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thurston whore from sonic youth
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“dont smoke around your pets” okay well i dont even smoke im asthmatic. my dog smokes bc she needs to fucking chill sometimes and Yeah i light them for her Obviously bc she cant use a lighter. i dont get anyrhing out of this arrangment and i resent the implication. in fact shes giving ME secondhand smoke. so my question is why are you so hateful and jugemental and acting like an asshole to me making presumptions and shit about my life.

What. What. What. What.

im gonna pop some.tag



“con artist” is maybe the profession with the biggest gap between How Cool They Are In Media and How Cool They Are In Real Life

fictional con artist: I’ve gathered you all here because you each have unique skills and specialties that will be required for the Ultimate Heist: psychologically destroying the richest man in the world, and taking his mansions, his yacht, and his wife in the process.

real life con artist: plan A is to scare an old lady who barely speaks English. plan B, is to trick unemployed people into giving us money, which they famously have a lot of, in exchange for broadly-defined Career Services. plan C is we try to make NFTs a thing again

“yall mind if i just
people hated this one in 2017



yall mind if i just

people hated this one in 2017



Doorbell rang so my dad went off to get it, and when he came back and I asked who it was he just said “Ugh 😒 Just some Round Table nonsense” & I’m like “?????? Round Table as in King Arthur’s Round Table??” “Yeah :/” The goddamn Knights Templar were at our front door and you just sent them away???

A screenshot from the Round Table website that reads "Round Table Great Britain & Ireland is open to everyone ages 18-45 who identifies as being, or lives as male. This includes people who are cisgender, transgender, and those assigned male at birth who are nonbinary.  Our sister organisation Ladies Circle is open to individuals who identify as being or live as female of the same age. 41 Club and" [rest of text cut off]ALT

The trans-inclusive Knights Templar were at our front door and you just turned them away??



I doodled a bunch of dumb memes for funnies and also to try and get my bearings.



My parents continuously tell me that my generation’s humour makes no sense and I still refuse to ever explain it to them


Once again its 3am and this washing machine wizard haunts me

how many times have you watched this…?

me: it get’s funnier every time–


it sucks that the money you get to spend on like rent and gas is the same money that you get to spend on records and plushies. there should be a serious currency and a fun currency


Every time we vend at Pride, there are times when I have to fight breaking down.

It’s probably not when you’d expect. Yes, I get misty at the Big Moments and the Conversations, and we have those every time. I love seeing the parents who are buying their kid’s first Pride item, the trans girls spinning in skirts they just bought, the curve of fresh scars across a chest that’s clearly seeing sunlight for the first time this summer. I love it all. I devour every minute of it.

But it’s the parents who hand their kid a $20 or tap their Apple watch on our card reader and look slightly bored that get me, sometimes.

My G-d. It’s not scary, it’s not overwhelming, it’s not tense and nervewacking. It’s boring to them.

2 weeks ago, my brother tells me, my parents used the right name and pronouns for me through an entire dinner with Jake and his partner.

I turned 47 three days ago.

Today, a parent looked bored escorting their teenager around at Pride.

My G-d.

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill





We laugh at environmental media from the 80s like the villains in captain planet, but we forget that the people making that shit literally would have lived through such terrible air quality

@overcaffienated-aro well said!





it’s kind of crazy climate change has occurred at such a remarkable pace that I and everyone else around my age can remember a completely different climate in our childhoods. I truly watched winter gradually disappear in my life.

“You’re too young to remember this, but there used to be so many insects outside that you would have to clean them off the windshield after a long car ride” is the kind of sentence that would have been in a cheesy scifi short story earlier in my life, perhaps submitted to a literary magazine and accepted to show support for its environmentalist message - now it’s something I’ve said in earnest.

Where I grew up, one of the main roads home pointed your view directly at a distant mountain range. My mom often pointed out the state of the mountains, because it’s a normal thing to point out to a child. We could judge the seasons based on the amount of visible snow, barring heat waves or cold snaps when they’d be particularly snowy or bare. Under normal conditions, even in summer there were at least some thin spindly strips of snow visible. Every time I walk down that street and look out towards the mountains, I can’t help how wrong it feels to be used to seeing them bare. “The mountains used to have snow” sounds like a line from a mediocre dystopia novel.
