Introduction: This document has been created due to the continuous lying, h*rassment, stealing, and uncomfortablity this artist has caused multiple people. Because of this, several people came together to formulate and edit this document to prove that he is someone to be avoided at all costs.

(If anyone else has additional info/ evidence about his awful behavior please contact the email associated with this document. Your testimony will be added.)

Who is this doc about: Chase, Haunt, Heaven, Soniicko, Mawshunt, Mawscult, T0yhaunt, Chomphog, Primetime, Candy2cid, Tokyo, Kitty, Sunny, Xamsxu, WifeYaoi (all the same person just different aliases of his)

He will also be referred to as "Haunt" for the remainder of the document.

Trigger warnings ⚠️: Talks of nsfw content, nsfw of under*ged characters, H*rassment, Stalking, Slander, Tr*nsph*bia, Racism

(This document has been edited and written by several people.) Some words have been censored just in case.



Evidence of Haunt stealing/ admitting to stealing:        2

Haunt being sexually inappropriate:        26

Haunt's h*rassment of others/ encouragement of users to h*rass others in his server.        49

Haunt being transphobic:        66

Testimonials:        83

Haunt and his fake age problem:        126

Extra section:        149

(Each section is clickable)



I WOULD LIKE TO ADDRESS THIS as Haunt has tried to use this specifically against the document.


If Haunt wants to claim his ex friends are stalking him, fine. But let me preface this. How else were they supposed to gather this evidence? Just politely ask Haunt himself if he drew nsfw of minor characters and threatened people? Politely ask if he stole artwork or harassed ex friends? Do you think people haven't already tried to talk to him?

OF COURSE he'd lie. Of course they had no other choice. Also several of the screenshots avaliable are from DMS handed directly to us or from his ex friends who Haunt knew were in the server when the screenshots were taken.

And ask yourself this, is “stalking” Haunt to get this info really worse than the actual horrible things he said and did? If a stalking accusation is all he has when called out on his horrible actions, is he really someone you'd take seriously?

There are over 20 different people in this document and at least 15+ testimonies. How many more people does he have to hurt before others listen?

(Also to add- no specific person owns this doc as it was reviewed, written, and examined by multiple people. The account it will be shared on will also be anonymous as Haunt contacted and wished death upon the last owner.)


Evidence of Haunt stealing/ admitting to stealing:

Before showing the screenshots, no matter your personal opinions on things like color picking, art style copying, and more- Some of the artists here directly made it known they were not comfortable with it personally and had every right to blacklist him for breaking boundaries, as that's exactly what he did multiple times.

Of course there are way more blatant examples of stealing here as well.

These screenshots aren't in the order of which they were said.

Artist Number 1:

(Haunt's is on the right)

Real quick for these gonna be show , they aren't directly from Haunt but he essentially was encouraging the people in his server to steal by sending the message above ^

For context these screencaps are from after this artist was called out for doing things of a similar caliber as Haunt but are still important. Even if Haunt doesn't like this artist, stealing is still stealing.

The art on the right for example, isn't even drawn by said artist but because they're owned by the artist, Haunt thinks it's ok to steal even thought it's very obvious the art is from a different individual. He does not care.

Artist number 2:

Not only is the doll creator not credited in toyhouse (nor does he even mention that the design came from a doll) he admits in his server that it's ripped from pinterest.

Artist Number 3:

(For short context these are only the designs this artist was INFORMED were stolen, it is most likely he has stolen from many more. Several are also the artist's main ocs/sonas which makes it weirder.)

And examples of Haunt encouraging/ joking around with others who also want to steal designs from this same artist:

Artist Number 4:

Artist Number 5:

Artist Number 6:

(OG artist)


Artist Number 7:

(The artist themselves pointed out these extreme similarities as the two use to be close friends.)

UPDATE April 2024:

Yesterday a user got into direct contact with Haunt and spoke with him about the document. Ironically, all he did was give us more proof that not only is he not sorry but he'd do it again if he could.

This is from today. Haunt has now publicly admitted to stealing. He said he would redesign some designs if asked but for one, people do not trust him and two, his sheer vagueness is weird.

How would people know the designs they bought were stolen if he won't exclaim who he stole from?

If he wants to gain folks' trust he needs to do more than just “Hi I stole designs, dm me!” This isn't enough to work with.


Haunt being sexually inappropriate:

Haunt has made it known that his server is 16+ and therefore posts suggestive content he believes in appropriate for that age range, yet-

Allows users under the age of 16 to join and participate?

UPDATE 2024:

This technically isn't new information but rather old info I decided to reevaluate because of its importance. During testimony #7 the user exclaims that Haunt let users as young as 14 into his server as well. It was because these two users called him out for being racist and not properly calling out other forms of racism. He banned them and changed it to 15+.

(Yeh he did literally show the entirety of the two 14 year olds socials and discord ID)

So not only did he let even younger kids into his server but the only reason he removed them was because they called out his nasty behavior. He NEVER cared about their safety.

Update #2 2024:

Haunt made a response document where he “addresses” this one. I have worked on a response of my own which is linked at the bottom but I wanted to add this because it's disgusting.

He claims before he made the server 16+ he never showed suggestive artwork. Of course he does not prove this, hence why the only evidence is his word here.


Even then he just straight up admits to letting someone under 15 in this server even AFTER he made the new rule. So not only did he allow 15 year old olds in his “16+” server, but 14 year olds too.

What even WAS the point of that rule again? Oh yeh, because some kids annoyed him. He has NEVER cared for their safety, he only boots them when he can't get his way.

He also gets upset when other minors feel uncomfortable or upset by the suggestive content he produces, when those are actually the main folks he should be listening to?

Not only did he call them a liar but sent their user uncensored in his server multiple times, he even went as far as finding their Instagram and showing that off as well- all because they left due to being a minor uncomfortable with specific suggestive content.

No matter what you personally think is ok to show or not show to minors, constantly shitting on users just for leaving due to their own boundaries isn't ok.

I also have some examples of said suggestive content from his server (I've censored some myself just in case).

And FOR CONTEXT I am not claiming these works are p*rn, just extremely inappropriate and shouldn't be shown to 15 year olds.

This one specifically is also on his nsfw twitter??

Nsfw tags and all, is it sexual or no? If so, it shouldn't be posted in a server with users as young as 15, and if not, why tag it as such?

(Is it really that hard to not show kids this kind of content?)

(This on in particular is extremely inappropriate in my eyes as this looks VERY close to what Haunt looks like irl. Which means he essentially drew an image of himself naked and showed it to his audience of minors. No, it's not sexual but it's still really weird as Haunt is an adult.)

This isn't his own art but he still decided to openly share really weird fetish content to his members and even joked about finding attraction to it:

Most of the artwork (from what I've seen- there could be more) is kind of tame in terms of nsfw but again it's also ok for minors to be uncomfortable and want to leave. Especially when a lot of these images are being sent in just about every art channel rather than a designated suggestive art channel. So, users who might not be comfortable won't know when that content will pop up in an image related channel.

