TW: drug use, emotional/manipulative abuse, mental illness

Report link:
Current discord ID: 683366150843007048
(for those wishing to ban from servers/avoid ^ please do not use this to attempt contact or harass the user. We do not condone any harassment.

EDIT 2: 29/07/23 : Killu caught talking to another minor with romantic intent. (read below) + other updates

Recently it has come out that Killu has been talking to yet another minor, with emphasis on starting a relationship with them. Said Minor does not wish to disclose their exact age publicly but the range is 15-17 ; we will also be protecting their identity as they are a minor.

Included below are many screenshots between the two of them.
Note: killus discord name included the minors name so i have removed those

Extra notes: they were only in contact for 3-ish days and killu had already started talking to them as such, note how Killu never actually cares to confirm the minors age, and continues to act as such anyway.

Killu attempts to justify this by saying the minor was pushing them to have a relationship; but REMINDER that Killu is 19 and it is ALWAYS the adults responsibility to create safe boundaries and even block/remove as needed, but killu refuses to take any blame for their actions.

Extra updates:
NOTE: the owner of this doc below had solved the issue and not mentioned to us nor updated their doc ; but the situation in the doc below is now solved.

- proof of one of the scams, killus constant ignoring of messages, and finally blocking a customer after still owing them $50 USD.

EDIT 1 : 25/06/23 : killu is currently hiding on a new account, pretending to be new to the community, PLEASE beware.

New account :  ( / 
Discord : kobeiu (1115435780714795118)

Proof :

(join date is the day after kenzie spoke out) , they also previously had (removed recently) their location in their bio, which is hawaii , the same place killu tried to fly a minor out to.

Using her  partners paypal to sell adopts with + her  partner follows  her  new twitter
We know this is her  partner because this is the same person we had to remove from (pinewoif) ‘s discord server as a mod due to defending killu.

(this thomas, is softdoq shown below) (proof:

Along with the artstyle just being the same (below)
The paypal really solidifies it is indeed killu though, and we wanted to be 100% sure before we made this update

As of now (15 days since the callout) umie has made 0 PUBLIC announcement regarding ANYTHING.
Edit after we bumped the new update : she made a new post on the umie account addressing that refunds would be gotten to, we have attempted to ask some related questions in the comments of the post (waiting for answer) , did not address the new account but we asked.


Known Accounts
Toyhouse : killu (changed user), umie (current)
( report link incase she change users again : ) - deleted after their announcement - new twitter - inactive but intact
Umiiie - discord username (id: 683366150843007048 ) - paypal email

  • Killu uses he/she pronouns (from info on their profile) so we will be referring to her for clarity as ‘she/her’ the entire doc for the sake of consistency (and the sake of the screenshots/testimony consistency)

    Edit : went through the doc and corrected all pronoun usage.

  • Anyone who has had bad interactions with this user, either regarding abusiveness or scamming, is free to share their experience in the forum post comment section. Please try to include proof if you do so. Other victims of killu may feel free to make their own documents, we will be happy to link them at the top if shared.

Situational Context :
This callout is being written due to the recent information surfacing about killu meeting up with a
minor to give them drugs (whom only knew eachother for 3 months) , grooming + manipulating them, emotionally abusing tons of people. Killu has been excused for such actions for far too long and still has people defending their actions even with the immense amount of proof, therefore we have decided to collaborate on a callout doc.Killu confirmed herself that she met up with said minor (screenshots below)

The sections below contain screenshots from multiple victims, as well as the minor involved (that killu met up with) whom we have talked to extensively (and with their permission) to make this callout.


        Grooming is when somebody takes advantage of a victim, conditioning them to perform a service or gratification for the groomer. There are many who are aggressively claiming that because of the lack of obvious sexual intent, that this is not a case of grooming. That simply is not true. In the case with the minor, the grooming was for emotional gratification. The minor was Killu’s emotional dumping ground, constantly venting, oversharing, speaking of inappropriate topics including SH and EDTWT, and substance usage.

