think im going to start posting here, gonna be reposting “old” art i really like sprinkled in with new art until i catch up



blitzo helluva boss imp with scars that likes horses and stolas with the long horns and is pansexual and has instagram and relationship issues and also doms stolas and uses bear traps and takes stolas' sexual remarks literally (like how he wore a fursuit when stolas said lets wear 'catsuits') that is the adopted parent of loona helluva boss goth hellhound, anyways back to blitzo my-- sometimes he has a horse figurine in his pants and he has a magic grimoire that he got from stolas and is the one and only boss for I.M.P. and kills bad guys for a living like isnt that so cool hes just so cool yknow hes cool and all but like hes soo cool!!!