Haunt is also an adult. Even if he wants to claim that this kind of content isn't that bad, Haunt shouldn't be having any kind of sexual conversions or artwork with people as young AS 15.

Haunt also has a 16+ PUBLIC Instagram, these extremely poorly cropped nsfw images have been discovered that directly connect to his NSFW twitter.

(User who gave the info)

NONE of these were censored, only poorly cropped.

They clearly link back to his NSFW twitter.

Haunt and minors.

I've already prefaced that Haunt likes to send suggestive art in a place with kids as young as 15 but it turns out he himself has also involved himself romantically/ suggestively with minors directly. (I'm NOT claiming he sent them direct nsfw.)

Very clearly underaged.

Update 2024:

The user behind these drawings came forward and spoke with us and these were the revelations we got.

Essentially to them, the two were just friends- but without their knowledge, Haunt was claiming they were not only a year old but that the two were dating/ Haunt wanted to date them.

They never knew of this.

Different person below

They confirmed their claims with screenshots.

Small update from above: Haunt claims that him crediting a minor on his nsfw would be a bad thing which is why he didn't do so.

Sure, this somewhat makes sense but he didn't need to link them directly for one and two, the artist's never gave him permission nor intended for the art to be used for nsfw purposes. They assumed this since they themselves were underaged.

Why did he ping his audience of minors just to say this? Who knows? I surely don't.

So another unfortunate update. Another user has come forward about Haunt being highly inappropriate with them in 2020 and 2021. Haunt has claimed to be 18 since 2021 but as of today he now claims he would've been 17 in 2021.

Either way, the user was 14 years old. 17 and 14 is gross and 18 and 14 is even worse. In the SS they provided Haunt did in fact claim to be 15 to them but as they've seen how much he's changed his age over the years they believe that he was actually older than his claim was. What's worse is they had met up in a dating server so from their knowledge, Haunt was romantically/seuxally interest med in this 14 year old. He even drew nsfw of them. The 14 year old.

Point blank he shouldn't have drawn and posted this.

The next part delves a lot more into the uncomfortable as it's been recently discovered that Haunts NFSW Twitter is filled with tons of the main sonic cast, which are yeh, minors. Some very young too.

He's claimed to have aged up the sonic characters but that's nowhere made clear on the artwork itself (which I've censored for obvious reasons).

His bio, where he does not let it be known any of the characters are possibly aged up.

Again he doesn't imply at all that they are overaged, and even drew shadow (who is 16) with an aged up version/redesign of shadow.

He's also hypocritical as on this same account he literally calls people who age up characters, as drawing "child porn." As accounts with that in their bio typically do so because they're drawing nsfw of aged up characters.

He has also both in his server and on his Twitter main, attacked people uncomfortable with this fact and call him out.

No he didn't censor their user.

Something he said on his sfw twitter.

He isn't just drawing nsfw of 15-16 year olds either. Amy is 12 years old and is wearing the same clothes and hairstyle to the original, in no way even indicating she's any older than 12. And again nowhere on his account did he mention anything about these characters being aged up or in an AU.

And his own Twitter likes don't do him much grace either.

Small Update:

Haunt recently made a statement saying that he recently “found out” that Amy is still a minor.

This is extremely frustrating as he has been publicly called out on this on several occasions and multiple users have very much tried to explain this same fact to him.

(SS from Haunt's own document)

As shown here, he's made several excuses as to why it's perfectly ok, because her age “isn't listed”. Of course this doesn't at all automatically mean she jumped from 12 to 18 years of age but he did not care and listened to no one for MONTHS if not years as there is evidence further in this doc that shows he's been drawing sonic nsfw for years and mostly likely even before their ages were removed.

So Haunt, within his recent update, is admitting to drawing CP.

There is a small chance that he was that blind but I personally have the belief that he has only stated this to make himself look better and doesn't actually care about the art he made. I obviously do not trust him.

Turns out my suspicions were correct.

He's still actively liking Amy nsfw.

While he has no excuse for the first one, the second he could try to claim is a different character because her name is “Emi”.

It's literally just Amy.

He actively likes the content of this artist and interacts with them.

Also date just in case he lies!

Like he isn't even HIDING that he is friends with the user with the Amy sona. How can ANYONE trust his words? Ever?

So Haunt HIMSELF has now admitted that Amy is a minor, which makes the fact he still likes nsfw content of her all the more jarring.

He doesn't change.

June 2024 Update:

Seems like Haunt's likes have gotten EXTREMELY worse and so has his hypocrisy.

Real recently Haunt made a post on his NSFW pointing out this weird fact, as a negative. For many years Haunt has publicly denounced proship content so this would make sense. Only when looking through his likes on the exact same account-

Its straight up zoo artwork. This is DISGUSTING, and what's worse is the 2nd artist is also a l0li artist and regularly posts zoo and p*do content for their audience.

He had no excuses for his repeated disgusting behavior and its shameful how much he lies to his own audience about it too.


Haunt's h*rassment of others/ encouragement of users to h*rass others in his server.

The first part being when after a user decided to blacklist an artist not connected to Haunt. Haunt then took it upon himself to “update” his own blacklist on this user, accusing them of claims that have been proven false. (Like them being a literal pedo??)

His members began to violently describe different ways they'd kill this user with Haunt happily laughing along with them.

Not just this but he has an entire channel for "drama" where he just essentially spreads rumors/gossips about other people he doesn't like, had any slight beef with, and just anyone who genuinely annoys him.

I'm not going to claim he isn't allowed to rant or vent to other people but when he's throwing accusations around in a server of 200+ people, it feels extremely irresponsible and borderlines on bullying.

Awhile back but still, wanting someone to die is a scary thing to say.

This was after a user created a doc on Haunt, his members again, took it upon themselves to put down and make fun of the art of said user. This isn't productive nor is it critical- its just bullying.

Another user Haunt went off on, calling them the R word and making fun of them for being offended over an anti- lgbt joke:

This personally looks like it would extremely upsetting to read and feels really uncalled for.

On another note, Haunt blacklisted a specific user for racism claims and using the R word (ironic) and made sure this was known to his server. (For context we do not condone the possible actions of the user he blacklisted either if true.)

But from what it looks like, Haunt didn't follow his own rules? Guess he thought he was above them, and could insult anyone he wanted.

And the several times he called people outside his server the R word as well:

(This one is extreme, so I'll get into the rest of it later, but he here- also calls someone outside of the server, the R word.)

No matter what Haunt wants to claim here, being neurodivergent or not, it doesn't give him the right to call others slurs- ESPECIALLY when he strictly makes a rule directly telling other users that calling other people that slur is forbidden, then does it himself!

It's hypocritical and gross.

