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Help a disabled trans guy get on hrt!!

Hello! I'm finally able to go on hrt without my parents involved but I still need to save up $610 for it, I am unable to work and don't qualify for disability aid so I've got $5+ PWYW commissions open! The link to the form is in my description

please consider reblogging this, especially if you can't buy, it would mean the world to me, I dont know how long I can keep going without this


[image ID:

First image: A furry purple dragon with a few blue stripes, patches of yellow scales, medium length green hair on half of its head and big green scales on stars belly and along the front of its back leg. It is smiling, showing its pointy yellow teeth, head tilted towards its tail, stars got its left front leg up as to highlight some text. The text is separated into two yellow bubbles, one is darker and has wiggly edges and reads: PWYW comms in bubble text, PWYW is colored in a gradient between an orange and a muted light blue. The other is lighter and reads: help me get on hrt!!. There is also an even lighter colored bubble in the top right corner on the other side of the dragon's head which reads: $5+ in another bubble form. They are against a darker and more saturated green than the dragon background.

Second image: A step by step guide to the commission process. It is titled The Process at the top, under it are a series of 4 sketched out simulated text messages which each have arrows pointing at them with more information about that step. The first one is pointing to a letter icon to the left which is labeled you, it contains a sketch of a more detailed message which contains an image of a somewhat alien looking little guy with a button up shirt with short sleeves subtitled blorbo.png and reads: - He is silly (x$). It is labeled 1 in a small circle under its point. Its arrow reads: request trough artistree. It has a subpoint which reads: include reference images, how much youre paying, and optionally a bit about the character/s you want drawn (I may simplify them! let me know if you don't want that and/or any details I should keep). The second one is pointing at a sketch of the character in my profile picture, a guy with a short mohawk and mullet hybrid hairstyle and pointed ears grinning. It reads: I will draw him. Its arrow reads: commission approval. It has a subpoint which reads: I will look through your request and approve it or ask additional questions. It is labeled 2 in a small circle under its point. The third one is pointing to the left and reads: payment and has a money bag icon after it. Its arrow reads: payment through your preferred payment method. The third one is pointing to the right and contains an image of the little guy smiling so wide with his tongue out holding up two peace signs with his hands that are pointing slightly downwards. Its arrow reads: finished piece in 1-2 days.

Third image: A full body drawing of a thin, extremely pale person facing right and shakily holding up a too-big sword. They have shoulder length dark brown hair, a panicked expression and several scars across their face. He is wearing a skin tight black turtleneck and leggings and some large beige short sleeves and a small skirt of the same material under a darker beige chest piece that is attached with leather straps over his shoulders and has a simple circular pattern and a big belt holding everything in place. It is also wearing chunky leather gloves and some plain but still fancy leather heeled boots.

Fourth image: A knee up drawing of a fat, tan bird person holding up her wings which have a set of three talon looking fingers on the end of her wing arms. She has a big nose and a little bit of facial hair, upper back length deep blue hair which goes over her right eye and a slightly wing looking bunch of feathers where her ear would be. She is smiling and looking to her left although she is facing to her right. She is wearing a light yellow tank top with a stylized wing design that is mostly hidden by her left wing and some somewhat oversized darker yellow shorts. Her wings and tail feathers are a colorful mix of blues, with a very light, almost white yellow and a darker, less saturated brown.

Fifth image: A sketchy waist up painting of an aquatic bat like creature that has a bit of a horse like head, smiling with some pointy teeth poking out and holding its left paw up to say hi. It is a desaturated blue with some darker blue markings on its shoulders and a desaturated yellow circular marking with a thinner more saturated, lighter blue around it. It has a wooly mane and a purple heart shaped nose with yellow stripes above it. Its ears are circular with purple insides and have a wooly tuft in them. It has glowing blank white eyes with gills under them on its cheeks as well as an antenna with a drop shaped bright blue glowing tip. Its paw is clawed with a grippy texture and some bluer webbing between the fingers, there are three yellow stripes below it, on its arm and a darker purple bat wing like membrane with yellow stripes coming from it to the side.

Sixth image: A lineless drawing of a dark greyish blue dog like creature wearing a lab coat facing left and smiling unnaturally wide, revealing some pure white pointy teeth and a faint neon green glow coming from inside its mouth. The fur at the top of xes head is slicked back and has a neon green stripe. Its ears are pointed up and are the same green inside of them. Xe's got three drop shaped markings around its glowing green eye with a white pupil, and another bigger drop shaped glowing green marking on the base of xes neck. Its nose is also green.

End ID]


the only thing keeping me from getting this life saving treatment is lack of money. it costs nothing and takes no effort to reblog this. I would not be posting this if I had ANY other option to get this money

Pinned Post art artists on tumblr digital art disabled artist trans artist illustration oc artist fanartist art commisions art commissions open art comms open emergency commissions has id

As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:


It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.

Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.


