Time for a new pin \o/

Hiya! My name is Matthias, but Matt is fine too. Most of the stuff I post here is reblogs or silly ramblings when I’m feeling feral about whatever thing I’m interested in at the time.

I do sometimes post my fanfics here, as well as my art, although that’s usually exclusive to OCs with the occasional fanart.


If you’d like to know where to find my art, fics, or just where else I am in general, here’s my carrd !





















Being a Spider-Man fan who doesn’t like the Tom Holland movies is rough this day and age. The fanfic selection is abysmal, all things considered


I see the price of groceries and my leitmotif changes to minor key




Dragon age is coming back so you know what that means. Logging into your dash each day and seeing callouts because someone sided with the magical wizard rumpus club over the warlock circlejerk in their playthrough. Getting messages calling you problematic for following someone who has mixed feelings about the gnome independence movement. Seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs about how slorpity porpity the esteemed magical elf was actually justified in signing the pixie exclusion act. Get ready.

any day now

Uh oh



Ran in the same circles they say…👁

(now with continuation)

def-not-kaz-brekker sent:

HIII I’m currently reading your fanfics (all of them) (also you replied to one of my many comments so uh yeah) and I just wanted to say hi and to say that I LOVE YOUR FANFICS SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR WRITING AND IN GENERAL EXISTING

have a lovely day/night!! <33

Ty so much!!!! Your comments absolutely made my day during a very rough time in my life 🥰 Im glad you enjoyed them, the stuff that I write is always incredibly self indulgent and it’s always vindicating when other people enjoy it too!!

It will be a while before I can write and post again, but I have more ideas for one shots, so stay tuned!! ❤️

i’ll hold you close (i’ll stay the course)

a hazbin hotel fanfic

radioapple, rated T

chapter 7: day out

Lucifer sinks farther into his seat. “I dunno, Al,” he says, “I’m not sure I have the energy for the ‘Unflappable King’ persona, right now. I can’t let the public see me like… this.”

“No need for a public appearance, then!” Alastor says, “We could have a picnic, perhaps in the garden out back? I’m sure we could find some privacy somewhere.”

Lucifer is quiet for a moment before the smallest of smiles creeps onto his features.

“I know just the place.”

written for radioapple week day 7: day out






we’ve circled back around to men cannot experience love pack it up folks it’s over

men famously have never written any songs or poetry or anything about love . it’s a mystery really! crazy. all they want is sex

“a man wrote a love song for a woman” is something that has never happened ever until hozier came along


your second tag is very true but it’s NOT the point . let’s focus up please. do NOT tempt me with beatles yaoi i WONT be distracted

Writing Advice Posts: A Handy Reference Guide


(Updated 05/2024) Hey all, I’ve got quite a few writing advice posts & answered Asks on my blog at this point, so I’m making this reference guide to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Hope it helps!

Free Resource Library for Fiction Writers

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The Complete Guide to Self-Editing for Fiction Writers is my comprehensive, step-by-step editing guide which you can purchase on my website.


The Writing Process, Writer’s Block, & Inspiration

Character Development

Story, Plot, & Pacing

Description, Setting, & Worldbuilding

Point of View


Publishing & Sharing Your Work



…if you find any broken links please let me know and I will fix them!









@coruscanttojerusalem this. this is it.

“Sky too big” also gets you on the tops of very tall, sharp mountains, where standing at the top means everything around you except the snow under your feet is blue sky.

Y’all’re joking, but I remember the agoraphobia I had the very first time I spent time in prairie states. There was this terror inside of nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It went away when I flew back to the East coast.

It was there the 2nd time too, but not quite as strongly.

Even TALKING about it now makes me feel anxious.

Laugh all you want, but when you’re used to driving a few hours and hitting ocean, and an hour and hitting mountains, being surrounded by nothing but flat and Flat and FLAT and knowing that’s all there is for hundreds of miles does things to ya.

Not even slightly joking, though. Flat places give me the horrors. At least when you go up a mountain, you went to see the sky void, and you can hike right back down and hide from it in a nice valley somewhere. Safe little critter under the nice tall trees.

Out in the Flat Places* there’s nowhere to goddam hide from the sky. It’s all nothingness from horizon to horizon, and that nothingness wants to grind you under its boot like an ant, I swear to god.

*Flat Places may vary person by person, but I absolutely am including low hill country because I think it makes it worse. You look at the hills and expect to see mountains but none appears!

I don’t know how you cannot love this view.

Donbas steppe


Truly, at no point would I ever say that such a landscape is not beautiful. I’m not dead to the poetry of these scenes.

But, simultaneously (and that’s the crazy part), the sky triggers my threat response.

And I know friends from plains/field/steppe-country who find it stressful to have mountains “looming” over them (their words, never mine).

Them: comforting wide horizons, I could see any threat coming. Me: I am exposed, I will fall into the sky :(

Me: comforting mountains, sheltering me in the valley. Them: these big rocks will fall on me :(