, in response to our ideation of weapons, our relationships in peace and wartime with them in our entertainment, and their glorification.

Pinned Post original character oc concept art fantasy art fantasy original art my art procreate character design sketch illustrative art illustration commission open art commisions barbed wire war all is quiet on the eastern front vintage digital painting elf elf ocs elf drawing elf oc battle tw guns villain


As a former humanities student, I feel it is my duty to reblog this one.


A tech bro tried to convince me AI was amazing cause "you could make 30,000 screenplays in minutes" not realising that every single one would be shit, you'd have to sift through everything just to find some good bits, time wasted that could've been spent just writing a screenplay.

Technology Brothers know nothing about what goes into creating a work, other than the fact a work has been created to be exploited for cash. They see creativity as an investment opportunity, not a love for humanity.