


apologies for dying. absent father. he/him

literally nothing matters. except winged characters sheltering other characters under their wings. that’s extremely important actually.


With all the “recent” commotion, more often than not I will drift off in my mind to this location. Grandpa who walked these lands probably didn’t imagine that his grandson would yearn for this harsh piece of Bosnian land. [OC] [1600x2000] - Author: beero79 on reddit


The Sacro Bosco (Sacred Grove),colloquially called Park of the Monsters (Parco dei Mostri in Italian), also named Garden of Bomarzo, is a Manieristic monumental complex located in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, in northern Lazio, Italy. The garden was created during the 16th century. Situated in a wooded valley bottom beneath the castle of Orsini, it is populated by grotesque sculptures and small buildings located among the natural vegetation. The surreal nature of the Parco dei Mostri appealed to Jean Cocteau and the great surrealist Salvador Dalí, who discussed it at great length.


I kin Lord elvenlurk but I also kin hamlets father jsyk

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