Dryoats' Prices

Transactions through PayPal or Ko-Fi

Questions? Email me!

TypeBustHalf BodyFull Body
Colored Sketch$8$15$20
Flat Colored*$15$20$30

Add Ons +

Detailed Background$10 - $20
Additional Character$10 - $45 per character
Scenario$15 - $25


ChibiFully colored, simple shading$10
Twitch EmotesContains 6 different chibi emoticons$20
Character Ref PageFlat colored, written information about character on page$40
Doodle PageRandom mix of sketches, at least one full body and two busts$35

Will DrawWill Not Draw
Fan Art / Self InsertMechs
OCsComplex Backgrounds
Mild GoreIllegal or Controversial
Anthro/FurriesExtreme Realism

During the sketch period, the sketch will be sent to be looked over. This is when you can ask for changes/edits. Once approved, lining and coloring begins.A sketch can be revised up to two times for *most commissions.

*Doodle pages, Chibis