natsume sakasaki (ensemble stars)

22 years old
white + half deaf
auDHD + mentally ill

tsumugi aoba (ensemble stars)

need: some tone tags,
subtitles or audio transcripts

talk in 3rd person sometimes
bad memory + attention span
feel free to ask for my discord

catchalls are
"soul don(')t look", "sdl"

  • any mention of pedo / incest / noncon / etc.

  • invasive medical equipment and procedures

  • bathroom language/jokes

  • head + throat injuries

  • large amounts of saturated reds

sora harukawa (ensemble stars)

special interests
eevees (pokemon)
switch (enstars)

comfort characters
natsume, switch,
5 eccentrics, ex fine

general interests
idol media
fantasy + magic

natsumugi/ntmg is my OTP
i'm a multishipper and love polyam relationships, so i do like other ships involving them!
however, their relationship is almost integral to both their lore and understanding their individual characters, so i focus on their relationship the most!
i'm very autistic about them :3