I am regularly updating this document, some things may change.

If you have further submissions of Kabi being offensive, mean, or anything of the liking, please send an email to

CONTENT WARNINGS: NSFW, feral Pokemon NSFW, graphic descriptions of self harm, suicide, vore, racism, stalking.

This is a compiled list of things Kabi has done. Although she has apologized for some of these things, it's good that people are aware of who they're dealing with, especially with this kind of record. Sources for some of the things she's done I've unfortunately lost, but all I can say is trust me since I've known her for a very long time and have seen many of these first hand, or just take what I say with a grain of salt.

This is simply an awareness document to SPREAD INFORMATION. I have not ever hated Kabi nor ever disliked her, I just feel people need to know about her past as it often goes overlooked. My bias on some things she has done may be present, but I have no ill wishes towards her. I'm concerned for her behavior on the internet and I believe she really needs to take some time off, real time that isn't spent checking Toyhouse every few minutes. Being chronically online is indeed a thing and it shouldn't be taken so lightly, especially at her age.

Who is Kabi?

If unaware, Kabi (also known as kabi-chu, tailsd0ll, gloomysweets, meowing_shrimp and currently hogsweep on Toyhouse, and XxSleepyMagexX, kabis-wonderland, and lullaby-shint0 on deviantArt) is a 17 year old with 300+ subscribers on her main account. She has been on Toyhouse since 2020 and has been through multiple strange incidents since before and after joining the site. She's well known for miraculously collecting characters and making every single thought of hers a bulletin on Toyhouse. I'd list more but her self explanatory information is located on her social medias.

A now deleted callout post was made in 2021 exposing her of the things she had done beforehand. She apologized multiple times on her old account (kabi) but they're so poorly written and thought out it didn't even seem like she cared. Has she changed since then? In my honest opinion and in most cases, I don't think so. She doesn't post NSFW anywhere anymore only to my knowledge, and for her character hoarding I don't think it'll ever end.

These contents will be in the best chronological order I can make and using the old callout bulletin as a reference.

Prior to first drama (~2020)

  • Posted a deviantArt artwork showing off her saying the n word (hard r) in a discord message.
    Proof 1,

    Proof 2,
  • Lots of reports of scamming, not sending dA points for customs or adopts.
    1/13/23 UPDATE – I dug around and found journals with some proof of her scamming.
    Proof 1, images no longer load
    Proof 2,

    Proof 3,
  • She made an account on Rule 34 and had been posting on it since 2019. It was then discovered she had R34 accounts on both .xxx and paheal. She uploaded NSFW drawings that she'd made, including The Binding of Isaac, Kirby, Pokemon, and noncon of Just Shapes and Beats characters. She has feral pokeporn and more saved on her paheal account. Her art on has been wiped off the site probably because of mass reports, but all of her art is still on paheal, along with her account linked. Her remaining R34 account where she posted things on is called "*Cinnacutie." (Proof 1, Proof 2 (NSFW), Proof 3 (NSFW), Proof 4 (NSFW)
  • Similar to her R34 accounts, she also had a Reddit account (which can still be viewed). She got into +18 subs, especially those involving vore, and drew her own NSFW artwork at 16 and posted in these subs.
  • More accounts in which she saved and/or posted NSFW artwork include: pixiv (heavy NSFW in bookmarks) , her old Tumblr (some NSFW can be found), Weasl, Fur Affinity (heavy vore), Medibang.
    Examples of NSFW in her Tumblr (because it's hard to find) include
    this and this (NSFW).
    Note: I also include vore as NSFW because it is a fetish, though this can be taken up to the viewers interpretation.
  • She projected her vore interest onto her old sona and other characters she used to own, and even had vore artwork uploaded on her old sona's Toyhouse gallery, which has since been deleted or hidden.
  • Miscellaneous NSFW or vore things she associated with:
    This is scamming, guilt tripping and then reposting without permission all in one image. I can't believe I never saw this.

My only reasoning for linking these is that, again, you should know the history of what a person has been through in the past. She's said that she won't draw NSFW until she's 18, but that shows proof she still wants to draw it currently. She didn't have any intention of stopping until she was called out for it.

