I hand you a spoon 🥄


HWOUURGHHg (I am trying to bend the spoon with my mind)



I think the “furry hate is just lgbtphobia” argument is incomplete because ableism is like. Super super key. Like with most “cringe” content, most furry hate revolves around catching people breaking social norms and mocking them as subhuman for it. Even heterosexual furries are mocked ruthlessly if they present their sexuality in an “autistic” way, which they very often do. Developmentally disabled furries are most often mocked and most at risk of being exploited by outsiders who pretend to be acting in good faith. That said, the reason furries are such a beloved target of mockery is definitely the intersection of ableism, queerphobia, and anti-kink ideology. An autistic trans woman who posts nsfw furry art is at huge risk, and we can see examples of that in practice across the internet.

Looking at the current bullshit with anthpo you can tell some of the people he included in the video as interviewees are disabled people who didn’t pick up that he might be mocking them/didn’t know how to express their boundaries at being asked weird sexual questions by a stranger on camera



I dreamed that I was playing mariokart and there was a track that took 3 days to complete and when I somehow managed to get 1st place a popup came onscreen that had a pic of koopa troopa and text that read “congratulations!! you’re gonna have so much sex” and I started laughing so hard I woke up




Can i just chill today i was just born



working on some orca plates



Kill me once, shame on you.
Kill me twice, how did you did that.

kill me three times, this time loop fucking sucks


a discord screenshot containing a message with a photo of an intermittent driver's license with the gender marker as X. it is followed by a reply from "Fellatious the Headsman" saying "is it ok if i still call you twitter"ALT

funniest possible response to getting my gender marker changed




i will say: as a transmasc with a large chest myself i can genuinely assure you that this is me projecting that onto him because transmascs are allowed to have big naturals if they want them 👍💯



If Pikachu were real, it would not be a very pleasant animal. An enormous mouse that shocks you like an electric eel. I would run from these beasts




count dracula? um, okay. 1. now what

*he turns into a swarm of bats* ah shit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15