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    my patreon tiers if you’d like to support me and help me live off more than just commissions!

    where to find me:

    learn more about my stuff

    support me

  • i wish i had more new art to offer but not only did i almost break my leg this week (still struggling to walk) i’ve also been chronically tired and slow-moving with cmms in return.

    i’ve been doing some personal art here and there but i need more energy to do any ambitious projects or to ink any. 🫠

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    for a patron!

  • this is still getting a lot of traction so i’m spreading the word about an emergency here too.;;

    one of my followers is selling some of their ocs (which includes designs adopted/commssioned from me) to save up as their house has been flooded during storms and a tornado!
    here’s the thread: https://twitter.com/dustsprites/status/1796229738568061249

    please please please check it out!

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