• Pedophiles, MAPs, and anything similar

  • LGBT-phobes (homophobes, transphobes, etc.)

  • Racist or xenophobic

  • Glorify nazis or any form of fascism/antisemitism

  • younger than 15*

  • Proshippers, antishippers, anti-antis, pretty much any shipcourse stuff


  • I am a 17 year old.

  • I do swear sometimes.

  • My content can contain gore/body horror, bright colors, and sensitive topics. I will try my best to censor these things but I can be forgetful.

  • I have objectum (platonic and romantic) and if that offends you, well that’s sad. Maybe go to a different account then.

  • I like dark, raunchy, and self-deprecating humor which may be uncomfortable to some. I won’t jokes about super serious stuff though.

  • I’m too socially inept to start conversations with strangers. I’ll most likely respond to you if I’m comfortable enough or if it’s business related.

  • I tend to use rhetoric(al questions) when talking.

  • I have inconsistent periods of being inactive and very active, so I may spam post occastionally!


  • I’m not comfortable talking to people who are a lot younger than me (15 or younger usually).

  • Just because I’m nice to you doesn’t mean I’m friends with you… Unless we have the same interests, then we’re cool!

  • Please don’t refer to me as a “pop designer/artist”, since it makes me feel paranoid about my own work! (As if I’ll ever get to that point lol)

Please Interact!!

  • Will Wood fans

  • SFW objectum people

  • Honestly anyone who has a similar interest as me…

(Please note that I DO NOT support any bad behavior from anyone/anything that is in my interests)General
- Character designing
- Art (in general)
- Web design
- World building
- Obscure websites
- spec-evolution
- Thought experiments
- Dystopian stuff
- Science (bio., comp., psych.)
- Robotics history
- Bones
- Space age era/Space Race history
Musical Artist
- Will Wood and his other projects (WWATT, Sterosexuals, Jamface, etc.)
- Lemon Demon
- IDKHow
- Jack Stauber
- Oingo Boingo
- Tally Hall and similar bands (currently into Miracle Musical stuff)
- Devo
- Talking Heads
- The Beatles (I like Ringo)
- Susumu Hirasawa/Kaku P-Model
- Glass Animals
- Human Zoo
- Project Moon games (Limbus Company, Lobotomy Corp, Library of Ruina)
- Fate & Grand Order
- Will you Snail?
- Papa Louie games
- Little Big Planet
- Toontown Corp. Crash
- Pizza Tower
- Miitopia
- Portal
- Touhou
- Smile For Me
- Pokemon (my fav is Morgrem & Grimsnarl)
- Splatoon
- Osmosis Jones (the movie only)
- Robots (2005)
- HBO CrashBox
- Almost any silent film
- Electric Dreams (1984)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Re-Animator
- Wall-E
- Some Tim Burton films
- Gregory Horror Show
- Whatever Happened to… Robot Jones?
- Videodrome
- Electronics
- Humanoid robots
- Medical equipment
- Vintages/antique objects
- Humanoid shaped objects (statues, mannequins, etc.)
- Shears/scissors
- Abstract objects
- Spacecrafts
Fictional Characters
- Brian/Prethinker (TTCC)
- Misty Monsoon/Rainmaker (TTCC)
- Holly Grayelle/Gatekeeper (TTCC)
- Mr. Nobody (DC/Doom Patrol)
- Squid (Will You Snail?)
- Gregor (Limbus Company)
- Randal Ivory (Randal's Friends)
- Catherine (GHS)
- Dr. Fritz (GHS)
- Hell’s Chef (GHS)
- Dr. Phage (Awful Hospital)
- Crash (Awful Hospital)
- Climber (Endzone)
- Vincenzo “Vinny” Santorini (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
- Diesel Springer (Robots 2005)
- Adrian Crick (The Prescription)
- Psychiatrist (Katana Zero)

They/he/she | aro/aceI’m a entity with a brain full of tapeworms that likes drawing, making characters, telling stories, or whatever that the neurons in my lobes process.QnA and Records here

QnA (me)What is your gender?
Genderfluid with a quantum physics flair, I guess.
When is it your birthday?
July 12.
Where are you from?
The United States.
What is your ethnicity?
SE Asian.
What languages do you speak?
English only, but I can understand a little bit of Spanish.
What’s with the worm motifs?
I generally like wormy things, also Will Wood kinda got me into the B&W worms motif!
Do you actually have tapeworms?
QnA (art)What programs do you use?
Ibis Paint X on mobile and my bare fingers mostly. I also use MS Paint and FireAlpaca when I’m my on my PC. I’ve also used KidPix but only when I'm feeling silly.
Can I use your art as my profile picture?
Yes! With credit.
Can I use your art for studies or inspiration?
Yes please!! No permission required!
Are your commissions open?
Usually never but I may take a few depending on how busy I am.
Can we do an art trade?
Hell yeah! Contact me so we can discuss about it!
QnA (characters)Can I draw your characters?
Yes please!! Let me know if you do!
Are there any rule when drawing your characters?
- No heavily changing their features like body type and skin tone.
- No genderbending.
- Don’t use them for illegal or offensive reasons.
- Treat them nice!
Am I allowed to… your characters?
Almost anything is allowed as long as it’s isn’t illegal or offensive. You can always ask me about this if you’re uncertain about it!
QnA (adopts)Where do you host your adopts?
Toyhou.se only!
How often do you host adopts?
Rarely, usually when I feel like it.
Can I be pinged?
- Second and first place in a middle school bookmark contest
- Guest artist for Centirolls (January 2023)
- Second place winner for Mignyan emoji contest (April 2023)
- Guest artist for Pocket Pals (December 2023)