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i couldn’t even appreciate the artistry behind the clothing designs this year at the met gala because my bitterness and anger toward the exorbitantly wealthy has grown too much to be contained i try to say ooo pretty gown but all the black hateful bile starts oozing out from under the lid of its container. 7 months of genocide and the largest homeless camps my city has ever seen and food banks in the universities and baby formula locked behind glass and stomach gnawing guilt over a $7 latte and rent is always late and always behind on electricity bills uh ohhhh summer is here time for another wild fire. oooo pretty gown. the next met gala theme will be bear spray and what happens is i bear spray inside the gallery. i can’t even force a sort of healthy detachment anymore like “haha oh well i guess that movie actor is rich it’s not like they’re an ultra wealthy bazillionaire oooo pretty gown” they’re all worms to me vile beasts i look at them in their isolated imagine john lennon covid song bubble and i feeeeeel the milk of human kindness curdling within me. how can you smile at the camera. we are all dying girl. isn’t there a protest not even a block away from you guys? protesters and riot cops and homeless ppl in the streets. i guess that’s unfair you guys deserve a night of glitz and glamour and getting away from it all as if you’re not constantly away from it all. girl we are dying. sick sick world. sick dying world. anyway i didn’t watch the met gala this year


light memoryteartearimage

light memory by tear (2023, Ambient)


Images showing how chilchuck sees his party members from his perspective. His eye level for Laios and Marcille are about crotch/lower belly height, for Senshi is about chest (beard) height, for izutsumi is upper belly height.ALT
Tallmen and Half-foot heigh perspectives. showing how a half-foot sees tallmen. And an image of a tallmen standing besides a huge person, supposedly how it would be for a tallmen, from a similar perspective of a half-foot, seeing someone almost twice as tall.ALT
Comparison between a half-foot adult and a tallmen child, they're about the same height but the half-foot has bigger ears, longer limbs and a less round face.ALT
Comparisson between half-foot and tallmen holding their respective babies, the half-foot baby is very small in the tallmen hands and the tallmen baby is very big in the half-foot arms.ALT

Dungeon Meshi - Half-foots

source 1 | source 2



hey reminder to continue boycotting eurovision and instead turn your eyes on gaza where the last media outlet al jazeera has just been shut down so that Israel can launch its attack on the most densely populated area in the world without scrutiny. Dont stop talking about Palestine



when i was a kid my parents bought me an inflatable doll of the Scream by Edvard Munch (??) that was significantly taller than i was at the time and i used to slow-dance with it and pretend it was my boyfriend. It had its hands attached to its head obviously so it felt like he was always a bit horrified to be forced to dance with me


i didn’t need no imaginary friends i had Screaming Joe right here !

now i know i try not to talk about my guilt or regret or humiliation or whatever. but rest assured. it IS there


which of these (non-disney/dreamworks) western animated childhood classic is your favorite?

the last unicorn (1982)

the secret of nimh (1982)

anastasia (1997)

the land before time (1988)

an american tail (1986)

watership down (1978)

ferngully: the last rainforest (1992)

thumbelina (1994)

the swan princess (1994)

osmosis jones (2001)

quest for camelot (1998)

charlotte’s web (1973)

shoutout to don bluth for creating almost half of this list. also sorry if your favorite isn’t on here but also i don’t really care because it’s my poll. <333




Parrot waxcap (Gliophorus psittacinus)


“Freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) preying on a juvenile freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
Photo by David Woods


Freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) preying on a juvenile freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis) in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Photo by David Woods

i just saw such an image of a character,. they should put me down



ohh my god a teenager online posted something that reveals a less than perfectly developed understanding of the world around them? should we tell everyone? should we screenshot it and share it everywhere so we can pat ourselves on the back for being so much wiser than Kids These Days? should we invite a boomer comic artist

you will never convince me that a middle schooler with no rights who gets flustered talking about sex is the heart of the global rise in reactionary sentiment we’re dealing with right now and not senator john segregation who drafts 300 anti trans laws a day and wants that middle schooler to die in childbirth


they’re adding a new chamber to my heart tomorrow



Alive ecosystem. Peaceful bacterias