they/him transsexual ⋅ 19 ⋅ DID-OCD-autistic ⋅ jewish


  • Batman/DC (personal rewrite + canon)

  • We Happy Few (personal rewrite + canon)

  • Animatronics (Including FNAF, Chuck E Cheese, Showbiz)((Our FNAF rewrite is linked on here if you're interested))

  • Personal Homestuck rewrite (Also listed on here)

  • Return of the Obra Dinn

  • Architecture

  • 18th-19th century naval history including ships, uniforms, sea monsters, ranks etc.

  • Dialtown

  • SCP Secret Labs (I esp love 079 :3)

  • Who's Lila?

  • Ride the Cyclone


  • we tend to get a bit overexcited to meet new people, so please if we are overbearing, TELL US. we're autistic, so we can't read tone very well, and tend to misconstrue messages.

  • we have issues processing if people are pausing or done talking, so if we accidentally interrupt and immediately apologise, that is why.

  • we reclaim queer and ableist slurs FOR OURSELVES, if you do not want us to use them around you, just tell us so we can avoid drama.


  • if you are proship or just partake in the discussion of proship related stuff, i want nothing to do with it. (no i'm not an "anti" or whatever. i just don't like creeps. go outside.)

  • if you support endo/tulpa systems, yet again go outside. (honestly you're winning the internet competition if you DONT know what these are LOL)

  • if you use the phrase "body horror" to describe disfigured / disabled people.

  • general DNI stuff, no bigots or something. idk i just dont like being around dickheads lol


infernos / gnawgut / sovietairforce / quailciel / gnawknox
pedophile, heavily sexualises ocs that are not his own without consent, drew porn of a character based on an (at the time) irl minor WHO HE WAS ACTIVELY TALKING TO.
spread false information about us (they got said info from someone who stalked us for 2+ years) as a means to try to publicly humiliate our partner, did this while we were 16 and they were ~22 or 21
pixelrhys / grimyfood / "Haze System"
groomed a very close friend, uses mental illness as an excuse to manipulate others and blackmail people, connected with zillacore and was the person who was actively trying to spread misinformation about us. also was ~22 or 23 doing this to a 16 year old (us at the time)
Non serious DNIplanefood / trosper, limulus / oddlyautumnal, warewolf / warewolfish / bytevamp
these are all just for personal reasons, you don't need to avoid them at all but i simply don't want to interact with people who talk to them.