Update 2024:

He can't excuse anything here, he's straight up calling everyone the R slur. Mr “don't call other people the R word” here doing it yet again, and this was just 3 days ago.

These next Screenshots are from the rant channels of his server. They are not formulated as jokes or funny and need to be shown so as to give insight into Haunt's common and very violent behavior.

These are in general.

(This one in particular is towards an ex of his for- having “bbg” in their discord status. Seriously.)

These are targeted towards people directly.

And this one is towards literally everyone he knows. No idea how anyone could forgive him for saying something this horrible.

This part is from when Haunt decided to send an email to a user who had helped work on the doc before. I will only be showing a few parts as most of it is just his angered ramblings or something that is not my place to respond to.

(For context, here is the intro to the email.)

Throughout the email he constantly insults them for no reason and even threatens to kill them as well as calling them the R slur.

Again, there are no excuses for this kind of behavior to anyone.

(There's the slur)

And the death threats, not only does it not make sense as going “I keep it to myself but I hope you die” is controdictive, but he actually uses mental health as an excuse to threaten someone's life.

Mental health problems does not excuse violence. Nothing EVER excuses violence, especially this much violence towards so many people.


Haunt being transphobic:

I'd like to state first that I know Haunt is transmasc himself. This does not mean he can't he transphobic himself. Fetishizing, misgendering, and causing other trans individuals dysphoria to worsen- can also be done by trans people themselves.

I will also go into great detail as to why I believe some of the things he's stated can be seen as transphobic as well.


On two separate occasions Haunt not only misgendered these two individuals several times but made excuses as to why misgendering ANOTHER TRANS person is ok based either on how they look or because they have changed their pronouns before.

Both of these people had their pronouns in their bios of all their socials. They are both transmasc leaning. Haunt did not care.

Person 1:

His original excuse was that someone random (which he never proves with SS) told him the first person had changed their pronouns. Instead of just asking literally anyone else if this was true or just looking at the user's socials through an alt- he decided to spread around this lie. He didn't even TRY.

After being called out publicly on this, he wrote a poor “apology” to the user (yeh the same email from earlier where he wished they'd die).

He makes the excuse that they change their pronouns, even if it was true- (which it wasn't, they hadn't used she in years) there is never an excuse to misgender someone. This is the same excuse used against non binary trans folks who change their pronouns every now and then. It doesn't matter, it takes no time to look for yourself or ask someone else.

You might think, well- they did apologize even if it was a poor one. Which is true, but this is only the first person. The other is much more egregious.

Person 2:

Haunt got into a tiff with an artist he had repeatedly joked about stealing from and eventually got into a private argument with the artist's manager/ partner. They were extremely upset with him but not only did he not listen, he repeatedly seemed to refuse to use the artist's proper pronouns while talking about said artist.

(As clear as day, the artist's partner was using the correct pronouns the ENTIRE the two of them spoke, but Haunt just ignored this fact- you can even see he didn't even try to read what was said to him and assumed it was insulting when the person exclaimed that his art was good? And that he was better than that??)

(Again proving he didn't CARE to listen even tho the manager was using “he/him” to prefer to said artist throughout the first message. Haunt has NO EXCUSES.)

Weeks later, a few users decided it would be fun to snoop around the artist's socials and even found an irl image of him. Haunt had no issue with this and even laughed along while everyone joked about the artist's appearance.

(Just yikes)

This was WEEKS after the artist's partner had come to Haunt and used his pronouns WHILE talking to him. He then automatically assumes his gender based on his appearance as well.

He never corrects himself after this either.

Months later Haunt made a document on a different artist (the one he sent the email with the death threat in it to) and mentions the artist above. He shows the same image of the artist's face that was shown in his server WITHOUT any kind of censorship and AGAIN tries to make excuses as to why he never corrected himself (and STILL uses they/them to refer to the artist- no he's not trying to hide the guy's identity either, he uses his name several times throughout. He just DOESN'T CARE.)

At first he tries to say he- never responded to it? But then shows the exact screenshot WHERE he responded to the image of the artist that was sent. Goes “I never responded” then saying “here's where I did respond” is controdictive. I'll pass it up for a minor writing error but either way, he did in fact engage with the people chatting about the artist several times.

Like here for example, where he's clearly engaged in the conversation and joking about taking his artwork.

He then claims he never knew or was never informed but in the SS where he's talking to said manager, the manager clearly uses “He/Him” to refer to the artist. He also then makes his own excuse claiming that everyone assumes people's genders based on how they look to try and make himself look less bad. This isn't even true. There are plenty of queer folks who specifically ask for the pronouns of people they talk to or use gender neutral pronouns.

Again the artist's manager corrects him and the artist's pronouns are on his socials. He has no excuse to misgender someone repeatedly for months- and letting his own members plaster the artist's face in his server? Seriously?

Apparently this is also on his toyhouse. This is from today. (I do not have any say on his claims since I had not seen him prove them.)

He is still using the wrong pronouns on the artist. This is exhausting.

(Date for reference)

Haunt's weird convos about Trans bodies.

Yes, I know Haunt himself is transmasc. I am not trying to deny his identity by bringing up these convos and I will not be including anything about his own experiences as a trans person but rather this will be about how he's spoke about and to other trans people that was either really creepy, unintended transphobia, or just inappropriate in general due to the audience of his conversation being that of minors.

I first wanted to bring up this Screenshot. (Yes, this screenshot is in the mod chat of one of his servers, and yes several of the mods of this chat were in fact, minors. This was an EXTREMELY inappropriate conversation to have with them.)

Haunt begins with asking the mods if he has sexualized trans women, then states what he use to do, as a minor, that made someone he knew come to that conclusion.

Haunt states that cis male nsfw content made him uncomfortable (because I'm guessing he doesn't like cis men). He then states that due to this he would watch trans femme nsfw. This- doesn't make sense. Trans women AREN'T men. If cis male nsfw made him uncomfortable then why didn't he look up trans male nsfw instead? They are still men.

This means he only looked at trans femme nsfw because these trans women had the same genitalia of cis men but were women. This is, ultimately, sexualizing them. He's strictly looking for nsfw content of them so he can look are their genitalia because it's pre-op.

You might be thinking, does he ever explain why he didn't watch trans male nsfw instead then? Well, yes he does- and it's just as bizarre.

Again weird to bring up genitalia so bluntly in a server with minors but either way, not only does this seem to prove that he was strictly ONLY looking at trans fem nsfw because they were pre-op (Aka he only cared about their genitals) but also, that he doesn't like trans men in that way.

Sure, genitals preferences are fine- but what he is doing is still sexualizing the body of trans women as he only looked at nsfw artwork of them BECAUSE they were pre-op. This is also weird because-

  1. Haunt has dated multiple trans men and had intimate relationships with them, it makes no sense for him to be in these kinds of relationships with any trans man if he doesn't not like them in that way.

