subjecting ryoji to my shitty sense of humor
original photo of the cutouts by @/animatetenjin on twitter!
subjecting ryoji to my shitty sense of humor
original photo of the cutouts by @/animatetenjin on twitter!

subjecting ryoji to my shitty sense of humor

original photo of the cutouts by @/animatetenjin on twitter!

lightlykos asked:

your art is amazing and im ready to jump deep into ryomina and im glad im not the only who saw the end has like gay subtexf

WAHH thank you so much for the kind words! congratulations on finishing reload- i’m glad to hear that you enjoy my work and that now you can enjoy all the ryomina fanwork out there! yippee!!

but seriously though you’re so right. something that i come back to a lot with ryomina is how they’re reunited in death- with minato becoming the seal and ryoji being able to accompany him for the rest of a lifetime. they have such a fun flavor because of the roles they play in the story and i’m glad you see that as well! (not to mention reload’s additional content for them.) really, it makes me happy to hear you could see that with the art you reblogged from me :)

thank you again for the ask, may your week be incredibly lovely and kind to you! 💙


a promotional graphic for persona 3 girls week featuring aigis, who is sitting peacefully. the graphic lists out the date and prompts of the event, and has a reminder that says, "don't forget to tag your entries with #p3girlsweek2024!"ALT

Hey everyone! P3GirlsWeek2024 will be taking place from August 5th - 11th, here is this year’s prompts!

You can read the rules and guidelines for the event here!

Text version of the prompts can be found under the read more.

Keep reading



minato moodboard


a promotional graphic for persona 3 girls week featuring fuuka yamagishi, who is browsing her laptop. a two-part speech bubble is attached to the laptop. the first bubble says "interest check: 1 week left." the second bubble says:  do you have: - date preferences - prompt suggestions - questions?  send your feedback to us! we'd love to hear from you!  in the bottom right, the text "#p3girlsweek2024" is written.ALT

Thank you to everyone who filled out the interest check so far! We’ve received lots of lovely suggestions and comments!

Haven’t had time to send in your feedback? Remember that our interest check closes at May 17th @ 11:59 PM PDT!

Fill out the interest check here:

Rules and GuidelinesFAQAskbox



We’re proud to announce that the official interest check for Seeking the Truth: a Trans Naoto Zine is now open! Please take the time to fill out the form here!

This is a SFW zine focused on Naoto’s identity as a transgender character. Any and all interpretations of it are welcome to participate!


persona nui havers! in the tags, talk about your nuis like you’re writing a review of them on a website!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ verified purchase


where do i even begin? purchasing minato nui has singlehandedly changed the trajectory of my life. every day is brighter with him around. i bring him along with me everywhere i go and let me tell you that buying a fun-sized super swag guy will change how you walk around places. all of a sudden it’s like every object in the universe belongs to him. i have done this for two years going on three and i will continue to treat him like the wonderful little guy that he is!

and you know what’s better than buying one nui? buying multiple nuis! they are the definition of endless fun. please, look at aigis on a table. what she is telling ryomina and souyo nui is up to you. you too, can create scenarios like this in your home (or car, or wherever you want to go)!


these little guys will make your days brighter and full of whimsy! they bring out my carefree and youthful spirit. the inner yippee, if you will! i’m being so serious. i brought all five of them to a restaurant once with my family and the waitress asked me if i wanted the kids menu. i’m convinced the nuis made them think that.

overall, if you are in need of a little cheer, buy yourself some nuis NOW!!! but be warned that they will take over your camera roll… 👻



persona nui havers! in the tags, talk about your nuis like you’re writing a review of them on a website!


if you get lost in the woods these two will NOT save your ass. also plush eyes cannot properly appreciate the grand splendor of nature. 0/10

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