I'm going to either find or make my own post about this but I'm a street medic, I was trained by the Black Rose organization medical branch during Occupy and have since done my own research with papers written for and by the cops and military about treating chemical agent exposure. this is correct, please do not use milk. I'm not sure about distilled water because I haven't seen it used in any papers or ok the ground, but my suspicion is that while it is probably not harmful, the osmotic qualities of distilled water may hurt or cause contact damage to the mucus membranes of the eyes. in addition, riot control chemicals are mostly designed to be water-activated and plain water will make the exposure sites hurt worse with minimal benefit besides flushing out any particles that aren't glued on with the oil medium they use for these agents.

in at least one study, the research on tear gas and pepper spray exposure showed that plain water was so painful that most cops who volunteered to be test subjects for treatment trials refused to use it, opting instead to just wait until they could shower or for the chemicals to degrade on their own. this is a pretty important indicator of both cops being mega pussies, and that plain water isn't very effective at treating riot control chemical injuries.

the substance that tested best in multiple trials was sterile buffered saline solution. in other words, the same stuff that comes in the squirt bottles for cleaning your contact lenses. this is a useful tool to carry into a protest because the squirt bottle makes it easy to direct the flow of water over the surface of the eyeball. trials also showed that putting this solution into your eyes prior to exposure cut down on discomfort quite a bit. in practice, this looks like putting in some clean eye drops from the drug store before you are exposed to riot weapons.

remember, if you are injured in a protest, call "medic!" out loud and street medics will find you. this has been standard protest practice for decades.

onions and milk and vinegar should not go in your eyes. I've seen all three recommended for tear gas treatment and I do not think they are a good idea or that they will work. stick to sterile saline or LAW (liquid antacid + water).


consider carrying an osha-approved eyewash bottle for easier application

also, please wear a helmet and buy a gas mask


[ ID: Photo of an eyewash bottle. /End ID ]


"Narcissists only care about themselves" is probably the biggest lie ever spread about our condition. At the end of the day we care about our presentation in the eye of another. Narcissists literally care about everyone around us and what they think first, ourselves - second. I swear some of you all hear "narcissist" and imagine some Gotham-style mastermind pulling all the strings when most of us are very much on a tight, suffocating leash of social fulfillment and satisfaction.


NPD is like people pleasing to a debilitating degree. God FORBID I do something to upset you the idea that my presence could be percieved negatively will kill me.


When South Africa dismantled apartheid, it did not end with the expulsion of all white South Africans. They became part of the new South Africa, just without the criminal discriminatory oligarchic powers the apartheid goverment had. When Bolivia recognized its indigenous heritage and became a plurinational state, it did not mean that people of European descent were expelled in masse. It meant the recognition of the previously discriminated indigenous and mestizo people of Bolivia and the beginning of a path of integration and revalidation.

What I mean is that it's ridiculous to think that decolonization inherently means mass suffering and relocation, that's what colonization does. Decolonization is recognizing the crimes of colonization, but more importantly, material, political and social steps to give power and self-determination to the exploited native people who were victims of colonialism and imperialism.

In multicultural societies, you don't go like in that Peter Griffin meme with a skin tone chart and saying 'well, you go back to Europe, you go back to Africa, you stay here'. You build a new society on the paradigm of dignity for exploited people and equality under the law. People are acting like this is some sort of fantastic utopia instead of real initiatives that were done in living memory, with successes and failures, as all such initiatives have. One must ask why are some so insistent that multicultural societies can't thrive, especially when for most of history, societies were indeed like that. Consider why you think like that.


okay, you know what? Running away shouldn’t be a crime. It shouldn’t be dangerous, either. Any kid should be able to leave their parents if they want, for any reason. No I’m not kidding.

“But Rue, where will these kids stay? Do you want them on the streets?”

of course not. In an ideal world, a kids would have multiple adults other than their parents they could look to for care, but I recognize that that will never be a reality for every single child. So: youth shelters, if they have nowhere else to go. There should be clean, warm shelters where anyone under 18 can stay for as long as they need, no questions asked. (And of course shelters that aren’t just for kids, but we’re talking about youth rights right now)

“But Rue,” I hear you say, “what if some moody teenager runs away after an argument?”

First of all, I’d rather a thousand moody teenagers run away than one abused child be trapped. Second, so what if one does? A kid needs time away from their parents, so they leave. The vast majority of them will get some time to cool down and then go back home, and if they don’t want to go back, period? Then nine times out of ten, they have a good reason. (Because yes, as hard as it is for you to believe, kids are humans who have common sense.)

“Okay, but what about the one time out of ten the kid doesn’t have a good reason?”

Then the kid doesn’t have a good reason. It doesn’t change anything. If someone wants to break up with their partner because of something stupid, you wouldn’t say they legally shouldn’t be able to. (And if you would, then you’re just a bad person.) No one should have to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, that they don’t want to be in.


things people have done to help me during a psychoses episode

  • i was on the buss and i hallucinated bugs crawling all over my hands, so my friend pulled my hoodie sleeves over them with permission and held my hands through the sleeves to "keep them off". they used the logic you would in a real bug situation.
  • i went nonverbal in a bad one in class, so my friend wrote me a note to give to the nurse since the teacher wouldn't let her go with me.
  • i often am very paranoid about the delusion that meat is actually rotten, so my dad will sometimes eat a bit of it before me
  • instead of telling me my delusions arent real, they help me through it using logic like it was real. they dont tell me that nothings going to hurt me in my sleep, they stay with me to keep me safe. then when it passes i can realize its not real

This is how you help people. I will never ever fathom how anyone can think it's a good idea to tell someone with a mental disorder or neurodivergence that what we're experiencing isn't real. Real is subjective.