Daarka @daarka · 5 years ago
Anonymous asked...
Each characters favorite foods, I must know!


Daarka: Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken

Lokas: Candied dates, probably. He eats these like they’re going extinct.

Skirk: Anything that’s edible and in the same room as him.

Sionuir: Seafood!

Ingrid: Seafood, because she likes how happy it makes Sion.

Skena: Anything sugary.

Ezra: Cornbread! Reminds her of childhood.

Yhqg’nr: Galaxies, particularly supergiant stars and planets bearing life.

Cessurus: Dove hearts~

Viviana: Petit fours, grilled cheese, tea, babies/children.

Euryale: Tea, and fractions of Mediterranean dishes when her stomach allows.

Axa: Coffeeeeeee

Jean: The breaths of the living. It’s also the only thing he eats.

Rahi: Human. Preferably children.

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