Nekioka's art blog

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’m taking part in Brrrdcember challenge created by BingyBongo over at DA (or bingy_bongo over at IG if you prefer to use that), here’s first 10 days!

Please check the full view!

brrrdcember bird art my art common merganser magpie barnacle goose jackdaw eurasian blue tit whooper swan sandhill crane eurasian jay white tailed eagle ring necked pheasant the texts show names of the birds both in English and my native Finnish

I’m going to join Art Fight again this year, not sure how many attacks I’ll manage to make but I’ll try my best! I’ll probably join team vampire.

This year I feel like drawing some blood and gore so here’s a hitlist for that (you can also fill it if you want just regular art)

art fight not art also if any of my followers are going to participate in art fight please leave a link because i want to check your characters! completely unrelated to rest of the post but next chapter of 'seven is a lucky number' is almost done I just need to edit some things and translate it

I’ve been very busy lately and it seems I’ll keep being busy but for an exciting reason! I got a table in Zine Fest! Now I just need to finish drawing the zines 😂

Since I didn’t want to keep neglecting tumblr here’s art relating to one of my stories: “Our days are numbered”.

pixel art limited palette original character our days are numbered and then all the character tags oh boy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Very creative naming ikr