Welcome to the Pharmacy!

Pills are the digital currency of the Medi-Borg species!

Pills can be earned through creating Medi-Borg related artwork, literature, or commissioning species admins, and can be redeemed for various rewards!

Medi-Borgs are a closed species by @Nyxium | Carrd created by @blushingbats

Current Inventory

- MYO Slots -

* Maximum purchase of 1 per user per month

MYO Slots that allow you to make your own new Medi-Borg!
These MYO slots cannot be resold for monetary value, but they can be traded.

➤ Common MYO Slot
30 Pills

➤ Rare MYO Slot
40 Pills

➤ Mythic MYO Slot
50 Pills

- Single Trait Add-Ons -

* Unlimited purchases available

These are add-ons for existing Medi-Borg designs or previously purchased MYO slots.
Please do not purchase these if you don’t have an existing Medi-Borg design or previously purchased MYO slot that you would like to make an edit to!
NOTE: Please make sure to resubmit your Medi-Borg for reapproval when editing an existing design!

➤ Add a Rare trait
15 Pills

➤ Add a Mythic trait
30 Pills

➤ Convert to Malfunctioning
20 Pills

➤ Convert to Toxic
40 Pills

Special Offers

Custom Medi-Borg
(By Silver) - 120 Pills

* Limited offer - 1 Slot currently available!

Custom Medi-Borg
Made off-base
Designed by mod Silver
(No MYO Slot Needed)
(Medi-Borg designs only)

How to Earn Pills

- Rules for Earning Pills -

  • Pills can only be earned on artwork and literature with the central focus on an approved character from our Medi-Borg species.

  • Pills may only be earned on artwork or literature created by yourself (unless you are commissioning a species admin)

  • You may not earn Pills from any work that you are paid to make.

  • You may not earn Pills from art using someone else’s base (your own self-made base is fine!)

  • Only artwork and literature made after this system was implemented on 7/8/2020 is eligible to earn Pills. Do not submit old works!

  • Drawing someone else's Medi-Borg requires permission from the owner before drawing or writing about them. Some people don’t want their characters to be used by others, and that’s okay! (Our species mascots Eva and Tetra are always free to draw without permission!)

- Ways to Earn Pills -

  • Draw art of a Medi-Borg you own

  • Draw art of a Medi-Borg someone else owns (there is a small bonus for drawing someone else's Medi-Borg, but make sure to get permission from the owner first!)

  • Commission one of our species admins to draw any Medi-Borg

  • Write literature featuring a Medi-Borg as the main focus

- Want to know exactly how many Pills you'll earn? -

How to Purchase with Pills

Submitting your work for Pills and making purchases with your Pills are both done in the #pharmacy-and-pills channel in our Discord server!There you will find submission forms in the pinned message for both submitting works and making purchases.Please contact mod Ama (blushingbats#0383) if you have any difficulties or further questions about using the Pills system!

Pills Earnings Breakdown

Want to know more specifically how many Pills various works may earn?
Look no further, the earnings are fully explained below!

When you submit a piece of work to earn Pills on, a species admin will assess your work and judge the amount of Pills it is able to earn. If you think there is an error in the amount of Pills you earn, please contact mod Ama (blushingbats#0383)!

Personal Artwork

Drawing artwork of a Medi-Borg that belongs to you

Headshot / Bust

Headshots are counted when the character is drawn from the neck up.
Busts are counted when the character is drawn from the chest up, without any hands present.

1 - 3 Pills

Uncolored: 1 Pill
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Halfbodies are counted when around half the character is drawn. This includes: around the chest and up if hands are present, from the waist up, and from the thighs up.

2 - 4 Pills

Uncolored: 2 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Fullbodies are counted when the majority of the character is drawn. This includes: below the knees and up, and the entire character from head to toe.

3 - 5 Pills

Uncolored: 3 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill

Gift Artwork

Drawing artwork of a Medi-Borg that belongs to someone else

Headshot / Bust

Headshots are counted when the character is drawn from the neck up.
Busts are counted when the character is drawn from the chest up, without any hands present.

2 - 4 Pills

Uncolored: 2 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Halfbodies are counted when around half the character is drawn. This includes: around the chest and up if hands are present, from the waist up, and from the thighs up.

3 - 5 Pills

Uncolored: 3 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Fullbodies are counted when the majority of the character is drawn. This includes: below the knees and up, and the entire character from head to toe.

4 - 6 Pills

Uncolored: 4 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill

Admin Commission Artwork

Commissioning one of our species admins to draw a Medi-Borg

Headshot / Bust

Headshots are counted when the character is drawn from the neck up.
Busts are counted when the character is drawn from the chest up, without any hands present.

2 - 4 Pills

Uncolored: 2 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Halfbodies are counted when around half the character is drawn. This includes: around the chest and up if hands are present, from the waist up, and from the thighs up.

3 - 5 Pills

Uncolored: 3 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill


Fullbodies are counted when the majority of the character is drawn. This includes: below the knees and up, and the entire character from head to toe.

4 - 6 Pills

Uncolored: 4 Pills
+ Flat colors: +1 Pill
+ Shading: +1 Pill

Add ons / Extra Pills

➤ Backgrounds: + 1 - 3 Pills

Very simple backgrounds or borrowed elements will not be eligible for extra Pills.
Self-produced backgrounds will earn Pills based on complexity, effort, and finish.

➤ Animations: + 1 - 5 Pills

Very simple animations may not be eligible for extra Pills.
Animations will earn Pills based on number of frames and amount of movement.

➤ Extra Views: + 1 - 3 Pills

These are alternate views, usually extra views of a character's details, such as seen on reference sheets.
Extra views will earn Pills based on complexity, effort, and finish.

➤ Props / Objects: + 1 - 4 Pills

Props include items (both being held or separate from the character) or background elements that exist without a full background (such as sitting on a chair without an existing area surrounding it).
Props and items will earn Pills based on complexity, effort, and finish.

➤ Event Bonus: + 1.5x Pills

Special events such as our Art Fight Participation event or our Halloween Costume Contests will earn a bonus of 1.5x the total amount of Pills as usual!


Writing literature featuring a Medi-Borg as the main focus

1 Pill per 200 words written

Custom Medi-Borg
(By Nyxium) - 120 Pills

* Currently sold out - check back for restock!

Custom Medi-Borg
Made on this base by DesireeU
Designed by Nyxium
(No MYO Slot Needed)
(Medi-Borg designs only)

Custom Bag or Weapon
(By Nyxium) - 40 Pills

* Limited offer - 2 Slots currently available!

A custom medical bag or weapon
For pre-existing designs only
Designed by Nyxium
(Can be for an unapproved MYO
to be included upon approval)

Mini Custom Medi-Borg
(By Nyxium) - 65 Pills

* Limited offer - 1 Slot currently available!

A mini custom Medi-Borg
Made on this base by aokanio
Designed by Nyxium
(No MYO Slot Needed)
(Medi-Borg designs only)