stupid mf


you know as long as you're a sensible person we'll get along. extended.
welcome to my carrd! whole thing is still a w.i.p but i'll get around to adding more. eventually.

he/him/his † adult † non-black p.o.cinterests / tba.

stupid mf


cod:mw2 (2022); cod game series in general; transformers series; doom series; internet horror; hi3; ffxiv.
chainsaw man; jujutsu kaisen; golden kamuy; classic horror/slasher movies; webkinz classic.

stupid mf


› respectfully don't.
under the age of 18
› please don't.
openly political, get into shipping discourse, "pro-ship".
› don't.
bigots aren't welcome around me so good luck.
if you're unable to: criticize the media you intake, realize that others can enjoy 'problematic' creator content in ways that don't support them, & realize dark content can exist without it being romanticized or fetishized.
aka; you are responsible for your internet experience, do not put it on me to moderate it for you.

— !!

server invites are chill, same with gc invites. one on one dm's make me a bit uncomfortable with people i don't know well so please don't take it personal if i don't reply right away.i've never once beaten the socially awkward neurodivergent allegations lmao.

a glowing white text that reads "with no remorse".