Coco’s art commission info
(Dm me on the platform you saw this on)


•Neck up: £5
•Bust up: £10
•Full Body: £20
Finished Art:
•Neck up: £10
•Bust up: £20
•Full Body: £40
Pose = +£5
Detailed Background = +£15
Basic Background = +£5
Extra character = +£20
Character Design = +£10
•Payment: PayPal
•Watermark: Art will be noticeably watermarked until full payment is received
•Posting: I will not post the finished art anywhere without a watermark
•Credits: Tag me anywhere you use it ^^
•Timelapse: I will post a Timelapse of the art but will watermark it
•Sketches: I will send you a watermarked sketch before you send me the money, so you at decide if you want to purchase from me or not. Sketch will be free.
•Examples: More examples of my art will be added here as I work on more drawings
I hope you contact me!!