  1. Haunt has stated he's MLM, why is he looking up or at trans women at all then? Genitals or not they're still women and it is a bit transphobic to state you only prefer masc people but then look at trans women in that way. It would mean in some capacity, he doesn't believe trans women are really women.

I have also asked two different trans individuals their opinions on these takes (both folks unfamiliar with Haunt) so others reading through this can get a more broad scope of what other trans people think of his statements, besides just me.



This part specifically goes into a conversation Haunt had with his (also trans masc) partner at the time.

Directly from his (now ex) partner, very confused and uncomfortable with Haunt's statements on women. Apparently here, they even mention that Haunt himself specifically said he liked trans women because of their “parts”. Gross.

And Haunts really contradictive response. He doesn't deny that he's MLM just tries to claim MLM doesn't mean gay- and while technically it doesn't always mean gay, it definitely doesn't mean femme or women. People who state they are MLM are very much stating they would not date/ be in a sexual relationship with a woman.

(Haunt cannot claim he's MLM but then say he'd date women- women are not MLM, and trans women ESPECIALLY shouldn't be referred to as MLM ever as they are NOT MEN/MASC.)

He doesn't deny that he made a joke about liking trans women for their parts either, he only tries to excuse it by saying “it's just a joke.” Jokes can still be offensive or make other trans people uncomfortable.

So not only did he make a joke about liking trans women for their “parts” but he also ADMITTED to watching trans femme nsfw be ause he couldn't stand looking at cis male nsfw, but also stated he doesn't like v*gina's. This obviously means we watched it because of the trans women's parts. Jfc.

Also here's several times Haunt said he hated women:

(This two below are super weird because neither of the things he's mad about has to do with the girl's gender but he prefaces how much he “hates women” because of these things?)

So yeh, anyone who reads these is gonna be extremely confused by Haunt's statements on trans women when he's explicitly stated he doesn't like women. It's perfectly fine for him to have a fear, but it's also contradictory and confusing.

Even more:

So unfortunately returning back to person #2 from the misgendering part, it seems like Haunt will not give up on making false borderline, transphobic claims against this person while also being HIGHLY hypocritical.

This is his claim.

First, it's really gross to assume anyone is faking their queer identity as it's something that's been used by right wing politicians to particularly bully non binary individuals and binary trans individuals that do not “pass” to them. To even imply this as being possible is just sad.

Second, Haunt insinuates that the user is possibly faking because, and I quote “They make a lot of trans boy characters with big breasts.” Again it's really weird to insinuate that trans people who are more comfortable with their body or just want to draw trans masc characters being pre-op due to possibly either not planning to have top surgery or can't afford it, so it again, more accurately represents them, as faking.

Also I guess to Haunt it's only ok when he does it? Because yeh, Haunt has posted several trans characters with bare “big fat titties”.

(This character is literally being groped, you can argue that maybe they're not pre op but the chest is drawn so huge its hard to tell.)

These were not censored either, I had to draw over them myself, AGAIN.

If Haunt wants to call out someone for posting bare chested characters he should maybe try and start by not doing the exact same thing himself. Especially since he wants to try and push the idea that the user is faking being trans, maybe he should stop drawing pre op trans characters with big boobs too then?

When will he ever stop being hypocritical, and stop lying?



Other users counts of Haunt and his gross behavior. Not all of them are 100% proven but should still be looked over.

And many still have evidence attached so please, if you're skeptical, at least read through the ones with screenshots along with.

(Some of these testimonials are not directly speaking to me, as again, multiple people have worked on this for months.)

Testimony 1:

Testimony 2: 

Testimony 3:

Testimony 4:

Testimony 5:

The brothers in Ouran are still brothers. Shipping them romantically or seuxally is in fact incest- and aren't they high schoolers?

So adding more context to this one in particular, For one, Haunt would've been a minor when he drew and posted this, and two, Haunt responded directly to the image himself saying-

It was two years ago. Everywhere I look exclaims Sonic's age was removed 1 year ago in 2022, if this was two years old, like he says, then he drew nsfw of sonic making his age was 15. MAYBE they had removed his age before, but either way this is highly suspicious.

Testimony 6:

Testimony 7:

This one is honestly just sad. Thought I'd mention how with this context it seems most likely that he only raised the ages in his server due to being called out by a younger user, not to protect minors or post suggestive content.

Both the minor and the user who had said the inappropriate word seemed to agree that warning them was the right thing to do and that the user who said the word was in the wrong. Seems like Haunt does not care at all that a multitude of people now have been uncomfortable with his actions.

(A few other things the minor wanted to address themselves.)

Testimony 8:

Testimony 9: 

Testimony 10:

SS for the first part they bring up here.

(He never gives them a name to use while saying he's been dead named.)

SS for the second part of the testimony.

(Haunt's story along with their own story with their ID and everything.)

SS last part of the testimony.

(The context that wasn't in the SS that was given to Haunt.)

(Proof that Haunt did in fact make fun of his ex's appearance.)

(And proof that Haunt was in fact public about said old man he apparently had slept with- it was not something he had told no one.)

Testimony 11: 

Testimony 12:

(The user didn't care/ didn't want to be anonymous)

(Screencaps below)

Haunt publicly accusing Delta of scamming with no merit.

Haunt showing off in his server where this claim was made.

Delta trying desperately to explain to Haunt that what was said isn't true (with evidence).

Said evidence. (Bunny user literally said themselves that Delta was not obligated to refund them. THEIR OWN WORDS.)

And of course- Haunt ignoring the DMs sent to him because he doesn't care about the truth.

Also extra-

Delta did in fact try to at least give Bunny's partner the WIP of said commission. He WANTED TO complete it even when Bunny asked him not to, but ultimately couldn't.

Testimony 13:

To start with this one. This user made a story on Haunt essentially going “Haunt and this other artist are exactly the same”.

Haunt retaliates and then posts this to try and call said user a “freak” for wanting to be possibly CNC (jokingly).

The joke was distasteful but Haunt airing this out so randomly is super weird, especially when the user barely said anything on Haunt.

The user then, out of confusion, shows that Haunt had said he was into CNC and was confused as to why they were being called a freak or why that image was shown in the first place, because even accidentally, it implied that CNC was the user's own kink. (Again, even if by accident, this greatly upset the user.)

Again this doesn't make sense as Haunt was the one to first initiate this, he even admitted publicly himself in his first story on the user, that he had that coping mechanism? Haunt showed the SS. He is the one who came out about his own trauma, the user just replied with that story.

Do I think it was right for the user to do that? No, but they were scared that Haunt was lying about them, and again. Haunt was the one who brought it up and said he had that trauma first. The user also obviously wasn't using it against him, they genuinely thought Haunt was claiming they had a SA fantasy. In fact neither of them should have brought it up, but they did. Haunt did specifically, first.

Yet another claim. This time even more silly.

