Sweetpaw_0, Milky_light_0, Wrenfrost0, and Honey_Drop0  ACTIVE beware

UPDATE: The Sweetpaw_0 account is now called Mellowspark_0 all other accounts remain unchanged with icons of characters we traded for.

TW: Talk of self harm, and Manipulation


Reader discretion is advised

This is a beware on the user Sweetpaw_0, who has stolen characters, name called, manipulated, and has actively treated myself and many others poorly

(note: she is confirmed to be 24, so this is an adult)

I will start with the Qisty incident, a few months ago in June iirc, She had accused Qisty of tracing in a group that I run,when others tried to tell her differently, she blew up on everyone, called my friend Sun a bitch and left the group. That's not where it ends either, she had also apparently wanted a character so badly she threatened self harm over it and left that group, after having a total break down and lashing out on everyone


Demanding I no longer have Sun/Jesse in MY groups


She told me i was not allowed to be friends with both her and my OWN BEST FRIEND, and tried to give me the ultimatum to which i responded with by blocking her, and she reached out to me through TOYHOUSE where i had not blocked her, as at the time i was unaware that TH had a message function.

Screenshots of her saying she still owned a character SHE TRADED OFF to my best friend, and the build up to where i blocked her before her account got hacked last month + first mention of self harm over a character


        She also threatened to rip off her skin because my good friend stated the no longer wished to be friends with Sweetpaw, and thus she blew up and OBSESSED about being friends with him again


This is not the only time this has happened, as recently (as of aug 2) she obsessed over another friend leaving her due to her shitty behaviors, showing she clearly had not grown from the situation.

And as of late July she had been caught stealing my characters, namely Marbleheart (who i was in the process of buying off a DIFFERENT friend), Tinydrawer, my MLP oc, which i ended up trading to her anyway in the end because i'd rather not deal with it, AND still has Shelly in her possession, and her reasoning for that was because she bought Shelly so it HAD to be co owned, which i DID NOT agree with AFTER she had traded the character to me, I own the original profile of said character, while hers was made a day later AND ONLY RECENTLY did she make an emendation to Shellys profile to say we co owned her, which again, is just untrue. I was unable to get the Marbleheart screenshot in time as I was too slow, I DID however get the other characters before confronting her

UPDATE: I got shellys profile that she made without perms, i also ended up trading Tinydrawer back as I was over the situation and beyond angry at her actions and wanted NOTHING to do with her.


Not to mention we had an active trade in April of 2023, where she agreed to trade Oblivionjewel to me, and I traded her violetrose, one of my VERY TENT OCs, she has since deleted violets TH profile (which i told her as per my TOS given to her at the time, that id request her back as she never completed her end of the trade, which she never gave violetrose back, which is how i found the profile was deleted) She never sent over Oblivionjewel (link to character to show the logs, of her trading to my friend Daisynner recently, despite her owing me oblivion) and I lost all the art to violetrose, and only found out recently, and I’m very heartbroken over that. She had 13 art pieces, plus two of her character design refs i made (totalling 15 images) from various artists, and myself, most of which don't even have the files, or no longer do art) –Could not retrieve screenshots as her account had been compromised and taken down from what i know, any updates will go here

She had also openly admitted to multiple people that she used her friends for art, and would regularly use my friends to get free art, designs, and characters because her reasoning was her bank did not trust paypal (this is in america, where that seems unlikely but i didn't question it til her story started changing), she then claimed it was because her grandma wouldn't let her use paypal as it causes debt when you use it (again ???? maybe if it were the CREDIT CARD, maybe.) then claimed her grandma wouldn't let her at all anyway, oh and Sweetpaw is confirmed to be 24. So this is not a minor we are talking about here, as much as it seems like it.

Sta.sh of her constantly begging my friend moon for art/ the whole ordeal


In a fb group she posted asking if someone owned a design she had made that she likely sold to someone else, and when no response came, she reclaimed the OC without fact checking if she sold them or not.

(stash links coming soon)


her telling my friend I would “get her” for not crediting fills (which wouldn’t have happened, a gentle reminder, but nothing like Sweetpaw was making it out to be


Her getting mad, not understanding how Mik felt at all + blocking and leaving the chat over a small incident that could have been resolved with kind words and some time…. Or Sweetpaw could have just not targeted Mik in general and it wouldn’t have been an issue

Admitting to deleting/wanting to OCs, and getting mad because she got caught and claimed she ‘forgot’ about an ongoing trade + asking for free stuff prior and obsessing immediately about being friends again with Jess


She also has mentioned how she hacks in animal jam and then proceeded to ask for my Toyhouse account password, and continues to do so repeatedly, which obviously I will not be giving her.

Cxtton_tigress stash links on the situation: https://sta.sh/22djm0x1iigj?edit=1 

+UPDATED 13-8-23+