Teenage Mutant Ninja Transgenders

Commission for @ewatsonia of their hero Alexa!

Thank you so much for commissioning me! ^^

Commission for @df-thoughts of baby Draco and their snack dispenser Mira!

Thank you for commissioning me, drawing this bad-tempered raisin was a delight

Commission for @gm-warlic of his boys Jonathan and Damien!
I’m really pleased with how this turned out, thanks so much for commissioning me and giving me an excuse to draw these two :]

Commission for @keanearts! Thanks for commissioning! :D


I got paid to paint some dogs


Fully painted commission for @britishkitsune of their OC Cyrus the Raven and Werehog Sonic in the style of this video

Thank you for commissioning this was a load of fun to paint! :D