
drake's main!


butch lesbian, 21, no pronouns/he/they || will block all transphobes/bigots || check this out: https://toyhou.se/Drakessis or @n0nentity

being so fucking annoying about a subject on a regular basis that people associate it enough with you to call someone within it “your guy” is so funny. yeah that man is the lead singer of an acclaimed band but he is also My Guy, i guess. that’s true

“i saw a picture of your guy and thought of you. Here” well that man is not real and belongs to the world, but thank you. he is mine. And i’m going to stick beside him


My favorite thing about Sweeney Todd is that Sweeney gets into the killing-and-baking people business because he’s a deeply broken man destroyed by an unjust and corrupt system that cost him his freedom and family and has been driven mad by revenge.

And Mrs Lovett does it because somthin wrong with her <3


My little sister's new boyfriend got a tattoo for her about a month ago and he wanted matching tattoos so he decided to get uh. The tattoo on her ankle of her ex boyfriend's name that she hasn't gotten covered up yet

She broke up with him but I also just got the same tattoo

OK my dad also got it


i love working at an aquarium i just witnessed a grown man with children enter the freshwater gallery and loudly exclaim “oh shit, piranhas are REAL?!?”

the delights of working with the public continue! just heard someone announce over the radios “hey we have guest wearing an inappropriate shirt that needs to be spoken to, i last saw him in sharks & rays and the shirt says ‘do milfs not drugs’ if a supervisor could take care of that that’d be great cuz he’s not being cooperative” and then a good 5 minutes later i heard a supervisor radio for security backup


"Naboo isn't ready for us!" like Naboo has never seen 4 Coruscanti high society bitches hopped up on refined Spice recklessly driving an airspeeder their parents bought for the price of a small continent


the r/curatedtumblr -> tumblr migration is so funny to me. it's like going to the zoo and enjoying it so much you climb into the enclosure to live with the monkeys

this reply evokes such an incredible image in the mind’s eye

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