        Killu and the minor had bonded over their struggles with these subjects. These topics were used to enable the initial stage of grooming, building an isolated sense of trust. Subjects like these aren’t easy to talk about, and having an adult who understands is an exclusive and comforting feeling. But, Killu was no mentor, no guardian, instead this was used as an upper hand on the victim, going as far to indulge and enable the victims struggles. After, came promises of gifts. Killu used her place as a role model and inspiration to the victim to get art out of her. There are unfinished art trades, lots of owed art in general. This is something else that Killu was conditioning out of the relationship. Killu also used her age and monetary status to an advantage, offering gifts, offering drugs, and offering friendship from a popular artist. They were in complete and total control of the dynamic, and carefully calculated every interaction with all this in mind. Next, came another stage of grooming. Trapping the victim in the abuse cycle. This included sharing inappropriate amounts of venting with the minor, talking shit about the minor and her art, begging the victim to stay, trying to shut communications off but soon resuming. In this abuse cycle, talk of SH/ED, inappropriate venting, and the concept of meeting up was all normalized to the minor. MEETING UP WITH A CHILD TO DO DRUGS WAS A NORMALIZED CONCEPT IN THIS RELATIONSHIP- something Killu clearly displayed guilt over as well, by hiding this information and even stating herself that it wasn't okay (image context in the meetup section). This is the full circle of the grooming.
        There is also some incredibly questionable evidence, wherein Killu has a SH kink, the evidence itself is being kept private at this very moment for the sake of the others it involves, but has been seen firsthand by the people writing this. This information, alongside the grooming behavior highlighted above, adds an entire new layer to the situation. To indulge and encourage SH discussion with a minor with it ALSO being a fetish is unfathomable, and unforgivable. Whether it was Killu’s intention or not, this subtext is still valuable, with the victim themself stating how uncomfortable that correlation is.

Provided here are links to informational pages about grooming, for validation of the above statements.

source 1 source 2

While these sources mainly acknowledge grooming for sexual exploitation, that is not exactly what we are claiming happened. It is still, however, emotional grooming.

TESTIMONY from the minor involved:

Me and Killu had only been friends since around late February, when she agreed to do an art trade with me (One to this day she's never completed) and we bonded over that. I was 15 and she was 19 when we met. Drama was common around the group she hung around so I mostly bonded with her through comforting her through the situations she had been in. As we came closer we gradually started to be more vulnerable with one another and that's where a lot starts to happen. It's important to note we both have bpd, I was diagnosed with it and we became each-others fps (favorite person). To summarize, An FP is an extreme emotional attachment to someone where you idealize them, this is a bpd exclusive term. That's why I struggled to cut her off, since I looked up to her for so long and she gave me a lot of affection. I had a hard time looking at her bad actions for what they really were.

The first situation me and aya had gotten into was when we planned to meet. This starts off around 3 weeks before the meet-up date, April 20, 2023. Me and aya are from the same hometown area so we thought it would be a fun idea to meet up, this was planned for weeks. Whenever the day rolled around, we had developed plans to meet up, hang out, do various drugs like marijuana and magic mushrooms, and have a sleepover. This was a MUTUAL agreement. I had mentioned the fact that we were meeting up in her discord server before it was promptly deleted with a few negative reactions to the idea. A few minutes later, Aya cancels on me as seen in the screenshot below. It seems she had good intentions, except despite the fact that she knew it was wrong she met up with me two months later.

Between the time of the meetups, i had tried to cut aya off three separate times

The first time was because of what happened on April 20, she hid behind the lie that she never had intentions of meeting up with me and didn't know how to tell me (despite us planning said trip for several weeks prior and only told me this on the DAY OF meeting)

The second time was when i found out she was talking negatively about me, saying things like calling me annoying, obsessive, our relationship was parasocial, even comparing us to dream and a dream stan ( the audacity. ) despite the fact that our friendship was 100% mutual. We had talked everyday, called everyday, made art for each other, did collabs with each other, she bought me things, i supported her and she supported me. She said I was like a sister to her and I believed her. This is when I set a boundary with her, on a call I told her "Just don't talk about me behind my back, that's my only boundary". She agreed and we didn't have any issues until we did.