~2021 (Toyhouse drama)

  • It's very VERY well known that Kabi unnecessarily hoards characters to an uncomfortable extent. Combining all of her Toyhouse accounts, she has over 1000 characters, while she only uses a small few. Once she gets a new character, she'll hyperfixate on it for only a few days or weeks until jumping to another. And if she loses interest, it's very rarely she'll put it up for offers.
  • She has scammed multiple people still on Toyhouse, claiming she is "forgetful" or otherwise. I don't have exact proof on this, only word of mouth.
    1/14/23 UPDATE – An anonymous user came forth with proof of her scamming on Toyhouse. Said user made art for one of her grid adoptables, but never received anything. sunky is an adoptable alt of Kabi's.
  • Stole a P2U HTML code and used it on her profile for a while. She got caught and then took it off.
  • Her apologies to the old callout bulletin were repetitive and untrustworthy, she wouldn't even explain why what she did was wrong, she would simply say something along the lines of "I did (x) and I know it's bad but I won't do it again." And people just took this and forgave her. She clearly is doing the bare minimum of changing herself from what she was, and simply likes to brush things under the rug when they come up. Some screenshots from her apologies and previous bulletins:

    *Here she confesses about lying about her age to use R34 .xxx and paheal and et cetera. She used the alias Cinnacutie to get away from it, and after being confronted about it she said she was groomed into drawing and posting what she did. Of course, she lied about being groomed.)

Post drama (2022-current)

  • When the old thdramas Tumblr blog got taken down and the old mod/admin supposedly offed themself, Kabi was happy that they were gone. This was on a bulletin by someone else where they talked about it.
  • A user made a freebie listing while obviously in a very bad mental state, wanting to get rid of all their characters because they weren't good enough for them (or whatever reason that was obviously a cry for help, just know that the person with the listing was not in a good place). Instead of reaching out or doing anything of the liking to help them, Kabi took advantage of the freebie opportunity and asked for some characters from this person. She later apologized, but this is a really horrible thing to do when this person was seriously considering hurting themself.
  • Speaking of self harm, Kabi has talked about hurting herself publicly before. So much to the point where her own school found out, and she had to take a hiatus because of this. Toyhouse is NOT the place to do or say these kinds of things, and she should keep thoughts like these in a place where people will be open to help her.
    When she made these her school found out and she went on hiatus, though stayed online with proof of her "last logged in" status on Toyhouse.

    (Note: Seb is also an ex friend of hers. Compared to the user mentioned below I do think it is okay to vent and talk about this person as he really did some awful things. Though she brings way too much light to the situation, it gets concerning.)
  • 1/13/23 UPDATE An anonymous user reported to me that in her server, if any drama came about she would threaten to hurt herself until someone talked to her or gave her art. This is attention seeking behavior.
  • Although discussion of menstruation is perfectly okay, not only are some people uncomfortable with the topic, there are far too many weirdos on site for this to be safe to post publicly.
  • She constantly begs for her followers to buy OCs for her without giving anything in return. It's really selfish and unfair, though this is a personal peeve.

This I think deserves its own part. Kabi's most recent fiasco is with another user on Toyhouse, kannons-kingdom, and what he did to Kabi and her friends. However, I really do not know anything about what he has done, so please understand this is from an outsiders perspective.

Although Kabi claims Kannon has been stalking her, it appears the other way. The situation ended months ago, but it continues to be dragged on, with Kabi continuously posting bulletins about him, and she's now managed to find his new account through either a friend or acquaintance who somehow had access to it.

1/12/23 UPDATE – She's still at it with this guy.

1/14/23 UPDATE – In one of Kabi's messages about harming herself, she says she's considering etching Kannon's name onto her wrist because of "all of the terrible things he did to her."

This is the end of the doc, I'm unsure if I'll add more to it or not but please be wary about who you are talking to.

Personal paragraph:

If you are close to Kabi and have carefully read through this doc, please encourage her to improve her behavior or step away from social media. None of this is healthy, and she needs to know that. I believe people can change, and I always have even before all of the drama on her came down, but Kabi needs to work on herself seriously if she wants to actually change. Making 100 apology bulletins won't do that either. Make the change or things like this will keep coming.