I adore the Dark Crystal series to an aggressively enthusiastic tea. The books, film, lore, characters and overall world-building make me very happy, and so of course i did what i do best with the things i adore, AUs. 

I developed 3 of my children into Thra, Daan as a Sifa Gelfing, Bingo a Grottan for the most part, and Obi…ohohoh gremlin little Podling…

I hope to one day have the motivations to do fanart, ESPECIALLY of my fav Aughra and her son..hooh boy.

Kade’s 2019 reference!

p-posted 2020..hah, this art is lovely but as a reference i’m not quite satisfied, and hope in the coming years of my art growth my references will be more complex ^^

A Collab Rooftop Race with Am for our Perspective Beast, 

Joe riding Adelaide, Kris on White Liquor and Obi coming out of nowhere with Murcielago ^^

Drew some requested apparel on the boi in a time or artblock 👀

My rider Joe with some Djibb in order to get one! A Shedus piece uwu

Im not too skilled with backgrounds so this was nice!


Experimenting and Practice with Aziraphale and Crowley, as you can see i finished up with Azira and abandoned Crowley.

Just the usual doodle :)

Just another Mixed piece but an Alexiaan Doodle <3

Playing with Mixed Mediums, I really like it. It helps greatly with how slow I am to produce digital art since im much more productive traditionally and motivation struggles hRgjK

Some Doodles of me playing around with a new fursona (smol dood by @catcatamelia at the top), moominsone, Ataullah and Port shenan, along with a piece featuring Forelle’s character, Lyaias! ^^

This is Charlie! She’s a 5050 oc, An advertising Robot residing in @catcatamelia“s universe.

“Property of the Alliance” won’t stop this gal from running across the wasteland earth has become just to salvage Garfield trinkets. Or any tasks/messages she’d for whatever reason be sent off for. 

If it wasn’t obvious already Garfield is her ancient unhealthy obsession and comfort. May or may not have accidentally killed her creator, of whom may or may not have been a famous inspiration and hope for many. Whoopsie.

Concept Piece with Ross!

The idea was trying to encapture the style Chris might have, but it came out looking more like something I’d produce, as well as a soft, nice study.

As much as i like it it gives me anxiety ó^ò

Concepts for a new Rialiff boi plus a son for @catcatamelia.

Chris is the angry red head meant to amelia, Ross is of my spawn uwu

What if they were- haha no


Ataullahs first ever ref! I’ve never been able to grasp him fullbody, this is a relief. ^^

Practise gore with Ataullah! Digitalised it a while ago, posting now óvò"

As much as i love gore, ive still much to learn in terms of drawing it <3


wow detroit: become human looks really good