Chlowry's TOS

Agreements of Ownership to my Designs

  • You agree that the character you receive is still in my legal ownership/copyright. I am allowed to revoke my design if you misuse it!

  • You understand that if you'd like to use my designs for commercial use, you must ask me for permission explicitly.

  • You understand to never copy/reupload my designs unless I say so.

  • You understand that if you've redesigned my character you agree to "fair use" of my designs.

  • You understand that I could change my TOS whenever necessary.

  • You understand that you must provide PROPER credit when listing my characters ALWAYS!

Terms of Transferring

  • If receiving my design in a GIVEAWAY, you may give it to someone else but please do not resell it! you're allowed to trade but do not get prophet off of the giveaway character.

  • If receiving my design from SALES/AUCTIONS, you may sell it for as much as you paid.

  • If receiving my design in CUSTOM TRADES, you are free to trade it but please do not transfer or resell it without my permission!

  • If GOOD AND CONSIDERABLE EFFORT (art, writing, etc.) is put into a PURCHASED or TRADED design of mine, you may raise the price accordingly. Make sure it's a considerable price!

Character Design Changes

  • You're free to redesign as much as you'd like to from the original design.

  • But if you do redesign, please make a separate bookmark or keep the old design images placed on the profile of the character!

  • Do not redesign the character to make it an NS*W and L#WD character/design. I'm a minor and making that out of my design is really disgusting.

Use of my Designs

  • You may use my designs for advertisement purposes BUT ONLY if the character has been purchased/auctioned on. Characters that have been given away, gifted, and traded (with no value of money) are NOT ALLOWED to be used for commercial purposes without my consent/permission.

  • You must only use these designs for SFW purposes! like I said, do NOT L^WD or turn my characters into N&FW characters.


with everything said, I cannot change other's art/characters unless my own work is referred. I'll only mind my own things unless its necessary for me to take action!thank you for reading
(pass: skipper)