👤Online Now • @KermachiDraws

Hi! My name is


My pronouns are he/him! I'm enby and bi ! x3

(✿◡‿◡) Purple, my bestie Cal!!!, reading, all of my friends!! Minecraft.
( ╯︿╰ ) Spiders, orange!!!, the hum from technology, Crocs.

Activity: Doing hot he/him shit

Nico's Criteria aka BYF and DNI :0



I either spam a bunch!! or don't post at all.. I lurk a lot, Tone tag needer/user

If you're under 13 or older than 24, proshipper, you hate my special interests/interests in general :(, I am an adult so pls <.< don't ?? Be weird lmfao if ur underage, Basic DNI criteria

Big fan of history and the way people love!! I love sociology and psychology x3

!! Minecraft is my special interest!!! I get a little silly goofy around it...

I'm p cringe
(is actually just autistic)