May 18, 2024


i haven't seen/read dungeon meshi but this is what the characters are to me through osmosis. is this anything. is this right. i don't know most of their names but i've seen most of their tits

May 18, 2024


One of my previous bosses, the Archivist for the State of -redacted for privacy-, had one of these (or very very similar prototype format) that he kept in his briefcase.

Whenever someone in a meeting would say something along the lines of “we don’t need to worry about that/budget money for that/do that, everything is digital now!” He would pull this bad boy out of his briefcase and say “this has digital files on it, please access them. Oh, you can’t? Well what about this? or these?” And pull out a selection floppy discs and CD types.

And that is how he fought the good fight for a budget for the archives because digital preservation is expensive and difficult and there are a million different hardware and software types and technological obsolescence is a nightmare.

May 17, 2024

love how when i get a new interest, i’m like “oh god it’s happening again” and i’m stuck like that for about a week until everything explodes and any interest i’ve had prior is completely dwarfed for an unknown amount of time


like this

shoutout to everyone who’s sharing the interest that has caused their category 7 autism event. we are all whirling around in our autism events together


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