The third time was when she was over at my house. She was sitting in front of me and then blurted out "(Her now ex gfs name)  called your art ugly" Obviously childish, but i was hurt by the comment considering i looked up to both aya and her gf at the time. Upon her leaving my house , i asked for her to send some sort of evidence for this and she sent me this

I only got the full screenshot a few days later, and of course, this is what was said.

The same redesign she wanted me to do, the same redesign trade that she still OWES ME, and the thing she thanked me in person and said she loved it, etc etc. she said all of that only to turn around and do this. The voice messages were me practically bawling my eyes out ahh.

What all three times I cut her off had in common was she always promised that she'd do better, that she'd be here for me, she'd support me, she doesn't want to hurt me, she doesn't want to lose me, only for her to turn around and hurt me again.

Another important thing to note is that drugs were a very big part of our friendship, we bonded over it a lot, and most of the time she encouraged it. We agreed to meet up and do drugs together on several occasions, this ranged from weed to shrooms, to even lsd. She offered to fly me out to Hawaii as well since she had access to these things there.

Other things to mention is that she owes me art, 3-4 drawings through art trades and i've been waiting for only one of them since February. Since I came out about this, I've had lots of people say they've had the same experience.

I also wanted to add that she constantly went around telling everybody that I vented too much to her when 1. she was the one offering to help me and 2. She CONSTANTLY vents to me. constantly. I was always there for her. I even called the police to her house for a welfare check in fear that she hurt herself after disappearing for 3 days. It was something mutual that she constantly used against me

There is also a rumor that I am her cousin, and I can confirm that I am not in any way shape or form related to her. I only became her friend around the same time we agreed to do an art trade.




Context : killu met up with a minor to do drugs and sleepover. These are all screenshots relating to this situation. Both only knew each other for 3 months before this occurred

At the time of the messages below the minor turned 16 three days prior,  and killu was 19.

Context from this image : killu was going to meet up with the minor in question 2 months before it actually happened and canceled the day of after the minor mentioned it in killu’s discord server (to which it was promptly deleted - probably due to sudden realization of how bad it looks- and despite this she continued to go and do it 2 months later anyway)


^ Screenshots from killus discord announcement about the situation
Note: when they both actually met up, the minor had turned 16 less than two months before

Killu addressed the situation about meeting with the minor in question, in an announcement in her discord server to much backlash, and shortly deleted the entire server after seeing the backlash from the announcement. After these announcements she also deleted her twitter account.

Its now been a few days later and she has also changed her toyhouse username, assumedly in an attempt to run from the allegations and what she owes people. As she did not post any bulletin on toyhouse to inform people of the change or what happened with the discord.

In these screenshots Killu attempts to minimize the actions she did, saying it wasnt drugs (sidenote, weed is STILL a drug regardless of if it is legal in your state)

Clarifications from the minor involved regarding what killu said in the announcement

The minor involved agreed that what happened was essentially bpd grooming (killu has admitted to having bpd), grooming is not always sexual. Grooming is the act of conditioning someone for personal fulfillment, which can be sexual, emotional, or service. In this case, it is for service, in the sense that she was emotionally manipulating and abusing a minor, preying on them to use for emotional spillage.


Killu has a long history of emotionally abusing people, ignoring set boundaries and then begging for forgiveness, and wanting to ‘isolate’ people so that they only talk to her. Refusing to take responsibility and blaming others for her own actions.

