Terms Of Service

Disclaimer: By owning any of my designs or artworks, you acknowledge my TOS and agree to abide by it, this includes not attempting to find "loopholes" within my TOS. If you violate my TOS, you risk being blacklisted. I have full right to revoke my designs from you with or without refund if you violate my TOS. As long as you are in possession of any of my artwork and designs you are bound to my TOS regardless of if you actually read it or not. This is to protect myself from people who either deliberately or accidently break my TOS and attempt to dispute it. My TOS applies to all accounts it is posted to.MY TOS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE, IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK FOR SAID CHANGES.

Last Updated: 3/7/24 @12:00 AM (ET)

  • Do NOT use my artwork, designs, or characters as a source of inspiration; it makes me highly uncomfortable. This should be common sense but I do NOT allow any tracing, copying, reposting, or anything of that sorts with my work. Thank you.

  • Do NOT sell, trade, or gift any of my designs anywhere off-site from Toyhouse; if you don't have a Toyhouse account you cannot own my designs, as this is how I moderate my designs.

  • Do NOT sell, trade, or gift any of my designs to anyone I have blacklisted, otherwise you will be blacklisted and I have full rights to revoke the design without issuing a refund. Blacklisted users are prohibited from obtaining my designs in any way. Do NOT offer my designs to blacklisted users, I will blacklist you.

  • Do NOT delete my designs' profiles or art, if you don't want the OC you can transfer it to me. Additionally, please do NOT remove my credits for any reason.

  • Do NOT use my artwork, designs, or characters for AI purposes.

  • Only I can upload my designs onto Toyhouse unless I give you permission to do so, additionally, please do NOT reupload or create additional profiles of my designs for any reason.

  • I do NOT allow co-ownership on my designs unless, you ask me beforehand and I approve of it. Additionally, only ONE person can host the profile.

  • I allow slight edits on my designs, but please keep the OG design in the profile, you cannot seperate the redesign from the OG design. Do NOT make "related" or "child" designs based off mine. I will consider this stealing and/or copying.

  • Tampering with my artwork is prohibited, this includes but is not limited to making edits to it or straight up vandalizing my artwork. If you wish to have an edit made to a peice you can simply ask me about it. Minor edits such as adding certain markings are allowed.

  • Tradebacks or closed trades are ONLY to be traded back to me, failure to comply or respect this will result in you being blacklisted and I will revoke the design. I usually only do tradeback or close trade terms on rare occasions and with people I know.

  • You can NOT at any instance attempt to apply or overwrite my TOS with your own.

  • Please do NOT overprice my designs, only paid commissions and personal artwork count towards worth. Art trades, gifts, and contest entries should not be counted towards worth.

  • Gifted designs have a set worth of $0, the same applies to traded designs unless the design it was traded for has the same worth. (Feel free to ask if this is confusing!)

  • Blacklisted users who own my designs prior to being blacklisted can own those designs, sell, gift, or trade them. However, you can't get it back or obtain any other designs unless removed from my blacklist.

NON-TOS OFFENSES THAT CAN GET YOU BLACKLISTED. These are things that are not TOS specific however, these are things that can get you blacklisted.

  • Block evasion.

  • Harassing people on my blacklist / using my blacklist to create drama.

  • Taking obvious (heavy) inspiration or flat out copying, stealing, or tracing my artwork, characters, or designs.

  • If you are a problematic person, I have rights to revoke my designs from you with no refund and/or warning. This includes proshippers, pedophiles, zoophiles, groomers, etc... I don't wish for my work to be associated with such type of people.

Blacklisted Users

The users listed here are users who I don't want contacting me or obtaining any of my designs or artwork via any methods of gifting, trades, or sale. This includes any and all alts, aliases they go by, and future or past accounts regardless if listed or not. If you know of any user changes or new accounts these users may have, feel free to notify me.
If you find a blacklisted user attempting to offer or obtain any of my designs, please kindly remind them and the current owner that the user is blacklisted.
Respectfully, I am not looking to "resolve" any conficts, answer to why a user is blacklisted, or take blacklist appeals to request removal; please do not contact me about it.

  • grim.locks, grimlocos, evilocos, jorgesaiyann, undertimesloppa — PERMANANT | [GROOMER, STALKER, HARASSMENT, & MORE.]

  • Meat_Morgue, C0rr0dedC0fin, Vampirefangs, batgraves — PERMANANT | [VIOLATION OF FRIEND'S TOS, CHARACTER THEFT, HARASSMENT, & MORE.]

  • snwuffie, snwuffied, virtuboy, CENS0RED, southhowl, purrcing, cowfangz — PERMANANT | [NAZI, ASSOCIATION WITH NAZIS & NAZI GROUPS, ASSOCIATION WITH KNOWN PEDOPHILES/GROOMERS, & MORE.]




  • CY4NV0MITZ — N/A

  • funewal, cwematowium, NEETCORP — N/A

  • uglyfuck, Batcultist, Candycorner, OldAccountDude — N/A

  • Anyone that I have blocked & anyone who has me blacklisted/blocked. It's weird to want to obtain designs from someone you clearly don't like. This is also because I like to keep track of my designs as this is how I moderate and manage them.