Daarka @daarka · 1 year ago

I wanted to make a proper post about this to share–because I’m real proud of what @krakendraken and I came up with, simple though it may be! So enjoy a bit of a lore dump

(very brief/undetailed mentions of prejudice and self harm below, the latter without going into any details at all)

Keep reading

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Daarka @daarka · 1 year ago
nyrafernvale asked...

Just saw you love getting asks on your post about your girl Valentine so here I am!

Question 1: Who’s your favorite dnd OC you’ve played?

Question 2: Your dice are beautiful—have you ever made a set inspired by your own OC?

goshhhh youre so sweet

I think the answer changes fluidly over time, but at the moment, I adore Skena and Cassiana. I’m just… I’m a cleric main, I won’t apologize for having two clerics.

Skena is a death cleric, daughter of Anubis, 4'6" and full of anxiety. and bees.


Cassiana (Cass) is a grave cleric, a one-eyed double amputee (left leg and left arm; she has a glass eye prosthetic, but I promise one eye is missing) who used to be a shield maiden barbarian. It’s complicated, but I adore her.


She’s also, despite being objectively the Most handicapped, the party’s tank.


can’t dodge for shit, but she can hella take a hit, despite looking like she’s going to fall apart at the seams from a stiff breeze. I’m obsessed with paradoxes in characters so this delights me.

Answer 2: THANK YOU! And I have! I’m working towards having dice for all my characters.

From years ago, closer to when I first started making dice, I made some for Skena;


And then later, revisiting the design with updated molds;


But I have to say, my favorite Skena dice I own–frankly, potentially my favorite dice I own period (and I have A Lot)–is this set I was gifted from @decusdice a couple years back:


There’s a whole ass Anubis in the D20, and the D10s have a heart and a featherrrrrrr I cried

I also have these I made based off my character, Daarka


I also have dice I’ve made for Cass but I caNT FIND THE PHOTO OF THEM

And don’t get me started on dice I’ve made for my bestie’s characters… I basically got it in my head when I started making dice that I would make him dice for all his characters. He only has about a dozen, maybe a little less than that, but it’s been like three years and BOY I am making slow progress. I guess let me know if you want to see a dump full of those dice/side by sides with the characters they’re for? I can upload that separately, I think I’m cutting it close on the 10 image limit for this post lmao

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Daarka @daarka · 2 years ago
Anonymous asked...

for your new dnd character, who’s her deity and what is her relationship with the like?


So I should first explain that I play Cassiana (at the moment) primarily in the world I DM for. The lore for that setting is that any pantheons of gods that exist on earth can also exist in that world; my other cleric, Skena, is descended from Anubis, for example. It’s always made more sense to me to have a world where different regions have different pantheons of gods, because that’s what happened in our world, too. An entire continent or even globe does not typically all subscribe to the exact same religion! And instead of crafting countless deities myself, I find it much more interesting to be able to use deities that have full articles and research and culture established around them already!

Cassiana is from the north, a cold, mountainous, and rather inhospitable country. The pantheons that exist there tend to be of the variety that line up to west-Asia or northern/eastern Europe in our world.

With that all established, you have a bit of context behind me saying: Cassiana’s patron deity is the goddess Kalma (a Finnish goddess in our world). Kalma is a deity of graveyards, decay, and similar domains, often attributed with the dead and even odors of rot.


She’s not very easy on the eyes (or nose), but damnit, we stan characters and entities that are not conventionally attractive in this house.

Cass has rather indirect connection to this deity; Kalma is more like an ambiguously-extant presence in Cass’ periphery than she is an individual Cass mingles directly with. Which is a far cry from Skena, an aasimar, who communicates directly with her god a great deal. For Cassiana, Kalma is a very background-dwelling presence, practically just a vibe, that she subscribes to and aligns with, simply because that vibe feels “right”.

Cass has a bit of a funky backstory, but I’m not even sure she’s aware of Kalma’s identity, or that it is, in fact, a goddess she is drawing her power from. Kalma doesn’t strike me as the type of entity who feels it necessary to announce herself, either. So they’ve got that weird thing goin on!

Thanks for asking c:

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