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Human Bill Cipher

(Based on Alex Hirsch’s “canon” design)

And just to be clear, writing dissertations at me justifying why he should instead be a conventionally attractive twink will involuntarily cause me to draw him with even fewer teeth.



stop drawing for others. don’t draw for yourself either. play video games




Caine but Spamton but Caine. sorry.

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i love this because 1. wisdom, you player!!! 2. i did not think people magazine would ever cover wisdom the albatross



Red-legged Seriema (Cariama cristata), family Cariamidae, order Cariamiformes, found in central and eastern South America

  • Seriemas were once placed in the Gruiformes, but in 2014 were elevated to their own order. They are most closely related to Falconidae, Psittaciformes and Passeriformes.
  • They are territorial, and some people ion South America use them as guard animals.
  • Seriemas eat a wide variety of small prey, and are known to pick up snakes with their beaks and slam them hard onto the ground repeatedly, to subdue/kill them.

photographs by João Menezes, Silvia Faustino Linhares, Brian Henderson, Manfred Warner, & Stephan Lorenz


Caine but Spamton but Caine. sorry.

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Donkey Kong Card Game archive


Here’s the results of my scanning and collecting of Donkey Kong Card Game assets from various sources. Please enjoy it. All you have to do is click this link to view the card images in galleries or download the whole thing:

Current link:

Contents of this archive:

-Pictures of as many cards as I could find, with varying quality, separated by card type. If you want to read the text on the smaller ones more clearly, use the official website as a resource. These are gleaned from Man-Frog’s scans, my scans, pictures of the official guidebook from an eBay auction, pictures intended for demonstration in the starter set manual, and a few Internet sources.

-Some key art taken from the official website

-Assets extracted from the flash version of the official website

-A summary flowchart to aid in playing the game, taken from the official website (in Japanese)

-A flyer advertising the card game

-A scan of the box for the 60-card starter set

-A scan of the manual included in the starter set which teaches you to play the game (in Japanese)

-Pictures of some other Donkey Kong-related cards that have been made


Web archive of the official Japanese website, with card lists for all sets (including expanded rules text), tutorial and reference document for playing the game, release information, and some card images.

My posts about the DKCG.

Character card translations with errata from official website.

Raw scans of many cards with some commentary by Man-Frog.

DKC Atlas thread discussing this and other Donkey Kong card games, with links to other DKCG errata such as the IGN announcement article and a Japanese Donkey Kong Land III commercial that included bonus cards.

Super Mario Wiki’s incomplete card gallery, based on Man-Frog’s scans. Go help them out by adding to this page if you feel inclined.

Tangentially related: scans of the two volumes of Corocoro’s manga series based on the animated series, which this card game is also based on. Some special cards have been included in certain issues of Corocoro magazine (PP001, SP001, SP002).

EDIT: I finally did what I had been intending, and converted my personal spreadsheet for tracking card image status to Google Docs. Here you can see all the cards that exist and whether or not an image of them has been archived.

EDIT2: Thanks to a tipoff from the anonymous N.A., I’ve found a few more sources and managed to fill out the image archive a lot more; now ALL but one are accounted for and present in the collection, and many low-quality images have been replaced with better ones. The scans and images may not be perfect in all cases but it’s now much more complete. The spreadsheet has also been updated to reflect this. In addition, I added more supplementary images to the “Misc” folder, such as images of packaging and promo material.

The new sources:

Tennis promo card scan @blacktangent

Shogiyugi’s blog with card pictures and explanations (in Japanese)

A video with many images of the base set by エリンキーコング / ザメル

EDIT3: Mediafire is taking down the archive, so please refer to the new Mega link instead.

EDIT4: Calcium has notified me that I neglected to include a scan of the alternate yellow card back in the archive! All character cards have a yellow outline on the back. Until I do a proper update, I’ve just put it here for now.

EDIT5: I have updated the link for the archive. It is now stored unzipped on Mega, so you’ll be able to easily view the card images individually as well as download the whole thing if you want. This will also let me update it more easily. In addition, I have added a scan of the yellow-bordered card back used for character cards, three new higher-quality card images of C0037U, C0043R, and C0046 taken from Masanori Sato’s Instagram account (which also seems to confirm that he did the art for the Millennium expansion), and the swf file of the Flash landing page from the official website and images extracted from it (as well as a sketch of the DK animation from Masanori Sato’s Instagram).

EDIT6: Added higher-quality card images for C0041U, M0009R, T0026, and M0006R from artist Masanori Sato’s Instagram to the Mega archive.

EDIT7: My Mega account is gone, so the collection is now hosted at the Internet Archive.


I finally got driven over the edge today in the midst of a gamejam by my classmates and actually had to leave my class early so Im going to work on this at home over the weekend to turn in monday. hi

week later update: I actually did the jam. People played my game and liked it and congratulated me. Even if it was hard I’m very happy I got a whole game done by myself and i want to make more !!!!!





the problem with autism is sometimes you want to do something (brave) but you need someone to gently walk you through each step so you know what will happen. and people don’t like doing that

i had to phone a taxi today, scary

every time i see this post i think of that person who posted on reddit that they wanted to go to subway for the first time but they were scared they would say the wrong thing so someone gave them step by step instructions for the entire process and what all the choices would be and when they would ask what question and i just think

someone will

someone out there will see you and say “yes. the world is scary. but let me hold your hand and show you how to do it anyways”

everyone needs that someone, and everyone can be that someone

The subreddit r/explainlikeimscared is a surprisingly good resource for this. People are always very kind and thorough from what I’ve seen, and I spend a decent amount of time there giving walkthroughs and answering questions when I know the process.

I realize today was the day I broke up with my ex AND spam mail day (common spamton bday headcanon) so this classic is me right now


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