Haunt exclaiming that the user was obsessive and telling other people they were dating. Well, as in the SS the user showed me, Haunt doesn't exactly make it clear that they aren't. Haunt joking about getting married to them, of course they'd be confused by his intentions and thought he wanted to be with them.

Haunt also never shows examples of them saying this, just claims it is true. And AGAIN even if so, Haunt didn't make it clear either.

The user also explains that this frustration all started due to Haunt not finishing an artwork piece for them.

(To be technical on the time this story of Haunt's went up it had been almost two months) But yeh, he blocked them, or at the very least, when they tried to contact him again- they couldn't. Of course they thought Haunt wasn't gong to finish it, and what's worse, Haunt himself states right here that he won't be doing it and essentially is admitting to stealing the user's money.

Testimony 14:

(This user exclaiming that Haunt had been posting nsfw art ever since he was 13 years old, and joining spaces for older teens to himself post suggestive content.)

Their evidence below

(Someone contacting the user about Haunt. For some more context to this image too, Haunt would've been 13 in 2019.)

(Mods kicking Haunt from their server for posting nsfw art as a minor- a young kid at that, being 13.)

(Haunt's reaction.)

(Haunt making stories over this and talking about wanting to harm himself, and underaged drinking.)

(Haunt dming the user, where he admits he never put his age there and tries to put blame on them for finding out, which is super weird.)

Testimony 15:

This user wanted to share their testimony in hopes it would clear up Haunt's claims of them being a “pedo”. They met when Haunt claimed to be 17 and they were 18, Haunt claimed to turn 18 while this over was also still 18, which would make them less than a year apart in age.

And now for the evidence.

Their birth year for reference.

Here is Haunt confirming that he turned 18 and apparently already has an account for it. At this time they would both be 18.

This alone eliminates any suggestion that they might've “groomed” Haunt, who- to their knowledge, and also the same age.

Short example of one of their more nsfw convos, they would both be 18 and Haunt seemed to be very encouraging and enthusiastic in said convos here.

So, Haunt's claim of them being a literal pedophile makes absolutely no sense. They still to this day, have no idea where this claim that they had groomed Haunt even came from and hoped this evidence clears it up.

On to the part the user brought up about their partner Haunt has been crappy to. (who is yes, also 18+).

This is the most recent evidence that was given to me.

(I don't really understand Haunt's conclusion here. For additional context, the OG artist of this design isn't the person dating #15, so the design was stolen by someone that had literally never spoken to #15 and doesn't know who they are. The owner of the character is dating #15 but the OG designer is not connected to either of them.)

Haunt pretty much just accuses the owner of scamming and stealing, without evidence, to excuse the thievery. Just yikes.

Here are the designs side by side.

(Original design- literally says snoopy based on the bio)

(And the stolen design, there is literally little to no difference between the stolen and OG design AND they call it a snoopy sona.) 

I'd like to preface that this isn't Haunt's art, this was bought by Haunt. His friend is the one who stole the design and sold it to Haunt. Which Haunt himself even admits in dms to the person that he had seen before, so there's a chance he even knew it was completely stolen and didn't care.

Testimony 16:

While this was touched on in the “Haunt being sexually inappropriate” section I thought it'd be necessary to add the rest of their experience with him here.

Going by the age Haunt claims he is BIOLOGICALLY he was the very least would've been 16 here. I do NOT care what he claims his legal age is as his biological age is what matters most In terms of things like maturity and development. Although Haunt did also claim to be 18 in 2021 so he could've also be 17 here. He don't know for sure because he lies so much.

The most important part though is by his own record he would've biologically been older than 15. So he's lying to this really young kid who from this first meeting, he intended to be sexual with. The user stated they met on a dating app which is why his intent was automatically sexual but as shown above, he knew how young they were the entire time. (Even tells the user they SOUND LIKE A BABY.)

A few months later he sent them a nsfw drawing of their presumed own 14 year old self.

They also added that Haunt directly sent them pictures of his SH arms without reason. Even with reason this is just odd behavior.


Haunt and his fake age problem:

I'm going to try and start with a timeline for this one as it's more important but the dates might not be 100% accurate, full disclosure.

This section is important as not only does it show that Haunt has been drawing and posting nsfw as a minor, but that he's been dishonest about his age repeatedly.

(There is a short summary of everything Haunt did at the end for people who might not want to read this extremely long section.)

Let's start with the day Haunt says his birthday is in. He says it's April 11th.


(Haunt claiming he is 15.)


(Two different examples of Haunt's age jumping from 15 in 2020 to 18 in 2021, almost 3 years in total. Makes no sense.)

(Though here he claims to be 15 again, so he was 15 in 2020 and 2021?)

(Now he's 17. He sure jumped the most in age this year. That's a lot of birthdays 🤨)


(Here is Haunt in 2022 claiming he's still- 18? An entire year later?)

(Here is Haunt to his partner claiming he's 18- saying that the DOB on his own birth certificate is wrong?? Wouldn't he have been 17 in 2021 then? You know, going by his own logic here.)


(Haunt in February of this year exclaiming the same thing he did to his parter- and states he will be turning 19 in April and that his REAL birth year is actually 2004.)

(But wait- he's 18 again? I thought his real age was 19?)

(Ah OK, sure- his legal age is 18, still- for two years. I see. Makes total sense.)

2024 UPDATE:

It's now passed his birthday YET AGAIN and he is still claiming to be 18 for the 3rd year in a row. How long is he gonna keep up the act?

So, you might be thinking. What's the big deal here? Besides this possibly proving he's untrustworthy, it isn't really that bad right?

It's not like he was posting nsfw and sharing it to adults for years- right?

Well sorry to break it to you dear reader, but he has in fact- been posting and sharing nsfw since he was 15.

(An example of his nsfw account in 2020- that he's sending to an adult here.)

(Here again is him advertising that he makes nsfw- IN FACT, commission nsfw content. That ADULTS might've bought off of him.)

(And again here is his most recent nsfw account that was, you guessed it- created before he legally, as he claims, turned 18. So it legally would've still been dangerous to share this content publicly where adults could see and follow him.)

The user themselves who said Haunt at 15, tried to engage in nsfw topics with them, also spoke in length with evidence about how now only was Haunt not automatically upfront with them about his age while engaging in nsfw topics- but they also gave evidence of Haunt being openly sexual (in 2021) in other groups of people of varying ages while pretending to be an adult.

The explanation is a but long but it's still important to read through.

(Here is a quick timeline of their interactions with Haunt.)

Their first interactions with Haunt:

More convo and evidence:

Where Haunt finally reveals his actual age:

(They tell Haunt what he's doing is illegal and Haunt at that point looked like he understood this for the time being.)

(They decide to try and bring up sonic nsfw again to see if Haunt would actually try to discontinue these types of conversations. He did not. While it might seem a bit risky to do this, the user needed some way to see/prove that Haunt wasn't going to stop trying to shove himself into adult spaces, and talk inappropriately with adults.)

