the morningstar, Aphelion

Furthest from the sun

Xanthippe, 22, nonbinary

Hey there! My name is Xanthippe, but Xan also works. I'm a 22 year old nonbinary artist who is just trying to make a living. I started drawing when I was young when I began drawing warrior cats and other OCs, and I have been drawing since. I got my first drawing tablet at 12 years old, and was drawing with a mouse for a few years before that. I've been passionate about drawing for a very long time, and completely self-taught, though I do attribute some artistic inspiration to my 8th grade art teacher, who was very in touch with the visual and musical arts.I'd love to hear from you. If you're interested in some artwork from me...
Get in touch!


Hey there! Get in touch through one of the below links to my social media sites! I'm most active on discord (xanthippe#3597) and toyhouse, so those would be your best bet!Or, feel free to email me at [email protected]!I accept payment through ko-fi, paypal invoice, or cashapp!


My pricing might be easier to view on! But, this might have a few extra prices for things I'd like to experiment with! They will be listed under 'experimental'!All customs, unless stated otherwise, will come hand-drawn with flat color and clean lines, unless stated otherwise or purchased otherwise!

SketchesClean LinedThick LinedCustomsExperimental
Headshot - 10 USDHeadshot - 15 USDHeadshot - 12 USDOn Base - 10 USDCel Shading - +5 USD
Bust - 12USDBust - 20 USDBust - 17 USDChibi - 15 USDShading - +10 USD
Fullbody - 15 USDFullbody - 25 USDFullbody - 20 USDFeral - 30 USDFull Scene - +60 USD
Chibi - 10 USDChibi - 15 USDChibi - 12 USDAnthro - 35 USD-
---Human - 45 USD-

More examples can be found on my, linked below!