
I may cancel orders if needed. Some orders may also be declined, so please understand if your order is declined.
When placing an order, please confirm your age for NSFW items. If you don't confirm, you won't be able to proceed with the order.
You can view my to-do list to see the orders currently in progress. Feel free to check in to see the progress. :)

Payment Method
All payments will be processed using PayPal (USD). When sending the payment via PayPal, please choose the "Friends & Family" option.
Please wait for my confirmation before making the payment for your order.
All payments must be made in advance before starting your commission.

Commission Progress
I will keep you updated regularly throughout the process of creating the artwork. This will include sharing the sketches, line art, and other stages of the work.
Throughout the process, There'll be strong watermarks on the screenshots to deter theft. After payment, the big watermark will disappear, but a faint one on the artwork will remain to keep it safe. Please avoid asking to remove it, as it helps prevent my art from being stolen.
If you spot any mistakes or want changes throughout the process, please let me know, and I'll gladly fix them and/or add them.

To get a refund, please ask for it before the commission starts. If you can't do that beforehand, there will be a fee if you choose to cancel the commission later on.
We will talk about this more in direct messages, and the price will depend on what you've asked for.


$9.00 (USD)
• Extra character + $9.00

$16.00 (USD)
• Extra character + $16.00

$23.00 (USD)
• Extra character + $23.00

• I can draw Furries (anthro and feral) and humanoids
• All backgrounds free
• Please provide a reference sheet for your characters!