(Adding this one specifically because it's ironic now knowing Haunt himself draws Amy nsfw. If Amy was an adult he'd have no issue with that kind of art but apparently he did. Like I said before, how he draws Amy she still very much looks exactly like her 12 year old counterpart. Yikes.)

(They also showed an example of Haunt commenting on their height and such- which led to them feeling dysphoric and its worse when it's coming from another trans person. Joke or no, trans men can't control their height and it can be hurtful to joke and point it out.)

(And their last interaction before blocking Haunt).

These next few screencaps are from the user's experiences with Haunt outside of dms.

(The user once again tries to inform Haunt that posting nsfw publicly and joining nsfw servers is bad and what he is doing is illegal.)

(The user finds out that Haunt is in a relationship with a 19 year old while joining in to explain that Haunt was lying about them. So not only was Haunt posting nsfw, and lying about a user he kept is age from, but he's also in a relationship with someone 4 years his age.)

(The user and this scratch person explain to Haunt that his relationship with this person is illegal. Which is technically true. If Haunt was having any kind of sexual relationship with an adult 4 years older, it would be illegal in every state- parent permission or not.)

(The user explains that they never sent people out after Haunt and barely knew of the situation. They believe it was the scratch person who got people to harass Haunt and they got blamed for it, but they still believe that getting Haunt's nsfw account taken down was a good idea.)

Haunt's server:

(The user is curious to see if Haunt is still doing inappropriate things as a minor so they join in and click the 15+ role to see what happens.)

(They explain that in the rules it says that 15+ can engage in nsfw conversations but only 17+ can post porn. Both of with are HIGHLY against discord TOS and having adult conversations with someone under 16 is against the law in most countries.)

(Here's Haunt having multiple nsfw conversations and making adult jokes.)

(And here is Haunt claiming to be 18 here. It's now 2024 and he still claims to be 18 to this day. Yikes.)


  1. Haunt lied about his age for years and has repeatedly identified as 18 since 2021 or possibly even further back.

  1. Haunt had an nsfw twitter under the age of 18.

  1. Haunt posted art and had nsfw conversations with minors and adults, while under the age of 18.

  1. Haunt has been posting nsfw publicly since he was 13. (Look to testimony 14 for more proof)

Now this has all been proven, how can any of us possibly believe that Haunt isn't still lying about his age? And if he claims he no longer is he should be public about this fact and show proof of his identification. He should also publicly apologize for lying to SO MANY people, and for getting multiple adults in possible danger.


Extra section:

This section is for actions Haunt has done that there either isn't enough of to put in its own part, a fusion of several parts, or extremely new.

Either way this section is just as important as the others and should be read through.

This section talks about-

Haunt's Racism/ other bigotry 

Other Dramas he's been in

Haunt and his ex Rott/Kris

Haunt posting self harm content unprompted


Haunt has an issue with either letting other's slide when it comes to bigotry or letting himself slip because he believes since he's a minority he can't possibly harm other people or spread around false into.

Two of the other examples of these actions are within the Testimonials which is why this part is short, but it's still crucial.

(Quick apology for if I get any facts slightly wrong, my descriptions are only there to give a greater context/ explanation- but these images are pretty self explanatory so ignore the descriptions if they're not 100% accurate!)

Saying he “feels racist” only to say said racist thing honestly doesn't feel like he really took what he said seriously. He should've never said that. It doesn't even make sense either, there has never been a confirmed case of this happening to a US caller being scam called by an Indian worker. (That I know of)

So it's not just racist, but also based on nothing. It's weird.

This one is just God awful. Haunt claims that because he can't call people slurs he can't directly use (which is weird) he's going to use screenshots of other people doing so, so he can essentially “work smarter not harder”. Another user even encouraging him to do the same with other slurs.

For one, this implies he's been wanting to do this in the first place. Which is just disgusting. If Haunt wants to reclaim slurs for himself, sure fine, but at this point it feels more like he wants to just find ways to call people whatever he likes whenever he likes.

And yes, he does spam this word 10 different times.

Yeh this isn't even arguable. Spanish in general is a language connected to and used by several different ethnicities and originates in spain- you know, a white country?

Calling it the “taco” language isn't just incredibly racist but doesn't even make sense as it's a colonizer language. Haunt doesn't have an excuse either. He's a grown ass adult, he should know basic facts like where Spanish comes from. And if it's a joke, it's obviously unfunny and even his other friends exclaimed it was racist to say.

This one is just weird on many levels. For one his friend is also wrong here. While paleness is favored in east Asia, it's not what all east Asian folks look like. Not even remotely. Many east Asian individuals are all different shades from real pale to a deep brown. There's a huge diversity especially among China with its residents of one billion.

Also when it comes to Haunt- even if somehow he forgot Trump had an orange hue, comparing a race of people to one person in general is just racist, and seriously, trump of all people?

For reference, a few users brought up what was happening in Palestine as of right now, and Haunt immediately got pissed then made an Undertale genocide joke. This is really gross and it's sad that Haunt can't even take the death of thousands of people, seriously.

No Haunt, Racism isn't funny. Especially when both Max's versions of Steve universe are really stupid and have an extreme usage of slurs. It's also more disgusting knowing that Rebecca sugar (the show's creator) is jewish and Steven, who is based around her Jewish brother.

And of course Max is white and literally uses the N word in this photo. Even if Max has changed over the years, Haunt chose THIS photo to call funny.

This screenshot is from DAYS AGO too. Haunt never changes.

Other forms of bigotry:

Short but important. This literally Haunt crapping on skinny/ folks dealing with eating disorders. Stating their bodies makes him want to puke and pour bleach into his own eyes. This is gross behavior and really insensitive for NO reason.

New screenshots from the mod chat of Haunts own server have recently been handed to us so now there's even more evidence of Haunt being racist to his own friend group.

As obvious as it looked. His mods did not take these “jokes” lightly and did not react the way Haunt wanted them to.

A little less serious drama:

This is another past drama a user who Haunt had banned, wanted spoken about.

It's a bit silly but the fact Haunt gets so riled up over something so small just shows how frightening Haunt can become.

Haunt got super upset over this specific user having this avatar in Roblox going "It's a kids game", when the character is fully dressed. Surely he's not THAT upset over the word "mommy" on a shirt, right? Sheesh.

When talking about it within his server he got super upset over the user who didn't see much of a problem with it and got extremely pissy with them.

The silliest part was Haunt's own Roblox character had little to no clothing on, and was wearing a dog collar- how is that any less sexual/suggestive than a mommy T-shirt?

Haunt and court:

This part specifically has to do with a very recent conundrum that has confused one of Haunt's ex partners.

