70 notes
  • Anonymous
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I love that Red is always in a constant state of 'do I want to kiss him or do I want to kill him' when it comes to BanBan


not to worry; heres a rare moment ……

though haha this might come as a surprise to some but they are not canonically a thing in sloptime … not stopping anyone from shipping them though (including myself)

101 notes

making the bold move to tell you off anon that i'm so so obsessed with sloptime exactly what i come to this platform for keep up the good work

thank u .. iforgot to post the next part ill do that soon … im verrry glad to have my series appreciated c: but for now, have some of these

3 notes
  • Anonymous
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Just read the entire thing

That was literally so good

If ao3 allowed me to I would give you hundreds of Kudos

thank you lots!! writing takes extra effort for me as it’s not something im used to … love having my work appreciated <3