

My robot aisha #neopets


its 2am i am so tired and i am literally not retyping this so im just gonna paste what i wrote on patreon and run

You know, like nya?

I was told this was a bad idea. Unfortunately my catgirl agenda has other plans.

This is a mod that adds animated tail bones to sims! Though these won't actually be visible unless you add a tail rigged for the mod to the sim - I've included a set, based on meshes by Terraxy on gumroad!

The tail has a constant motion, based off the sim's current emotion. The way this was done is incredibly hacky and probably not very good looking to anyone who's actually competent at tuning, and is inherently prone to conflicts.
Ultimately, this is a personal experimental mod that I'm releasing or else people would riot. Use at your own risk!!


  • Not all modded interactions will work. In the case where a modded interaction doesn't, the tail will t-pose.
  • The tail animation is the same for all actions per emotion, so it will still clip.
  • This is probably going to conflict with mod(s) that: Override the sim rig, override ANY animation state machines, override the default emotional overlays of sims, or override trackmasks for the face
  • HOWEVER: There is an included version that is compatible with the most popular mod that modifies the sim rig, as well as it's... animation system. It's the one labeled with _WW at the end, you'll know what those letters mean if you know.

Therefore: If you install this and your game starts being weird, take it out and see if that fixes it before complaining to other modders and giving them trouble.


  • Download ONLY ONE version of the mod, depending on if you need the WW compatibility or not. Place it directly in your mods folder, no subfolders!
  • Download the .zip for the tails - they're all under lower back tattoos ingame. Unzip and put the contents wherever you want.
  • If you'd like to create your own rigged tails: Download the .blend file for a dummy! It's for 2.79 because I'm an old man, sorry.

Finally, this thing gave me a lot of issues during testing, and while I'm... mostly confident I managed to fix things, I may have missed things.

Again - this is an experimental mod, please use at your own risk!


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demon gf that insists on making pacts for every little thing

"i will do the dishes... for a price (kissies)"


She's one hell of a gal


I never play with occult sims but I've been OBSSESED with this lady for the past week sjfk

Meet Enola Vulpini, an elementary teacher that tries to be a good role model for her kids but sometimes ends up being the opposite...

I love animals that are, like, the opposite of cryptids: we know for a fact they exist and have a clear idea of what they look like because we have photographs and individual specimens, but we haven’t the faintest idea where they’re coming from - they just keep showing up out of nowhere, and the locations of their actual population centres are a complete mystery.

I so want examples. anyone who knows of any should post them in notes

You know, like giant squid and such. We know the bastards exist, we have credible first-hand accounts stretching back thousands of years and dead specimens washed up on shore and such, but in centuries of searching we’ve managed exactly one well-documented encounter with a giant squid in its natural habitat. We have no idea what their native range is or what their life-cycle looks like, let alone how many of them are out there.

Are there any reverse-cryptids that /aren’t/ at the bottom of the ocean?

The red-crested tree rat, for one. There have been only three well-documented encounters since 1898, and they just plain disappeared from the zoological record for over a century. The only reason we know they’re not extinct is that one walked right up to a couple of wildlife research interns at a Columbian nature reserve back in 2011, apparently out of pure curiosity, and allowed itself to be photographed and observed for several minutes before disappearing again.

That’s genuinely pretty cool and all, but I absolutely need to talk about how the picture in that Wikipedia article looks like a tiny eldritch horror disguising itself as a peach.


To be fair, based on the actual photos from the 2011 encounter, they really do look like that:




i....found a rare shoegaze tape. legit. band does not exist online. tape is at least 20 years old. This is so Sam

ok ok....track for you from rare tape. ripped by me


I HAVE SOURCED MORE INFO!!!! from my friend who works at an nz audio archive and they HAVE THE TAPE THERE? COVER:


Final info ive put together after i have just looked over the insert notes (inside the other tape) sent to me by my friend:

This band had Steven Wells and Andrew Bain in it - they went on to be in a pretty popular NZ rock band called Fur Patrol from late 90s-2000s, so this is a precursor to that. in the notes they also thank Campbell Kneale, a prolific underground nz musician in bands like Birchville Cat Motel and Black Boned Angel. they also thank "Drinkwater".

alright everyone. after 33k+ notes on an obscure 90s indie song from Aotearoa i gotta admit many want to hear the rest, & as i cant think of a better format to supply this, here's the rest of the tape in this post. please let it stay here where it needs to be, don't spread it like its yours. its not mine either!
i now present to you:
Clayflower - Still (1993, Aotearoa, Cassette, Shoegaze/Indie Rock)

I Am Not AloneClayflowerStillimage

beautiful and cool obscure music like this is everywhere if you just wanna look for it even for a few minutes. dont let yourself think someone has to come along and show it to you <3




The sims 4. Objects

Objects to decorate a counter at the reception of a business based on the sale of plants, herbalists, potions or nurseries. In this second part you will find 7 objects that contribute to a warmer, even magical appearance.


i hate it when game devs put “fixed several issues” in patch notes 

no. tell me what you fixed. i wanna know what the glitch was.

you know those patch notes that are like “fixed an issue where if the player sat in a bush for too long, they’d become the size of a skyscraper” 

i wanna read those. tell me those. 

Adjusted value of Bees. Now that was a special one… because every item in the game had a minimum value, and a beehive was a container for bees, which each had a minimum value… which meant the moment one of your dwarves picked up a beehive, your entire fortress’ net worth skyrocketed… a value used in determining how powerful the foes that visit and try to murder you are.

Reblogging for the explanation of what “adjusted value of bees” actually means, because I know several folks following this blog have been wondering.

Okay but you’ve all forgotten the best Dwarf Fortress bug of all
“Flying creatures give birth in midair, leading to tragedy” 

Actually I lied it’s the one where after a major update werewolves and vampires started climbing the nearest tree and refusing to come down. It turned out that he’d given evil creatures the ability to sense each other, but forgotten to set a maximum range on it, so werewolves were aware Hell was underground and trying to flee by climbing 


This has to be my favorite patch note ever