Quick TW because of how horrible this section is: Self harm, sexual harassment, death threats

For several months Haunt's ex partner left Haunt unblocked due to fear of what Haunt might do if they were to leave him. They desperately wanted to rid Haunt from their life but because Haunt knew their address/ full name, would have a public tantrum anytime they tried to speak up about his actions, and the fact that anytime an ex friend/partner comes forward about what he's done, Haunt will have a public fit and make insane claims whenever possible.

I want to exclaim that I do not have the full story but one thing for certain, I know his ex partner did not threaten his life, I know they didn't have constant public tantrums, and I know they didn't constantly push a sexual relationship onto Haunt in super creepy ways after the break up. Haunt did thus.

Even if Haunt wants to claim they hurt him, he cannot deny that his own actions were extremely scary and borderline abusive.

How else is someone supposed to leave the relationship when every time they try, he just gets violent? Either towards himself or others? What exactly is someone supposed to do in those moments?

This is what Haunt's ex felt. For months.

Some examples of Haunt's tantrums/ creepy behavior:

(Example one- spoken about in length in testimony 10 but Haunt essentially found out his ex and a few other people were talking about him. They brought up how Haunt repeatedly crapped on his ex's appearance then showed an image of Haunt. No insults were made, but Haunt didn't care and played victim anyways even though the conversation was originally about HIM insulting his ex- and yeh he threatens to kill everyone over 2 images that again, he was never insulted in.)

(Example 2- Haunts extremely creepy reaction to, Haunts ex being upset because Haunt forced them to block a friend of theirs. So not only did he try to control who they were allowed to talk to, but also freaked out when they got upset over it. Jesus.)

(Example 3- This an image of Haunt and his ex's characters. His ex was sent the images directly but had no idea that Haunt had sent this DIRECTLY TO HIS SERVER where everyone could see. Not only had they been broken up for months but essentially Haunt drew an unconsented image of their sonas being sexual. This is sexual harassment. Calling it toxic too when his ex again, never asked for that drawing and definitely never gave him permission to send it to a bunch of strangers and minors alike. This is CREEPY.)

(Example 4- Haunt with a very violent rant about his ex. While he doesn't directly threaten his ex he does bring up how his “homicidal ideation” is returning which does mean he has thought about it. Which is terrifying. They were still together too for the record. Haunt was saying these things about his ex while the two of them were in a relationship. He didn't even try to keep the possible drama about their relationship a secret either. Even if he didnt give names, people still knew who it was and were concerned for his ex.)

(Example 5- Haunt sent this UNPROMPTED and months after their break up, this again, is SEXUAL HARASSMENT. His ex did not ask for this and was extremely uncomfortable when Haunt sent it. It's also really weird how much Haunt implies he wants to be hurt and hurt others, specifically his ex here. That's not ok. That is abusive behavior and super creepy as again, his ex didn't ask for this.)

(Example 6- The third time Haunt spoke about wanting to hurt his (now) ex. Anyone hearing this would be scared of their partner, I don't know how Haunt didn't seem to get this and thought thinking about harming his partner wasn't in any way, abusive?)

There were many more instances of this behavior but these were the worst of the worst. I hope this can bring to light some of what Haunt's ex had to deal with on a daily basis for months on end. Even after breaking up, Haunt wouldn't leave his ex be.

If Haunt wants to claim somehow that his ex acted similar to this (which I highly doubt as I've seen hundreds of screencaps between the two) it doesn't mean Haunt is no longer himself an abusive partner. He still was sexually inappropriate and wanted to hurt his ex on multiple occasions. That is textbook abusive behavior. I do not care how many mental disorders Haunt might have either. There is no excuse for that behavior. There is never an excuse for that behavior.

Back to the official topic. Around a month ago Haunt contacted his ex on a new account with an “apology” out of the blue. He called himself lucifer and talked about Haunt in the 3rd person so his ex believed this user was someone in his server by the same name and contacted them on their own account essentially exclaiming they did not accept the apology and wanted Haunt to STOP CONTACTING THEM.

(For context we later discovered Lucier was a DID alter of Haunt's.)

Here's where (I will be referring to both Haunt and the Lucifer alter as they since it's technically two people?) they show off the supposed apology that was sent to Haunt's ex on a new account.

I usually keep the user's of the other members anonymous but as this is a series event yall need to know that Haunt's ex dmed the Lucifer user because they thought it was this user and not Haunt's alter. This alter was new and his ex had no idea.

Here is Haunt's ex responding to the supposed apology to the Lucifer user as, again, they thought it was this user who contacted them.

Important parts of the response where Haunt's ex repeatedly asks to be left alone ans is tired of being contacted. For reference, his ex had actually blocked his other accounts previously. It was very obvious they didn't want to be contacted but Lucifer/Haunt did this anyway. Apology or no, he should've taken the hint.

(Also for some short context, Haunt's ex in dms one time accused Haunt of SA due to a conversation the two of them had after visiting that made his ex uncomfortable. Haunt's ex did talk to a friend about it but was never public about this. Haunt was the one who made these accusations, that his ex took back, public- for some reason.)

So what was Haunt's response to this? Taking the hint and leaving his ex alone? Realizing that his ex didn't want an apology or to be contacted and decided then and there to stop?

No. He called the damn police.

(Yes he does accidently dox himself here as he reveals the local police station's full number for whatever reason and yes of course it's CENSORED because we're not doxxers.)

You might be wondering, since you have context- what in the world Lucifer/Haunt is going on about? They're the ones who contacted someone who clearly had them blocked. They're the ones who on numerous occasions, contacted their ex when they just wanted to move on. What's even worse is Lucifer/Haunt try to call their EX the toxic one.

You contacted THEM Haunt. How are they the bad one for rightfully trying to tell y'all to leave them be? Seriously?

Other users start to ponder what Haunt is even planning to throw his ex into court for. Not accepting someone's apology isn't jail worthy.

Well they're rather vague in their reasonings but try to claim they're the ones being “Harassed” (again you contacted your ex first and constantly made accusations about them in your server) and even bring up a past action, the “I hate you” spam Haunt made in his server awhile back and goes “Legally it's not a death threat.”

First of all- why does that matter? There are plenty of examples of Haunt actually making full on death threats, and two- going up to a count room and trying to explain that you're not abusive because technically you didn't legally threaten to kill your partner, is INSANE.

Sure, it's not jail worthy- but no sane judge is going to see Haunt as the victim in that kind of case. His ex isn't the one threatening to hurt people right and left.

Make it make sense man.

About a month passes and Haunt claims that he had a court hearing. His ex several times has stated they have not received any mail or phones call about any kind of court case and struggles to believe that what Haunt is saying is true.

We still don't know for sure but if this is a lie, this is a really weird thing to lie about.

My guess is it's to make his ex seem more in the wrong? But, with full context, it's obvious to see Haunt is the one who won't stop talking and contacting his ex.