Below are experiences confirming that Killu is emotionally abusive and manipulative

ELLIE (copy and pasted from discord)

me and aya met in early 2019, and things escalated between the two of us within a couple months of talking and texts got progressively more flirtatious, i was given the fact that she did in fact like me and while we were talking in august of 2019 we confessed to each other; after laney finding out that we were together, things got heated and aya manipulated me to think that they werent together nor flirting as i got defensive and blocked laney afterwards,  i was given the image that laney was crazy and lying to me about them being together, which made me feel even more upset as it wasnt even laneys fault.(cheating incident 1). i was manipulated into believing that i was the only girl that she was talking to when it wasnt the case; after months of thinking we were dating she suddenly stopped talking to me as much, i started to get paranoid as we were a thing and i found out that she was cheating on me with val. we broke up but aya claimed we never dated as well as spreading the image of me “taking advantage” per say of aya sexually in a now deleted beware post (cheating incident 2) my life felt like it was crumbling and i was only about 13 years old, nobody should ever go through that so young, i was neive and i gave her another chance around december of 2019, she did the exact same to me, manipulated me and made me think i was crazy for feeling upset towards her, we got close yet again and were flirting, just to be hit with her dating val behind my back. (cheating incident 3) she was trying to deflect onto something else that wasnt her and refusing to take accountability. i was truly at my breaking point as i deleted all social media hoping that we would never fall into contact again, this loop kept going on up until now

i cut her off for nearly a year in 2021 and she comtacted me, as well as laney and ria; apologizing for her actions. i was skeptical and i still accepted his apology, we were close until early this year when she made negative remarks of me and laneys relationship, claiming i was taking advantage of her to people i wasnt close to and was overly obsessive over our relationship; i as well as laney confronted her and she backtracked. claiming she would never do that behind our backs; at this point i lacked any emotional attachment to her due to the repetitive actions she claimed she didnt do. now, i stand face to the worst possible event i could imagine him doing, i am truly shocked and nobody should endure the trauma any of the victims experienced, thank you for taking your time reading our experiences and i truly appreciate each and every one of you

JAMIE (got permission from said user to present these here.)
Note : in the second screenshot killu says ‘jamie can die’ about the fact that jamie wants to support killu as their favourite artist. Which is extremely disgusting to talk about your fan this way.

Note: screenshot on the bottom right is aya’s reaction to the design in question.





The section below is regarding scamming / bad business - which is not as important as the parts listed above; but will still be included for clarity regarding killu as a whole.

(if you have any proof of being scammed by killu you can add your experience to the forum post comments.)
Killu has a history of bad business practices, she makes (as far as i am aware) most of her income directly from her artwork and designs. She does not have a public to-do list (that we know of) even though she stated multiple times she would make one. She often forgets what she owes (having to be reminded multiple times, and personally I have had to beg for WIPS + then beg for a refund because she kept ‘forgetting’.. She also has been deleting comments on her toyhouse profile regarding the ongoing situation (edit: now ALL comments are turned off, and no public post to address refunds/comms/situation). She hasmade no announcements regarding refunds / owed.

She has an insanely long list of refunds. We do not have any direct proof of scamming as it stands , as she has promised to refund everyone as far as we know, but what we do not know is if she will actually refund those who have commissioned as she seems to be actively ghosting a few people she owes and have had no public announcement regarding owed/refunds.

Blocking people she owes-

Ghosting customers

 (toyhouse comments posted below ONLY incase she deletes these, they are not proof of anything right now + the constant theme of ghosting refunds.)
Edit: all these comments are now gone with the removal of her profile comments, so im glad i screenshotted these beforehand.

(this is a supposed scam, we do not have proof she did not end up paying , but she did not announce winners and deleted her instagram by the time the end date rolled around, and then came back around a month later with the DTIYS deleted)

Killu hosted a DTIYS (draw this in your style) contest (back when she went by napsinu) in which she hosted a 30k contest, offering $ for the winners.

If Killu herself would like to come forth and dispute anything claimed here with evidence, she is free to. All conversations will be recorded and linked back here. She can contact us via DM to @hallghost in the case she feels there is disinformation presented here.

Extra notice : this document was written and edited by 3 separate people, so we apologize for inconsistencies  in the writing.