working ontext
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  • Star Trek (all series), The Owl House, Pacific Rim, The Dragon Prince, Doctor Who/Torchwood, What We Do In The Shadows, Our Flag Means Death
  • Locked Tomb, Dungeon Meshi, This Is How We Lose The Time War, Hench, The Old Kingdom series, Tamora Pierce's work
  • Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Dwarf Fortress, World of Warcraft, Splatoon, Disco Elysium, Baldur's Gate 3
  • Ghost, Red Sun Rising, Blue Stahli, Koethe, Sleep Token
  • I'm Bear! I'm 30+ and non-binary. I'm disabled and neurodivergent, and tend to be a little shy. I have two cats, Oliver and Mia.

    I'm genderfluid/genderflux and ace/aroflux. I'm alterhuman, and I won't elaborate on that. I prefer to be referred to with no pronouns (name or descriptors only) but I accept it/its or they/them if needed.
    I'm not super interesting or remarkable, tbh, and that's how I like it!

    hello! I’m still dealing with troubles with my boy Oliver. Oliver’s diabetes is proving difficult to get under control and as a result he’s been going to the bathroom on the floor. I’m doing everything I can to get his diabetes managed but it’s going to take time.

    in the meantime, I’m trying to mitigate the issue with diapers and let him retain some freedom (I had him confined to the bathroom for several days before this) without risking damage to the house, which is not mine, and without risking my living situation. the solution at the moment is diapers and a cat onesie to keep him from removing them, which are.. both kind of expensive. and I am still living off disability. the cat diapers came out to $1.50 each, and I’m going to buy human diapers next time and cut holes instead, but I’m gonna need at least one other onesie to alternate between and that one was about $15

    I’m not starting a formal fundraiser for this for many reasons but if anyone is feeling generous I would appreciate any help with these supplies

    honestly like i get the poly(nesian) vs poly(amorous) thing, and n(on)b(lack) vs n(on)b(inary), and i’ll change to polyam or ply or enby if asked to avoid confusion, but i also need yall to know that like…its okay for one abbreviation to have multiple meanings. theres only 26 letters and we can reuse some of them, no one is “stealing” anything.

    Animal Crossing did not attack Air Conditioners.

    now that almost 300 people have agreed with my great points, i feel the need to disclose that this was prompted by a post about a physics professor writing “BDE: 69” on the whiteboard

    In oceanography there’s something called a CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth). Conductivity used to be referred to as salinity so you can imagine what happened whenever this came up

    i forget what it stands for but a lot of small farmers participate in a program where you can get boxes of fresh vegetables delivered to your house and it’s called CSA

    Community sponsored agriculture

    There’s also CP. The abbreviation’s meaning that I grew up with is also the human condition I’ve been living with since the day I was born: Cerebral Palsy.

    Imagine my concern when Tumblr’s administration was considering banning/hiding certain tags, and CP was being considered to be included in that ban, because of another common use of that abbreviation.

    CBT means both cognitive behavioral therapy and cock and ball torture.

    If you wanna be mad, though, be mad about MAP (only REALLY means multi-animator project).

    “CP” is also used as an abbreviation for “character pairing” by a lot of non english speaking artists/writers. if you go on let’s say chinese language twitter n somebody is saying “I love this CP” they’re 100% for sure saying “I love this ship” (bc let’s please remember. ship is pretty much an english exclusive term) n not “I love this child porn”. point being you have ALWAYS got to check the context of acronyms before accusing people of things

    🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

    Friendly reminder that asking your lycan partner to turn you is incredibly insensitive! Seriously can we retire this trope already? Not only is it just offensive, but no one would ever actually choose this life! Lycanthropy is a curse. Full stop.

    🐾 superhowllock69 Follow

    Ok user "moon-moon" as if that original meme wasn't created to mock pack nomenclature 🙄

    Anyway I'm not gonna touch that internalized lycanphobia with a ten foot pole. Being turned by your partner is something that can be incredibly intimate as long as both parties are consenting and the one being turned is 100% sure they want it. Literally the only downside to transforming once a month is the pain, but midol works just fine. No one with these "lycanthropy bad" takes ever wants to discuss the legitimate positives that come with this "curse" lmao.

    🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

    I'm literally reclaiming moon moon but go off I guess. Anyways turning your partner is absolutely disgusting and morally reprehensible and anyone who does it should be muzzled permanently.

    🌜 impawssible Follow

    lmao my wife literally saved my life when she turned me but i guess she should be muzzled huh? we run through the woods hunting deer together and can each haul in groceries in one trip now, but nooo she's obviously a danger to society because she cares enough about me to help me when insurance wouldn't cover my medicine

    also it was confirmed that the creator of that meme literally makes and sells silver bullets so if you still wanna use moon moon for yourself that certainly is a choice. source: (X)

    🦴 pupperoni Follow

    I love that instead of naming the more common benefits of lycanthropy, you mentioned that you and your wife can carry all the groceries in one trip. I think that's definitely a positive that gets overlooked far too often and I commend you for speaking your truth, sir

    🌜 impawssible Follow

    lol thanks but I'm a woman 😅

    🦴 pupperoni Follow


    🦇 count-fuckula Follow

    Plus werewolf blood tastes way better and is as filling as 10 humans 👍

    🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

    Oh my GOD you vampblr freaks will just flock to anything. It clearly says "vamps DNI" in my bio!

    🐾 superhowllock Follow

    lmaoooo of course you're a vampire exclusionist

    🌕 daddy-fenris Follow

    wasn't OP the same guy who said fursuits were offensive to lycanthropes and doxxed a werewolf fursuiter?

    🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

    They ARE offensive and harmful to this community and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They perpetuate harmful depictions of what a humanoid wolf is actually like.

    🌜 impawssible Follow

    me when I dox someone for making candy colored animal costumes that look nothing like what a real werewolf does

    🦴 pupperoni Follow


    🌕 daddy-fenris Follow


    its a shame spock wasnt raised on earth bc vulcan children were vicious with their insults “you have no place in the universe” “your father’s a traitor and your mother’s a whore”

    meanwhile kids on earth would just be like


    star trek heritage post (March 31st, 2014)

    Welcome. Welcome to Tumblr.


    You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining social networking websites. I thought so much of Tumblr that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors.

    I have been proud to call Tumblr my home.

    And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to Tumblr. It’s safer here.


    “Don’t like❤️ any gifsets, they put something in them, to make you queue up. I don’t even remember my last 40 posts.”


    …They’re always reblogging but they never post… and the ones that do post…they never reply… you never see them follow… they’re always liking… no one ever queues but they’re always… they’re always reblogging but they never post…


    Hey, reblog this post.


    ˢᵒᴼᵒᴸᴬᵀ ʸʸʸʸʸʸᴮ! ᴴᴴʰᴴʰᴴᴴᴬᴬᴬᴬ!
    ᴳⁿᴺᴺᴺᴵᴺᴱᴾᴾᴬᴴ ᴱᴮ ᵀᴺᴬᵃᴬᶜ ˢᴵⁱⁱⁱᴴᵀ!!