For another recent example-

Due to hearing about Haunt and the whole court thing, Haunt's ex went to Instagram to exclaim that they'd be taking a break due to the fear that Haunt had caused them. They were as vague as they possibly could be and LEFT HAUNT ANONYMOUS.

What did Haunt do?

He responded with a spam of random dms between the two (and not censoring his ex's user or name). The first being extremely confusing because he goes “I didn't make any death threats” then in the very next sentence goes “it was just my homicidal ideation!”. Does Haunt not know what homicidal even means? Just because you (Haunt) could've possibly been in a break down moment it doesn't mean the threats you made are no longer threats and didn't scare the hell out of your ex.

He then uses the “legally that's not a death threat” claim again. WHO CARES IF ITS NOT?! This isn't about legality, this about Haunt being toxic, manipulative, and a violent person.

He also DID directly threaten people. There's literally two different examples in the harassment section. He sent one in an EMAIL.

I personally wanted to give context for this one as Haunt deliberately left it out to make himself look better.

His ex wasn't trying to keep Haunt out of another relationship- Haunt wanted to be in a relationship with two people at once, his (now ex) and another user ill call K. Haunt wanted a poly relationship and threatened his ex several times in different ways in order to make that happen.

That's manipulation. Very VERY clear cut manipulation.

K themselves actually spoke about this in their own testimony about Haunt.

And dms context on the night both K and Haunt's ex thought he had might've taken his own life-

Recent update: (January 29th 2024)

So it looks like Haunt decided to YET AGAIN bring up his ex publicly and is now accusing him of- let's see, Grooming?

From what we all know, not only is Haunt a liar in terms of his age but he's also accused other ex's of grooming which I've proved to also be a lie.

For proof, even though I don't honestly don't think we even need it as this point- Here is Haunt (the user with the gray icon) not only saying himself that 17 and 18 dating isn't weird (which I agree with I'm not calling him weird, just a hypocrite) but his ex here is obviously clearly upset with Haunt claiming he's younger but even says it's weird for them to date if he lied about his age, even if they were both over 18.

If Haunt wants to claim now that he was actually 17 when they were dating then it would still be ON HIM as he lied about his age to his ex. From what his ex knows they were both of legal age when they started dating and when they met. (18 and 20 respectfully)

This also yet again goes against his whole court claim because it is a liability to speak about someone you're planning to go to court for.

Self harm issues:

Haunt has a major problem with being extremely open and graphically detailed when it comes to talking about how and why he wants to self harm or worse.

I'd like to state now that I don't want to diminish the seriousness of self harm and the people who suffer with these thoughts. Haunt is not a bad person for having these thoughts or wanting to vent about them either.

While I personally don't have an trigger with self harm several of the people who've helped with this doc do and are why I'm writing this section, as stated in one of the testimonies before, the fact that he doesn't censor or warn people about his members/ friends about these vents is what has upset them and made them uncomfortable.

Haunt has a few times now, in the announcements channel of his servers, pinged his members with photos and talks of graphically wanting to off himself. This is extremely problematic as many of the people who can see that are as young as 15, and might be struggling the same as him and be triggered due to this.

TW: images of mentions of self harm/ s*icide

This is directly from Haunt's art channel where he posts artwork- it is not a vent channel, but he posted this in here unprompted with no censorship.

This example is directly from his announcement server, where he out of the blue describes all the ways he wants to/ had tried to hurt himself to all of his members.

This one in particular he had actually mentioned multiple times in several different chats in detail. He even spoke about researching the topic (as he mentions in the SS above this one) on assisted suicide in Canada. He luckily deleted most of his rants on this topic after he found out he couldn't do it but he still brings it up every now any then.

Self harm update:

Haunt went to his public sfw twitter this time to speak about harming himself. No warnings. He just said this.

Even twitter itself sent him an email because his tweet was so alarming, along with another user who also exclaimed how worrying his tweet was.

Ex UPDATE: (March 2024)

So a few days ago, Haunt, on his SFW twitter account decided to randomly accuse his ex yet again, of another crime.

This time though, the accusation was of a real crime- not just him trying to take his ex to court over the lack of an apology.

This is in relation to when him and his ex visited irl for the first time.

Haunt on purpose, used his ex's of now age to act as if they were much older than him.

The reality was Haunt was 18 and they were 19. Of course this obvious age change paints a very different story.

So why is he claiming to be 17? Well for one, Haunt has obviously been lying about his age for years now as proven earlier but we do actually have proof that Haunt himself did directly tell his (now ex) that he was 18 but his fake age was 17.

This SS has actually been shown before, as it is literally evidence of lying. It's actually ILLEGAL to lie about this, but none of us are trying to take him to court, now are we?

The real story starts when Haunt's ex, decided to fly down and visit him. It is obviously illegal to carry any kind of drugs with you on a plane and very easy to get caught. Kris was not the one who provided the drugs. It was Haunt who offered them up. If Haunt was in fact actually 17 and lying about being older than the only ones at fault would be his family or the initial drug provider. It's really disgusting that Haunt is trying to paint it as if he wasn't the owner of this substance.

Example #1

Here is Haunt directly asking his (now ex) if he wants another edible. Haunt was the one who provided them and really wanted his ex to take them.

Example #2

Here is his ex exclaiming how he isn't fond of getting high around Haunt because it made him clingy when he didn't want to be. Haunt, apparently happy with this outcome, begged him to actually get touchy.

When his ex states he barely remembered anything anyways, Haunt said it was “good”. Which is creepy.

Example #3

Here's an SS from even further back, from way BEFORE the two ever met up. Haunt repeatedly asked his ex to take drugs and was open about being on/using them constantly. To act as if his ex provided them is extremely misleading. He always had drugs.

Example #4

Haunt a month later, again here mentioning that he has drugs and is still affected by the latest ones he took at that moment.

Example #5

Here is Haunt literally hiding his drugs from (presumably his family members) for safekeeping till he can give it to his ex.

Haunt trying to again paint his ex in a bad light when the reality was yet again, him being the creepy and pushy one, is really pathetic. He wasn't groomed into anything. He's lied about his age for years, and the drugs were always HIS. In these screenshots he's not even the one taking the drugs, his EX is.

What Haunt is trying to do in his accusations is paint everyone but himself, as some sort of perpetrator of evil. He doesn't realize nor care just how serious his claims are, and he likely never will as this has been a reoccurring thing for years.

Response to Haunt:

We wanted to respond but didn't want to keep clogging up this doc which is for the initial allegations, therefore a new document that is in direct response to his own, will be linked here.

If you've read his response and actually believe it, please read ours as well.

Response doc


While this doc is finished for now, I want to encourage any other past victim/ ex friend of Haunt to email us about their experiences with him. The more users band together against his treatment the more the ones currently around him will understand that he isn't a good person to hang around.

Your user will be censored and you will be anonymous.

(Were sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors we might've missed during the writing process.)