Terms Of Service

By commissioning me you agree to this service agreement.
If you don't follow these terms I have the right to refuse to work with you and temporarily/permanently blacklist you.

General / Payment

• I reserve the right to cancel or refund your commission at any time.
• I reserve the right to refuse service or products.
• Payment is handled through Paypal invoices only atm.
• I do not offer refunds on: Completed work ; Adoptable sales ; Any Misc monetary transaction. All Sales final.
• A partial refund can be discussed during the sketch stage only. After the sketch is approved, I complete the lineart and coloring at the same time.

Completion process / Revisions

After accepting your payment, I will provide updates to your commission as I work, and you are welcome to ask for small edits or additions to the piece as it progresses. I will only allow for one or two piece-altering edits before additional charges occur. Piece-altering edits include changing the pose, expression, or theme of the piece.

Usage / Rights

• I reserve the rights to my work. This includes but is not limited to its usage in: Advertisement, marketing, commission example posts, etc
• Do not claim my work as your own, this includes work: commissioned by you, for you, or otherwise.
• Your commission is for your personal use only. You may re-upload to gallery(s) with proper credit given. Commissions may be reproduced or printed for your own personal usage and display.
• Commissions may not be reproduced or printed for commercial usage unless royalties / commercial terms are discussed at time of sale. I will do my best to work with in your budget regarding royalties or commercial fees otherwise commercial: 50% or Royalties: 10% are my minimum but it may differ depending on what you want.
• Do not edit or repost my artwork if it was not commissioned by you, or for you. Any edits or re-posts found will be contacted for removal.

Adoptables, Character Design, and Design Auctions

• Do not claim my designs as your own work unless you have made significant edits to the design and the original isn't as recognizable.
• When bidding on a character design auction; Removal of bids without proper explanation will result in a temporary blacklist from future auctions. Please talk with with me beforehand and give me a heads up!!
• You may make changes to any design purchased by you or for you. If on Toyhouse, keep the original design and do not credit me for any edited art.
• Designs may not be resold for more than their original purchase value, UNLESS additional art is included. You may include the value of your own work at time of sale.
• Designs obtained through character raffles or gifts may not be resold unless discussed with me.
• I do not mediate in third party disputes.


• Discriminating/hateful content towards any race, gender, sexuality, or religious group
• Characters who do not belong to the commissioner and the commissioner has not received permission of the owner to have drawn (this does not apply to anime or large scale comic series, or fanart in general, only for characters owned by individual artists)

(This is not a legally binding document)